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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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The article that has some of them in a tissy. Someone at the Michigan student paper had the audacity to question Dear Leader.

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September 5th, 2023 at 10:11 PM ^

I think banning the Daily is a dumb idea, but the editorial by this twerp Earegood is a deeply stupid, pompous, and holier-than-thou screed that treats the infractions that Michigan committed as serious rule-breaking when they’re the equivalent of jaywalking and parking meter violations. His implied contention that Michigan gained significant recruiting advantage from a fucking zoom session and Brown Jug hamburgers bought for two Michigan commits is laughable.
It’s particularly asinine when you compare it to the University of Texas spending over a quarter million dollars on a single recruiting weekend, which included putting up recruit’s families in a four star hotel with all the trimmings. That kind of expenditure is fine with the NCAA, which makes what Michigan did look like cookie time at Sunday School.
Prediction: Earegood will be working for the Freep within three years.

Don just described the Michigan fan base right there.

Also hilarious they are still butthurt at the Freep for not jerking off Rodriguez and being what they call "unfair to him" when he was scUMs coach


September 5th, 2023 at 9:46 PM ^

For those that weren't around for the Free Press "banning" ~15 years ago, the hack job that Rosenberg published essentially hamstrung the program and cast a cloud of suspicion on everything and anything Rich Rodriguez did for his entire tenure.
It was a vindictive and poorly constructed attempt to villify a coach and his entire ethos while simultaneously siccing the NCAA on him. That is why we grabbed the torches and pitchforks, not because they simply published something mean about a coach.
This article won't have nearly the same kind of effect. Gnash your teeth at it, but it's really just an opinion.
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So, quick to condemn the worst elements of our fanbase during our past scandals as a means of virtue signaling their moral superiority. Then, they act exactly the same when scandal hits them. They're no different than other fanbases; they just think they are. I expect to hear "Harbaugh bought the cheeseburger on the orders of the FBI" any time now.
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Ugh yeah that honestly might be the worst side effect of those two games. Just look at that douche

Wasn't Reno Jesus the starter in 21? Not much better though, as Reno Jesus started acting like all the rest of them, so there was no pity in watching Harbaugh jerk him around with his faux QB battle just so he would stay last year as a backup.
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Wasn't Reno Jesus the starter in 21? Not much better though, as Reno Jesus started acting like all the rest of them, so there was no pity in watching Harbaugh jerk him around with his faux QB battle just so he would stay last year as a backup.
Yes but McCarthy was acting like he’d won the game in 2021 himself.

Hopefully we win this year and if we do I’m going to cherish that damn win because this is insufferable.

I can’t even watch their games in these BS games. I can’t stand to see them have success at the expense of a terrible non conference team.
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Yes but McCarthy was acting like he’d won the game in 2021 himself.

Hopefully we win this year and if we do I’m going to cherish that damn win because this is insufferable.

I can’t even watch their games in these BS games. I can’t stand to see them have success at the expense of a terrible non conference team.

You don't want to September Heisman?

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They let a guy who wrestles wolves come along, but not a 3-3-5 DC?

Bill Martin knew his priorities.
God bless him.

from the horses mouth (john u bacon):
We do know a few things, however. Failing to get Jeff Casteel was much bigger than probably anyone realized at the time. Bill Martin failed to pony up a few more bucks and a guaranteed contract to get him, while Rodriguez – who would not come to Michigan without Mike Barwis and the promise of a million-dollar weight room – was apparently willing to leave without his defensive coordinator. If he could do it again, he would probably insist he wasn’t coming to Michigan without his trusted defensive coordinator.

After that, Michigan never gave Rodriguez sufficient bait to get his top choice to replace Casteel. When Scott Shafer and Greg Robinson arrived in Ann Arbor, they inherited a staff of strangers who had been loyal to Rodriguez for years. Shafer and Robinson are both decent guys who’ve been successful elsewhere, but it clearly didn’t work at Michigan.

Pure. Michigan.

Edit - and for the record, i dont think a 335 under Casteel would have gone significantly better. They didn't have the personnel to run it.
But probably would've gone a little better than trying to force a 43 guy to run 335.

The whole situation exposed the hubris on both sides of the divide. Richrod refusal to contend with constructing a defense that fit the athletes and opposing offenses. And the AD withholding funds to let him fail and own it.
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Bill Martin knew his priorities.
God bless him.

from the horses mouth (john u bacon):

Pure. Michigan.

Edit - and for the record, i dont think a 335 under Casteel would have gone significantly better. They didn't have the personnel to run it.
But probably would've gone a little better than trying to force a 43 guy to run 335.

The whole situation exposed the hubris on both sides of the divide. Richrod refusal to contend with constructing a defense that fit the athletes and opposing offenses. And the AD withholding funds to let him fail and own it.

I mean this was the same guy who tried running The WVU spread option with Steven Threet and Nick Sheridan. So the refusal to adapt was obvious across the board.

It was going to be a total mess no matter who the DC was.
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