Perhaps in terms of delusion, which seems to be the way you mean it; but unless you thus qualify it, I can’t get there. PSU enabled, covered up, and excused the anal rape of children while blaming victims and witnesses. CUNTS are CUNTS, but the Cult is sub-human
As the larger question has already been addressed I’ll offer my perspective here. I won’t call it my 2 cents because it’s probably not worth that.
Most message boards are different from BP in a few ways, one of which is that most message boards never (or at least almost never) mention the university president, and most message-board-guys neither know nor care who their university president is. Would they care if they knew how much the president mattered? Some might, but my sense of it is that you would be unable to convince most of them that it mattered. They don’t care about logical arguments and won’t listen to them
I agree with the point you’re making if I understand it, but to agree with it as written one of the words should be modified
This scandal is unprecedented in more ways than any other scandal in history. So you could call it unprecedentedly unprecedented. Since there is nothing like a precedent here, there sure as heck is no “typically”