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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Yeah, well, they were just tattoos. But then it became, "Oh, Tressel knew and then lied about it?" That was the end. Regardless of what it was, don't lie to the NCAA.

They've already got that narrative covered as well "He didn't lie he just didn't remember, its different!"
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They've already got that narrative covered as well "He didn't lie he just didn't remember, its different!"

Joe Pa was not able to mentally process that a grown man could be fucking little boys. It wasn't the same as ignoring it.

I mean, there is a precedent for this argument.
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His 84 year old dad is an assistant head coach? Agree with @dragurd that I bet the NCAA loves this approach. He's basically saying these games are so worthless I can have anyone coach and we will still win.
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His 84 year old dad is an assistant head coach? Agree with @dragurd that I bet the NCAA loves this approach. He's basically saying these games are so worthless I can have anyone coach and we will still win.
I thought that was Michigan’s theory behind hiring Simple Jim in the first place.
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His 84 year old dad is an assistant head coach? Agree with @dragurd that I bet the NCAA loves this approach. He's basically saying these games are so worthless I can have anyone coach and we will still win.
I'm pretty sure that I could coach that team to victory in all 3 games, and I'd be making calls to try to make them lose.
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Yeah, you run the ol hook and ladder 15 times and even Appalachian State is going to figure out how to stop it.

I suppose. I didn't think of that. But I think if the players are still trying to win, and all I do is pick the plays, they'll find a way to even make the hook and ladder play, which has failed 6 times in a row, into a scramble and a first down. That triple-reverse flea-flicker I keep calling? Eventually the one guy will say "Eff this", hold onto it and run a long ways.

Maybe you're right that I could coach them to some losses, but I think it won't be very easy.
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I love this logic that Ohio State is going to totally fall apart if we end up with like a not super elite, average QB.

The loaded teams can win with average QBs. Look at UGA with Stetson, Bama got to the playoff with fucking Blake Sims and (won with) Jacob Coker. Hell Clemson got there with Kelly Bryant as well. (We also won with JT Barrett and Cardale Jones) We could roll out Gebbia this year and probably still win at least 10 games. scUM however would be fucked if McCarthy were to get hurt.

Michigan can sleep soundly about: Ohio State will be breaking in a new quarterback. And eventually, one of these years, Ohio State will NOT win that year’s game of Quarterback Bingo. The laws of statistics dictate that they must, at some point, have a year where the most important position in sports doesn’t just randomly work out.
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I love this logic that Ohio State is going to totally fall apart if we end up with like a not super elite, average QB.

The loaded teams can win with average QBs. Look at UGA with Stetson, Bama got to the playoff with fucking Blake Sims and (won with) Jacob Coker. Hell Clemson got there with Kelly Bryant as well. (We also won with JT Barrett and Cardale Jones) We could roll out Gebbia this year and probably still win at least 10 games. scUM however would be fucked if McCarthy were to get hurt.

I love the idea that it "randomly works out"...as opposed to scouting, recruiting, talent evaluation, work ethic, individual coaching, integration of the offense with the skill set, position coaches, assistant coaches, OCs, attitude in the QB room, and everything else that is not fucking random at all.
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"randomly work out"? Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense. Maybe the combination of highly-rated prospects, insanely good coaching, and a plethora of weapons might have something to do with it as opposed to "randomness".
GODDAMIT Fungo stop typing faster than me while you're in my head!
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They gotta justify the mismanagement/under performance of their QBs somehow. I guess claiming everyone who constantly has good QB performance is just "lucky" is their way of going about that.
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