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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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I think the guy meant ruin our lives but I digress. I dont think he was all that anyway, we were running right down their throats until we tried to get cute again. Let him play and let us get another shot at them.

That's not the thing I'm annoyed about. I'm not advocating suspending him to hurt their chances of winning. I'm advocating suspending him because it's the right thing to do. If you have someone working for you and that someone is even a little bit in the public eye - he's representing your company. Maybe he's a news reporter or radio DJ or he's a ring announcer for boxing matches or he's one of your sales reps at trade shows. Let's say he gets caught with an unregistered handgun. Or, he's been charged with possession of an unregistered handgun. You don't necessarily fire him, yet, but you take him out of his position of being in the public, representing your company.

I don't know why this is bothering me so much. I mean, the head coach of their next most popular team (basketball (or is hockey their next most popular team?)) hit an opposing assistant coach, and he didn't lose his job.
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That's not the thing I'm annoyed about. I'm not advocating suspending him to hurt their chances of winning. I'm advocating suspending him because it's the right thing to do. If you have someone working for you and that someone is even a little bit in the public eye - he's representing your company. Maybe he's a news reporter or radio DJ or he's a ring announcer for boxing matches or he's one of your sales reps at trade shows. Let's say he gets caught with an unregistered handgun. Or, he's been charged with possession of an unregistered handgun. You don't necessarily fire him, yet, but you take him out of his position of being in the public, representing your company.

I don't know why this is bothering me so much. I mean, the head coach of their next most popular team (basketball (or is hockey their next most popular team?)) hit an opposing assistant coach, and he didn't lose his job.

Michigan only enforces NCAA rules, real world assault and weapons felonies are not their responsibility to tend to disciplinary wise. Lol. - What DFBIA actually believes.
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Imagine your boss being ok with you beating the crap out of some random on the street because "that's a police issue not a company issue"

Because that happens in any realm of reality.

This is the kind of logic DFBIA is working with here.
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Looking at some of the transfer portal stuff from TTUN, some of it certainly brings to question whether there is some tampering going on.

How did that kid sign so quick following his move to transfer? That all happened super quick, which makes me think it was in the works before the open of the portal.

I may be off.
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Looking at some of the transfer portal stuff from TTUN, some of it certainly brings to question whether there is some tampering going on.

How did that kid sign so quick following his move to transfer? That all happened super quick, which makes me think it was in the works before the open of the portal.

I may be off.

Oh absolutely a lot of kids who enter the portal curiously already know exactly where they are going before they officially hit the portal.

Problem is these "tampering" charges are difficult to absolutely prove.
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Longtime reader, first time poster; just wanted to pop in to say Merry Christmas and I genuinely hope you guys pull off the upset against Georgia because f*ck the SEC and just about the only thing that matters more than beating Ohio in The Game, would be beating Ohio in The Game but this time its the national championship. That might just about finally get me over 17-2 or whatever the hell it got to. Hopefully we'll do our part vs the fake purple spread team; wishing you luck in your part, no sarcasm, Georgia scares the sh*t out of me still.

Then, total war. I can't wait.

(Before you ask why I'm not on Mgoblog; I don't want to pay five bucks, I'm too broke to hang out with fake doctors, and I'm periodically critical of my team. I'd get banned inside of a month.)
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…I don't want to pay five bucks, I'm too broke to hang out with fake doctors, and I'm periodically critical of my team. I'd get banned inside of a month.)
Not bad for a first post. Welcome.

And based on your description, you’ll fit right in with most of us on here.

Just not the part about “fake doctors” (we call them walmart wolverines, by the way). Instead, around here we’re mostly a bunch of fake farmers. :wink2:
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Michigan quarterback J.J. McCarthy pledges NIL funds to children's hospitals in Ann Arbor, Chicago

Michigan football quarterback J.J. McCarthy is donating his name, image and likeness funds to C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital of Ann Arbor and Lurie’s Children’s Hospital of Chicago, which represent his two hometowns. He also has a series of items called “J.J.’s Smiley Face,” with 100% of the proceeds from that donated to the JJ For The Kids Foundation, which aims to help children’s hospitals and programs throughout the country and the world.

In a graphic posted to Twitter by McCarthy, the foundation helped programs in states all around the Big Ten, including Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maryland. The foundation also donated to the “Save The Children of Ukraine” fund. According to the graphic, over $30,000 have been distributed since 2021.


Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/ohio-...ens-hospitals-in-Ann-Arbor-Chicago-201327056/
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Longtime reader, first time poster; just wanted to pop in to say Merry Christmas and I genuinely hope you guys pull off the upset against Georgia because f*ck the SEC and just about the only thing that matters more than beating Ohio in The Game, would be beating Ohio in The Game but this time its the national championship. That might just about finally get me over 17-2 or whatever the hell it got to. Hopefully we'll do our part vs the fake purple spread team; wishing you luck in your part, no sarcasm, Georgia scares the sh*t out of me still.

Then, total war. I can't wait.

(Before you ask why I'm not on Mgoblog; I don't want to pay five bucks, I'm too broke to hang out with fake doctors, and I'm periodically critical of my team. I'd get banned inside of a month.)
Welcome and Merry Christmas!
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Not bad for a first post. Welcome.

And based on your description, you’ll fit right in with most of us on here.

Just not the part about “fake doctors” (we call them walmart wolverines, by the way). Instead, around here we’re mostly a bunch of fake farmers. :wink2:

After reading the Aggy thread in its entirety, should I be nervous about that last comment? :)

As for "Walmart Wolverines" - hey man, that's literally me, except it was Target. Growing up my mom brought home two pairs of slippers for me and my younger brother and he got to pick first, so he picked Sparty because of the cool helmet. I got the blue and yellow ones and decades later, here I still am; not a Michigan graduate, well out of my price range at the time.

I'm just here for the football, you won't hear any Harvard of the Midwest nonsense outta me, I promise. In fact, that's probably a big part of why I'm here; because it's hard to talk about college football while everyone around you is pretending it's church, or a moral superiority contest. I do not care about Michigan's admission standards, or who paid who to go where, or for that matter whether or not Mazi Smith is an upstanding young believer; just win. As long as nobody is getting screwed over and there are no bodies to hide, I just don't care.

To everyone else; thanks for the kind welcome; don't wanna spam up the thread answering each of you individually. Beat Georgia, so we can play y'all for all the marbles.
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