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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

About to be on my way home...anything special I gotta do when I get there? My comp is in a diff room than my system so I can't check back and forth all the time and typing on XBOX live is painfully slow...I need a usb keyboard
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Will do, Iron. Thanks. I have it figured out, but then I'd play redbenn25 (he of the receiving end of FSU's dominance) in week 1. :lol: We are on opposite coasts for a reason.

Merih, just send me an invite to play our OD game. I should hear it beep when you do.
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I think I may finally have it:

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jwinslow;1504091; said:
Will do, Iron. Thanks. I have it figured out, but then I'd play redbenn25 (he of the receiving end of FSU's dominance) in week 1. :lol: We are on opposite coasts for a reason.

Merih, just send me an invite to play our OD game. I should hear it beep when you do.

See if this works out.

Allenville plays Kilpatrick in week 2. Allenville drops Springfield week 3. Springfield picks up Kilpatrick week 9.

And, redbenn doesn't have to play you. :wink2:
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I just started this thread here on OS asking for help:
Locked out of my own online dynasty - Operation Sports Forums

Abridged version:

- Want to delete online dynasty, but can't access it.
- 'Continue dynasty' screen never loads, 'servers not available, want to retry?' :bonk:

I could have retired from the dynasty the other day, but I decided to 'throw out results' from my game with Merih. He just logged in and it didn't register the 'throw out' :smash:, so he can't invite me.
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I think that was the old dynasty. I retired the original one, then made a new one with our updated rosters & your new stadium.

Did it tell you I retired AFTER our full game?
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In theory, you could set this up for us and run the dynasty, but I'd like to find a solution to this problem before progressing, or you might have it happen in the middle a season and restarting means throwing out some user results from that week.
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