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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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The Fab 5
The late 80s baseball coach who bought a team of MLB prospects
The shady shit that goes on with their hockey program, the U-16 facility and Pioneer High

It's not just football.

Oh they 100% play that off as "WHAT THE FAB 5 DID WOULDNT BE AGAINST THE RULES TODAY!" :lol:

I'm sure the same sentiment is given to Mo Clarett and the tattoo gate players.
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The FAB 5 thing is particularly hilarious

They seriously claim that they "ruined themselves for a decade by self imposing penalties" like they just did it because it was the "right thing to do". They self imposed a 1 year postseason ban, in a year they weren't making the tourney anyways and I think like 2 years of recruiting restrictions, but this of course was done to keep the NCAA from hammering down too hard on them, not because it was the "moral and right thing to do" like DFBIA would try to get you to believe. Even in shame they try to morph the situation into them being superior in morals and integrity. Because no school ever has given themselves a somewhat soft self imposed penalty to try to get the NCAA to calm down a bit on their ruling.
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The FAB 5 thing is particularly hilarious

They seriously claim that they "ruined themselves for a decade by self imposing penalties" like they just did it because it was the "right thing to do". They self imposed a 1 year postseason ban, in a year they weren't making the tourney anyways and I think like 2 years of recruiting restrictions, but this of course was done to keep the NCAA from hammering down too hard on them, not because it was the "moral and right thing to do" like DFBIA would try to get you to believe. Even in shame they try to morph the situation into them being superior in morals and integrity. Because no school ever has given themselves a somewhat soft self imposed penalty to try to get the NCAA to calm down a bit on their ruling.

Yet the ncaa gave them lack of institutional control, which is the harshest penalty and one that indicates systemic rot in the department. For Tressel, we got the much milder failure to monitor, which meant that we try to do the right thing but had a rogue coach break rules.
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Yet the ncaa gave them lack of institutional control, which is the harshest penalty and one that indicates systemic rot in the department. For Tressel, we got the much milder failure to monitor, which meant that we try to do the right thing but had a rogue coach break rules.

"Fab 5 wasnt that bad! They are treated unfairly because of it!"

Infractions committee chairman Thomas Yeager, who had come very close to imposing the "death penalty" on the University of Alabama football program a few months earlier, called the Martin/Michigan affair "one of the three or four most egregious violations of NCAA bylaws" ever.
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They are screwed if spin pass goes down at any point next year (or in the playoff game)

Their current backup is a Sophomore walk-on who had no FBS offers out of HS

The other QBs on their roster

Alex Orji, a freshman who was #493 overall/#30 QB in the composite

Jayden Denegal, a freshman who was #452 overall/#28 QB in the composite

Their only incoming QB as of now for the 2023 class is Kendrick Bell, Ronnie Bell's brother, who is #1029 in the composite, the #85 ATH

They are probably gonna have to try to pick up a transfer for insurance, but nobody worth a damn is gonna want to go sit there with spin pass in command of the position.
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