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2024 Season: Are You Ready For Some Football?

College football win total projections: Updated 2024 marks in SEC, Big Ten

How oddsmakers expect the SEC and Big Ten title races to shake out.​



No elite program made more power moves in terms of talent accumulation this spring than the Buckeyes. Ohio State went from College Football Playoff threat to one of the national title favorites given the roster and coaching staff additions accomplished by Ryan Day. On top of securing one of the nation's top transfer classes with Alabama All-American safety Caleb Down, Ole Miss standout ball carrier Quinshon Judkins and multi-year Kansas State starting quarterback Will Howard, the Buckeyes also quickly replaced newly-hired offensive coordinator Bill O'Brien with UCLA head coach Chip Kelly.


Just sayin': scUM < 9.5 wins = easy money......:boogie:

Parlay the Buckeyes Over with the scummer's Under and enjoy a nice vacation
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DBB: Hey I know, let's break down the 2024 schedule by the numbers!

Phil Steele's preseason rankings of all 139 FBS (they really need to change that now) teams were used for this. As tedious as Phil Steele is about having the most "accurate" preseason magazine; the truth is that he really does. While no preseason ranking is perfect; the good ones do give you a vague idea of the quality of the opponents, and Steele's is marginally better than the rest.

Bad News First: The Buckeyes play two top-5 teams; both of them on the road. That, to me makes this a very tough schedule to go undefeated against, but undefeated is no longer that big a deal. Just get into the playoff and win your last game: that's the task.

Best News (In my opinion): The Buckeyes do not play back to back road games this year at any point.

Best News that is very specific to the Buckeyes: Looking back over the last few years, it appears to me that the Buckeyes have been a very slow-starting team, season-wise. This year, (as others have already observed), the Buckeyes have a near-perfect runway to start the year leading up to the "toughest" game of the year (at least according to Steele's rankings). Starting with Akron, the worst team on the schedule, the Buckeyes then move up double-digits in the rankings every week until they get to Oregon: Six Straight Weeks of Manageable Increases in Competition. While the game at the end of that is against a top-3 team involving the longest travel of the year, the lead up to it is absolutely tailor made for a slow starting team.

While the above seems to bode well for a good performance against the Ducks, the truth is that it probably doesn't even matter. This Buckeye team will be in the playoffs either way.

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Calculating Ohio State football wins needed for College Football Playoff at-large bid

The Ohio State football team has no excuse for not making the new 12-team CFP. Here's how many wins they need to get there.

The Ohio State football team has one of the best rosters in all of college football. It's pretty clear that they are a true contender to win a national championship. While they have only made the College Football Playoff once in the last three years, that shouldn't be an issue in 2024.

That's because the Playoff expands to 12 teams for the first time. This probably won't be the only time that the CFP expands either. It'll probably get up to 16 teams at some point because presidents and athletic directors can't stop grabbing as much money as they can even if it's not for the betterment of the sport.

The Buckeyes just let the last game of the season keep them out of the four-team Playoff multiple times over the past few years. They haven't been able to beat Michigan. 11 wins just weren't enough. How many wins do the Buckeyes need to have to make it this year?

Where will the 10 wins for the Ohio State football team come from in 2024?​

10 wins should be enough to get the Ohio State football team into the College Football Playoff this year. That's true as long as the two losses don't come to bad teams. Losing to Oregon and Penn State both on the road would still leave them in the CFP.
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DBB: Hey I know, let's break down the 2024 schedule by the numbers!

Phil Steele's preseason rankings of all 139 FBS (they really need to change that now) teams were used for this. As tedious as Phil Steele is about having the most "accurate" preseason magazine; the truth is that he really does. While no preseason ranking is perfect; the good ones do give you a vague idea of the quality of the opponents, and Steele's is marginally better than the rest.

Bad News First: The Buckeyes play two top-5 teams; both of them on the road. That, to me makes this a very tough schedule to go undefeated against, but undefeated is no longer that big a deal. Just get into the playoff and win your last game: that's the task.

Best News (In my opinion): The Buckeyes do not play back to back road games this year at any point.

Best News that is very specific to the Buckeyes: Looking back over the last few years, it appears to me that the Buckeyes have been a very slow-starting team, season-wise. This year, (as others have already observed), the Buckeyes have a near-perfect runway to start the year leading up to the "toughest" game of the year (at least according to Steele's rankings). Starting with Akron, the worst team on the schedule, the Buckeyes then move up double-digits in the rankings every week until they get to Oregon: Six Straight Weeks of Manageable Increases in Competition. While the game at the end of that is against a top-3 team involving the longest travel of the year, the lead up to it is absolutely tailor made for a slow starting team.

While the above seems to bode well for a good performance against the Ducks, the truth is that it probably doesn't even matter. This Buckeye team will be in the playoffs either way.

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Would have been a lot better if the Purdue game was before Pedsters. Since they're at now 2 freaking bye weeks!
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Would have been a lot better if the Purdue game was before Pedsters. Since they're at now 2 freaking bye weeks!
True enough

Both tough road games are preceded by a home game against a solid or better opponent.

Iowa before Oregon is brutal for the offense. Two of the three best defenses that the Buckeyes play on back to back weeks... That sux

And Nebraska might be a nasty trap game. I don't make predictions preseason, and this Nebraska team is why. I would not be at all surprised if they were a lot better than Steele expects them to be. In fact, if I had to bet on teams that I think Steele was wrong about, I would bet the under on the Wolverines and the Over on the Cornhuskers. I think Rhule might surprise some people this year. Playing them right before the pedsters might be a test.
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