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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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the GoBlow previews are pretty hilarious.

They act like scUM just unanimously clearly has the best Oline in the B1G and it's "not even close"

What has been let known from their fall camp says otherwise. Apparently the mash of transfers and 9th year SRs aren't jelling so well so far this year. There are maybe 2 clear standouts there (Zinter and Keegan), but everyone else appears meh so far and as a unit it's still a major work in progress (struggling to actually determine the other 3 starters). The transfers they brought in apparently have been underwhelming and the tackles have looked iffy. Of course they will look like world beaters for the first half of the season though since nobody in that run of bums as the ability to really exploit that.
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I love this logic that Ohio State is going to totally fall apart if we end up with like a not super elite, average QB.

The loaded teams can win with average QBs. Look at UGA with Stetson, Bama got to the playoff with fucking Blake Sims and (won with) Jacob Coker. Hell Clemson got there with Kelly Bryant as well. (We also won with JT Barrett and Cardale Jones) We could roll out Gebbia this year and probably still win at least 10 games. scUM however would be fucked if McCarthy were to get hurt.

Todd Boeckman won 11 and took us to the BCS championship.
Although i say that, and itd be real nice to have a D like that again. Laurinaitis, Freeman, Gholston, Cam, Coleman, Jenkins, Chekwa ... ... ...
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Todd Boeckman won 11 and took us to the BCS championship.
Although i say that, and itd be real nice to have a D like that again. Laurinaitis, Freeman, Gholston, Cam, Coleman, Jenkins, Chekwa ... ... ...
That D, while statistically great, was rather unimpressive. The DL was soft vs the run and overall feasted on a weak schedule.
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DFBIA, I think, is still underestimating the loss of Biff Poggi. He was Harbaughs wrangler that kept Jimmy out of the other position coaches meeting rooms. He was the one that studied The Rivalry and added the stuff to their facilities and practices that Tressel implemented here, and Urban only enhanced.

It’s not a coincidence the thirteen outgoing transfers aligned with him leaving.
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Brilliant plan!


August 27th, 2023 at 12:31 AM ^

I’m gonna laugh so damn hard if the NCAA tries to add anything. Honestly, we should just tell them to see us in court and completely ignore them. They could be like: you’re not playing; to which we’d say: um. Yea we are…nuh uhhh….I mean, what real authority does the NCAA have? I’d wager not much. Once the financial intricacies of this cartel are extricated from cfb, the NCAA will be completely screwed.

tldr; just ignore the ncaa, they have no power other than they handle a lot of the money (cartel for modern slavery honestly…)
Somewhat voice of reason


August 27th, 2023 at 9:05 AM ^

They could be like: you’re not playing; to which we’d say: um. Yea we are…nuh uhhh….I mean, what real authority does the NCAA have?
Well, all games except the CFP are NCAA sanctioned events with NCAA certified officials overseeing the games. So I’d say they have a significant amount of power in that area in determining whether you’re playing or not.

Even more brilliant plan


August 27th, 2023 at 9:50 AM ^

The refs are poor anyways, so I’m sure Michigan can find some refs to hire for the non-conference games. And I’m absolutely sure two of the three non-cons next year will definitely show up to Michigan stadium for their pay day and TV time. On top of that, the TV networks want Michigan, as they’re easily the biggest draw. So trust me, if Michigan wants to play those games next year, they’ll get to. And the CFP has nothing to do with the NCAA, so whether the NCAA recognizes those games or not doesn’t matter.
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Brilliant plan!

Somewhat voice of reason


August 27th, 2023 at 9:05 AM ^

Even more brilliant plan

Ha - this reminds me of the time Penn State fans wanted to leave the NCAA and join the NAIA. I think the idea was that they'd save money because they wouldn't have as many scholarships to give, and teams would want to follow Penn State. And Penn State would pump up whatever conference they join in the NAIA, and they could bully whoever around, because, hey, we can just go back to the NCAA if you don't do what we want you to do.
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:lol: These fuckin nerds think Saban is copying Chiripy shitstain with his "Michigan Method" bullshit....

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