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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Merih;1503309; said:
With even squads it looks like either set is pretty good...I hope if your team is a juggernaut going up against a not so good team you still will be able to beat up on them, realistically.

That's the key with any sliders. Got to play crappy teams to make sure you can still beat them up good (but not too good) even teams should be evenly matched and when you go up against teams better than you, you should have a tough time.

Just keep working them so us PS3 guys can steal them from you :biggrin:
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Piney;1503313; said:
That's the key with any sliders. Got to play crappy teams to make sure you can still beat them up good (but not too good) even teams should be evenly matched and when you go up against teams better than you, you should have a tough time.

Just keep working them so us PS3 guys can steal them from you :biggrin:

Go take you PS3 bug only infested game elsewhere! lol
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Official sliders
Game 1: 21-19ish
Game 2: 36-14 at halftime, two missed chipshots for ill

Halftime stats
10-22 225 2 td 0 int
17-25 220 2 td 0 into

14 att 90 yds 2 tds
10 att 37 yds 0 td

Game 3 coming up with merih sliders
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I tried your sliders with the official passing sliders and it was too effective downfield.
Merih;1503294; said:
What do you see as the main gameplay difference between the official ones and the ones I labbed up?

I think the run game is pretty hard in my sliders, thats the main thing I was unhappy with.
My issue with your sliders is the running game is too poor and so is the opposing qb.

The official sliders are a little too effective as passers. If 15 is halfway between both, let's try that.

Can you play when you get home?

It is really too bad they've become so sloppy at ea with sliders, camera, etc... Because this has the capacity to be a great game.

Its infuriating for a guy like me (who likes to occasionally use his feet to set up throws) to have the camera go beserk on the sidelines. Rolling out but stopping to throw halts the spinning camera and throws off everyone's equilibrium.
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Alright, I'll get home and adjust the passing, and I'll bump run ratings by 5. If the runblk goes over 50, however, beware because then all kickoffs will be taken back for scores.

Do you feel like your pash rush against the cpu was effective enough?
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I think its crucial to create a decent running game with these sliders, particularly with the pre play shifts that can stuff the run.
Merih;1503380; said:
That's alott of yardage at halftime...anemic defenses? Who were the teams you're playing with?

Ill, sharks

One 60 yard run wouldve been about 8 vs a human. Martez Wilson ran alongside me as I got around the corner with my power back.

Another was a 50+ yard rollout bomb to my star on a deep slant route. Not really a sign of bad d, just a well timed rollout and covering too long.
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Trial run for sliders, merih and I see using our dyn teams in a test match. Comments:

Hoover drive stalls in endzone, FH good

Miami works it downfield with balance. td.

Hoover 3 n out.

Miami stalls in redzone. Scores on fake FH.

Hoover 3 n out, pin Miami deep.

Trade punts.

Bad lag issues hampering play.

Miami drives downfield, runs in td, but steps out a inch line. Qb sneak fails. 4th down manual sneak attempt somehow throws wide instead of running. Stopped at inch line.

Injured his qb :lol: Hoover putting together a drive.

These sliders are great.
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Miami 37

19-25 311 yds 2 td
18 72 4.0 ypc 1 yd

Hoover 22

13 33 188 yds 2 td 0 int
5 7 108 yds 1 td 0 int
9 27 3.0 ypc 0 td

Sliders worked great imo. The first half blowout was more user than slider driven.

Just got to finalize west canaan and we're ready.
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jwinslow;1503507; said:
he first half blowout was more user than slider driven.

Fuck you...going for fake field goals like your Steve Spurrior...lol but yeah the sliders are great. Balanced and provide fun...makes it so that your strategy and stick skills are on the test as opposed to computer abuse. Jwins can you post up the "final" slider settings so the rest of the guys can practice with them a bit. Oh and so the PS3 guys can steal them from us?
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