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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Just posting for posterity. Let’s check back in Nov

It's clear that Simple Jim has shown that he can build a team that can beat Ohio State and get a playoff spot. Depending on how other teams fare, I can see them getting a 1 seed. It's Day's and Knowles' job to prevent that. That being said, Simple Jim has absolutely shown that he can not build a team that can compete once in the playoffs in a single game much less winning two.
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It's clear that Simple Jim has shown that he can build a team that can beat Ohio State and get a playoff spot. Depending on how other teams fare, I can see them getting a 1 seed. It's Day's and Knowles' job to prevent that. That being said, Simple Jim has absolutely shown that he can not build a team that can compete once in the playoffs in a single game much less winning two.
He’s defective wal-mart brand Tressel.
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Which Part Of This Story Rankles You Most?​

Submitted by UNCWolverine on August 21st, 2023 at 6:41 PM
The part that really bothers me is that our hater fanbases (ND/MSU/OSU) and national schadenfreude fanbases (everyone else) can/will now point to Harbaugh/Michigan in the same sentence as the Self/Kansas's of the world from a cheating standpoint but without a fucking ounce of the advantages that comes with actually being a cheating program. I understand that some of you don't give a shit, but I do.
I have friends/acquaintances across the country that are fans of just about every team. I am always so proud of not being mentioned in the same category as the SEC teams, OSU, Kansas, etc while still be a very successful program. So now this "admission of guilt" for buying cheeseburgers will place us into the same category as Bill $elf/L$U bball coach/etc. literally paying players to come to play for KU.

Again, you don't have to care, I do care. I will be fucking annoyed and possibly triggered now when someone references this fucking bullshit going forward, especially if we win it all. Of course they will just be messing with me, they won't really care, but I fucking hate that I will have to even hear that bullshit.

In a way it's kinda how I felt when Obama took office from a foreign policy standpoint. I love when the rest of the world likes us. I loved watching the ROW celebrate when he was elected. (Not trying to make this a political post, it's just the best analogy I could think of wrt this situation. Please don't go down any political path).

I really enjoy or take pride in the rest of college football world knowing deep down that we are not some rogue sack of shit program like SEC/OSU/KU. Welp, now the majority will just see the headline and throw us into category instead of understand this is over cheeseburgers. THAT'S what fucking pisses me off about all of this.

The only other part that actually annoys me is Dudek being able to take some fictional victory lap in his head over this bullshit.


August 21st, 2023 at 6:58 PM ^

One more point to add. Every program has a "Dudek". But ours is apparently the only one that decided to sing like a butthurt little bird. Can you imagine what the other SEC/OSU "dudeks" could tell the NCAA about their former programs? It would certainly involve more than a few cheeseburgers.

In reply to One more point to add. Every… by UNCWolverine

Indiana Blue
August 21st, 2023 at 11:18 PM ^
Its very simple ... the Media and the B1G has been trying to ruin Harbaugh's career at Michigan. This is not a punishable offense and they know it. Seriously, Tennessee gets nothing for bagmen. Also ... does anyone even believe that any "violations" at Michigan weren't done anywhere else ? This is done at every school in the SEC ... during Covid when the NCAA were constantly changing the rules and even were considering cancelling the season.
It's all bullshit ... but IMO, the NCAA as it currently exists is doomed in the future. Their bias is so evident and soon the "super" conferences will establish another governing body ... mostly for football and basketball which pays for all the other sports anyway.
Go Blue!
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Clinging to the "it was just a cheeseburger" fallacy like a drowning man I see. Very BWI cultish of them.

NCAA already cleared that one up for the rest of the world. A) it was worse than a cheeseburger and B) he lied about it.

You absolve the NCAA of any heavy lifting once you cross that easy to define, demonstrate and punish for it line in the sand.
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