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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Plus Scum clearly is not getting it. In the midst of all of this, a scum regent is arguing with a reporter on Twitter, the scum insiders are touting a imminent contract, and the scum President posting pictures of support of Hairball

Shortly before the CMU stuff.

Basically there must be some false sense of security that the scum powers that be placed themselves in. Or they are trying to change the narrative, and it is entirely backfiring in a huge way.
No, it really is the ingrained culture of the place. They are always right, always smarter and always pure as the driven snow. They are cognitively unable to process any information that challenges that.
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It will cost the B1G $6M if they keep an otherwise eligible tsun out of the CFP. That's less than $500K per school, when these schools are going to pull in 80M+ next year. ESPN won't care because they're no longer in the B1G business. There is no legitimate reason for the B1G to not do something. It's not as though the new shit that has come to light is muddying up the situation. No, it's clarifying how bad this was.

Petitty refuses to act, and he's sending the clear message to all the schools that the B1G is Michigan and everyone else.
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It will cost the B1G $6M if they keep an otherwise eligible tsun out of the CFP. That's less than $500K per school, when these schools are going to pull in 80M+ next year. ESPN won't care because they're no longer in the B1G business. There is no legitimate reason for the B1G to not do something. It's not as though the new shit that has come to light is muddying up the situation. No, it's clarifying how bad this was.

Petitty refuses to act, and he's sending the clear message to all the schools that the B1G is Michigan and everyone else.
I'm feeling the need for some Training Day gifs in this thread if Petitti doesn't do something.
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It will cost the B1G $6M if they keep an otherwise eligible tsun out of the CFP. That's less than $500K per school, when these schools are going to pull in 80M+ next year. ESPN won't care because they're no longer in the B1G business. There is no legitimate reason for the B1G to not do something. It's not as though the new shit that has come to light is muddying up the situation. No, it's clarifying how bad this was.

Petitty refuses to act, and he's sending the clear message to all the schools that the B1G is Michigan and everyone else.
Hold em out now and lose money, or hold em out even longer later and lose money when the NCAA finally gets around to it.
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All of this plus the possibility of injuries. How often does having a step or two head start the difference in an arm tackle vs a big hit? BIg coaches should absolutely be brining up player safety.
Michigan State did and then they decided to play the game anyways.

They should’ve refused to play. Their season is over anyways so they really missed the ball on this one.

Teams should just refuse to play. Bottom line.
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Some further thoughts on this scandal.

The thing that everyone does not fully grasp is the upsets that should have or could have happened that were avoided. Listen the difference between winning and losing is razor thin.

I agree that knowing the play does not mean you will shut it down or be successful with your play. But what it does do is maybe stop a 10 yard run be a 3. That a passing play you force a check down verses hitting the deep post route......ect.

The point is that the influence in these games is small minor impacts that end up changing outcomes.

2021 wins for SCum
20-13 home over Rutgers
32-29 away over Nebraska
21-17 away PSU

2022 wins for SCum
34-27 Home Maryland
19-17 Home Illinois

So tell me now that the scandal and cheating had no effect on these games. I get it. You reference a 20+ point win and no one believes that the scandal has much effect and that is fair. But what about the 5 games referenced above? Those are the games that the cheating truly effected. Those are the games where it made a difference. And this is where many seem to be overlooking.

This is what pisses me off the most. They are no good cheating whores
Btw that Rutgers team missed a bowl game by 1 game if I recall
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No, it really is the ingrained culture of the place. They are always right, always smarter and always pure as the driven snow. They are cognitively unable to process any information that challenges that.
Normally I would agree with you, but their attitude seems to have changed. Many seemed to have dropped the holier than now routine, and have full blown gone with yeah we cheated, it's no big deal, everybody does it, it's your fault for not working around our cheating, and we just have to win now and hope for forgiveness later. The always right part is correct, the identity of the cult has taken hold to where they are just mouth pieces for the program.
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It feels like people were kind of laying back last week and letting the information trickle out. Now, having digested what's out there, there's a groundswell calling for action. This will be very interesting to watch play out.

This isn't some free tattoos, this isn't some recruiting malfeasance, this isn't playing an ineligible player, this isn't even some clown of a coach paying for cheeseburgers on the University's card...this goes directly to the integrity of the game. You have nearly 3 seasons of a team going out there almost every week with a heavy competitive advantage...which, oh by the way, lines right up with when they stopped sucking. The media's getting loud, coaches are getting loud...people aren't going to sit back and wait for this to play out at the usual pace. An entire season is in question now. Hell, three are, but you can't take back what's already happened. You can still at least do SOMETHING about this season.
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It will cost the B1G $6M if they keep an otherwise eligible tsun out of the CFP. That's less than $500K per school, when these schools are going to pull in 80M+ next year. ESPN won't care because they're no longer in the B1G business. There is no legitimate reason for the B1G to not do something. It's not as though the new shit that has come to light is muddying up the situation. No, it's clarifying how bad this was.

Petitty refuses to act, and he's sending the clear message to all the schools that the B1G is Michigan and everyone else.
I’ve thought about the money issue…

When everything is complete and the big time punishments come out. Just fine them for the amount the conference lost for revenue.

So if they’re going to force them to shut down for the year? Who cares… in the off season you’ll just fine them for whatever the conference lost financially.
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:lol: Gotta stroke dear leaders ego

For Jim's A Jolly Good Fellow Cheer​

Submitted by GeraldFord48 on November 2nd, 2023 at 8:04 AM
My MGoDad and I were talking and thinking of ways to show support for Jim through all of this. We live out of state and sadly will not be attending the Purdue game in person. For any of you who are going, how about starting a "For Jim's a Jolly Good Fellow" chant? Maybe when the team first gets the ball on offense? Seems like it might be a fun way to show support for Coach.
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I don't think you can do nothing and let Michigan play another game as if nothing ever happened.

Something needs to be done by Friday night. If not then, when?
At a minimum, the B1G should let Michigan know that they will taking video of the sidelines and defensive/offensive formations during each game, and analyzing the footage for evidence of sign stealing for the remainder of the season. At least put them under a magnifying glass.
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