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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Clinging to the "it was just a cheeseburger" fallacy like a drowning man I see. Very BWI cultish of them.

NCAA already cleared that one up for the rest of the world. A) it was worse than a cheeseburger and B) he lied about it.

You absolve the NCAA of any heavy lifting once you cross that easy to define, demonstrate and punish for it line in the sand.

But but but he didn't lie he just "didnt remember"! :lol:
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Funniest thing is, if Harbaugh woulda just admitted he lied, this probably woulda just went away fairly easily. But since he is Harbaugh and incapable of doing such thing. Now the NCAA is digging even deeper, and you also have the AD admitting fault by tacking on a "show us mercy" 3 game sacrifice of Harbaugh. These bozos are playing with fire with a organization desperate to do anything to keep any form of relevance.
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Do these morons think people forget the Fab Five?

Did you watch the 30 for 30 episode about that? It was very, "Woe is us, we're just trying to get a little bit of what we deserve." So, no... I don't think they think people forget about them. But they think the Fab Five were almost victims, and now wrongfully vilified.
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Did you watch the 30 for 30 episode about that? It was very, "Woe is us, we're just trying to get a little bit of what we deserve." So, no... I don't think they think people forget about them. But they think the Fab Five were almost victims, and now wrongfully vilified.
It's basically the OG Manziel documentary
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Did you watch the 30 for 30 episode about that? It was very, "Woe is us, we're just trying to get a little bit of what we deserve." So, no... I don't think they think people forget about them. But they think the Fab Five were almost victims, and now wrongfully vilified.

Yep. They are already creating that narrative around this as well. "It was just a cheeseburger!!! The NCAA. B1G and everyone else are just jealous and out to get Michigan!"
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Et tu, Matty?

Also shocking that a former colleague would stab a class act like Jiim-Bo in the back like that....

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