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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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I haven't seen this discussed yet in here, sorry if it has already, Zach Smith posted video of tcun against MSU last week doing something they haven't done in any other game (he said, not sure if 100% accurate or not so tifwiw) they were coming to the line as the offense, and then looking to the sidelines for the check.

Because they had to actually see the defense vs picking off the signs.

Should be pretty easy to see.

They're fucked. Let them play. It's going to be embarrassing for these fucks. Let the boy watch.
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I haven't seen this discussed yet in here, sorry if it has already, Zach Smith posted video of tcun against MSU last week doing something they haven't done in any other game (he said, not sure if 100% accurate or not so tifwiw) they were coming to the line as the offense, and then looking to the sidelines for the check.

Because they had to actually see the defense vs picking off the signs.

Should be pretty easy to see.

They're fucked. Let them play. It's going to be embarrassing for these fucks. Let the boy watch.

It's going to be hilarious because they will use stomping terrible Sparty and Purdue teams as "LOOK PROOF OUR CHEATING GAVE US NO ADVANTAGE"!

Before Penn State, IDK if they will lose, but that game is going to be a ugly slop fest.
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Now I want meetings with the B10 ADs and then Presidents.

:lol: Sue The B1G go to the SEC!!! also Sue all the news and make them reveal their anonymous sources!!!

In reply to If that happens we… by JacquesStrappe

Nothing like enjoying the morning coffee at work and reading up on their nonsense.

This one is especially great
Can't players and/or universities sue tCUN or Harbaugh specifically for lost future or past earnings?
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Interesting that you were talking salaries. I was looking into the FBI case and found a DOJ document about prosecuting computer crimes. One section was about calculating the loss involved in such crimes. I looked into Ryan Day's salary to see what he lost or potentially lost for Michigan illegally obtaining signs or the possible stollen practice facility videos. He can earn incentive-based bonuses for winning the Big Ten East ($50,000); winning the Big Ten Championship Game ($100,000); making the College Football Playoff ($200,000). For 2021 and 2022 the loss to Michigan cost Day personally $500,000. This is assuming he won the Big Ten Championship Game.

Ryan Day grievance: "The Michigan cheating cost me $500,000."
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It feels like people were kind of laying back last week and letting the information trickle out. Now, having digested what's out there, there's a groundswell calling for action. This will be very interesting to watch play out.

This isn't some free tattoos, this isn't some recruiting malfeasance, this isn't playing an ineligible player, this isn't even some clown of a coach paying for cheeseburgers on the University's card...this goes directly to the integrity of the game. You have nearly 3 seasons of a team going out there almost every week with a heavy competitive advantage...which, oh by the way, lines right up with when they stopped sucking. The media's getting loud, coaches are getting loud...people aren't going to sit back and wait for this to play out at the usual pace. An entire season is in question now. Hell, three are, but you can't take back what's already happened. You can still at least do SOMETHING about this season.
I think the pictures of brokeback pony at Sparty really crystallized what was going on. There are enough moving parts to this that unless spend some time trying to understand it, you might assume its just one of many possibilities. But once everyone saw him, rolling his best Bobby Valentine disguise, advance scouting in person on a teams sideline (presumably with his spy glasses a little orphan Annie secret decoder ring) everyone realized it wasn't just stealing signs in game or sending a couple nerds ahead to watch Ohio State one time.
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A bunch of coaches say this gave Michigan a big advantage. But because a couple of hack sports reporters say there is "NO ADVANTAGE!" thats good enough for DFBIA :lol:


Lots of genius gold in this thread

I’m tired of media and fans acting like these anonymous coaches are somehow righteous and moral, when they’re just looking for an advantage
Oh......so you don't think it's cool when somebody looks for an advantage? Please....go on.
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The minimum acceptable punishment for this season, to me, is Harbaugh and the coordinators are gone and they have to finish this season with a brand new makeshift coaching staff, not one littered with cheaters.
My thought was that the monitoring would be just a stop-gap remedy while the investigation continues to let the games be played. Punishments would be handed out once the investigation was completed and TCUN found guilty.
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