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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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This is about what’s right and wrong. That team getting to play again is such a damn smack in the face.

I get it with the “anytime anywhere” talk and not wanting to look soft.

But let me ask you… would you play poker with a professional card counter or someone that has rigged the game?

Your question implies that you think the advantage is already baked in and cannot be undone

I simply don’t agree

There have been proposals here, like limiting TCUN practice time to account for everyone else having to spend time on counter-intelligence, that would largely level the playing field

At this point we could get drawn into a conversation about how that would be enforced or any of a thousand other rabbit holes

Problem is I’ve reached the end of my interest in the topic

But please don’t misunderstand that. The issue here is having lived with my own over-developed sense of justice all my life. Six decades of that is bloody exhausting

If the end the CUNTS’ season I wouldn’t be mad at it, and yes, I could see the justice in it. And if Ohio State lobbies for that, I’m fine with it. But if the CUNTS are allowed to play, I would rather the Buckeyes take the field. They duck us; not vice versa
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I used to respect you as a poster. You seemed knowledgeable and level headed. But now you start making ridiculous statements. If you knew anything at all about the Cheaters Up North Towards Saginaw you would know they don't require tOSU or anyone else to make them look like complete idiots. They have perfected that on their own. It's something they could do in their sleep at this point, they do it so well. :rofl:

Mea Culpa I wrote that poorly.
I meant to suggest that SCum fan base is going to suggest that Scallion was a plant. Not that tOSU sent him.
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I think espn going to the mattresses is definitely a play to limit the possibility of 2 B1G teams getting in again. Of course, they'll be ecstatic if it opens the door for a second sec team. Whatever their motivation, if they can push for the B1G to do something, I'm for it.

Keep in mind too that the TV partners have to SELL the games to advertisers. They're the ones that stand to lose money if no one gives a fuck because one team is cheating. You start talking about clauses in contracts? Yikes.

ESPN has the playoff rights, they have to air those games and they need eyes on ads. They don't need tcunt getting blown out again because they didn't have all their intel available to them.

I've only seen the one reference to it, but the B1G television partners are apparently very supportive of action being taken.

I mean that one guy on bucknuts is already out!

Seriously though, somewhere in the last 36 hours, someone was like, "Yo, these aren't the storylines we want to be talking about"

I mean, nobody fucking likes Lance Armstrong and that's where Harbaugh is headed.

They're not going to get off because of the money involved, once everyone has their heads around this who actually has money on the line? Its yikes time. There are brands to protect.
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The NCAA should step up and suspend Harbaugh and Moore for the remainder of the season and attribute it to the recruiting violations. Let them take their good old time figuring out the sign stealing BS but bake some retribution into the recruiting violation punishment that has already been deeply investigated and that they could act on now.
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“There is just a ton of frustration,” a Big Ten coach told The Athletic on Thursday morning. “Look at Jim Harbaugh’s record before this started. The guy was on the hot seat before 2021, and now he’s like the king of college football. … No doubt this all has had a profound effect.

“This guy’s being investigated for three different things now between the (alleged) illegal signal stealing, the (alleged) illegal recruiting during COVID and that investigation into the offensive coordinator and alleged computer hacking. There are guys (on that call) who could lose jobs, and then there’s this guy over here (Harbaugh) who is gonna get a new, bigger contract now, and they won’t do anything about him.”

Asked to describe the tone of the coaches’ sentiment expressed to Petitti, another Big Ten coach called it “angry” — particularly at the Big Ten’s lack of action, or even apparent interest in taking any.

“Everybody’s upset,” that coach told The Athletic. “Why is nothing being done? We want to know, what else do you need to know to take action? We (the Big Ten head coaches) want something done now. I don’t think people understand the advantage that what they’re (allegedly) doing gives you. People think, ‘OK, now that everybody knows, we all can just move on.’ Like, ‘now, it’s fair.’ Well, no, it isn’t. Not at all. This changes the way you operate. A lot of teams have been doing things a certain way for years. Now, it’s forcing you to teach your players a whole new way to communicate just for them. People think that this is just advanced scouting. This was damn near espionage.”

A third Big Ten head coach told The Athletic that this is “one of the most egregious breaches in the spirit of the game” he’s ever heard of.

“They (Michigan) have been manipulating the game and cheating the game for two-and-a-half years. To know exactly what the other team is doing, Michigan might as well have been playing with 15 guys on the field,” he said. “What’s the message the Big Ten is sending now by doing nothing? Win now, pay later? We might as well just send people to (scout) their practices and their games. It doesn’t encourage anybody to follow the rules. It’s just telling them to do the opposite and say, f— it.”
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Your question implies that you think the advantage is already baked in and cannot be undone

I simply don’t agree

There have been proposals here, like limiting TCUN practice time to account for everyone else having to spend time on counter-intelligence, that would largely level the playing field

At this point we could get drawn into a conversation about how that would be enforced or any of a thousand other rabbit holes

Problem is I’ve reached the end of my interest in the topic

But please don’t misunderstand that. The issue here is having lived with my own over-developed sense of justice all my life. Six decades of that is bloody exhausting

If the end the CUNTS’ season I wouldn’t be mad at it, and yes, I could see the justice in it. And if Ohio State lobbies for that, I’m fine with it. But if the CUNTS are allowed to play, I would rather the Buckeyes take the field. They duck us; not vice versa
Hey fair enough… and yeah I hold the opinion that they have 2 years of data that other teams simply don’t have.

Yes Connor is the one who got the data but I think they know the system know. That’s why they have looked stronger and stronger as things went on from 2021 until now. At this point they’ll just have that advantage no matter what
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