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Nothing being said in the media about Juwan Howard's latest kerfuffle. Saw something last week, and then nothing. Their sports ID must be on his game.

Here's all I've seen: https://www.si.com/college/2022/12/22/michigan-wolverines-juwan-howard-tirade-loss-north-carolina
Well, as long as he wasn't carrying a firearm he didn't have a license for he should be fine.
Oh, wait. I forgot. Even that is swept under the rug at tsun. He's got nothing to be concerned about.
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Lol, I feel obligated to comment but I doubt my answer is gonna be spicy enough for everyone.

I *really* like Juwan Howard as a public figure, and I think he's an alright basketball coach, but I don't know him as a person and from out here it seems like he really just needs to calm the f*ck down. Folks will get upset about throwing a temper tantrum in a close loss, but that's just basketball, our last head coach was a raging maniac too. What I'm freaking out about is losing his stack cause a couple of our players tried to keep him on the sidelines and out of trouble. I don't like screaming at a 20 year old kid in front of the whole world like that, let alone one who is on our team.

More disturbingly tho, it's a pattern. Passionate is fine, but yo, it's not passion if you're just losing your cool, and the guy has skirted that line multiple times a season since he got here. This story is gonna end with him clotheslining someone in the middle of a game and the fallout is going to be too big to justify for a couple of Sweet 16 appearances. The real problem here is that the guy laid his hands on someone already, so every time he pops his stack, it's going to get magnified; and he's still putting new incidents out there to confirm that assumption. It's gotta stop, whether it's fair or not.

Is it embarrassing? Sure. But being the amoral freak that I am, I'm honestly more embarrassed about 7-4 and a recruiting program that's left us with zero point guard depth after a single injury. If folks want to get mad about how it looks to the adults in the room, I can't blame them. But personally? I'm way more worried about what that looks like to recruits, than how it reflects on Michigan as a university or a basketball program. I don't imagine a lot of top players want to get shown up on national TV by their coach; even if he's got NBA cred backing it up.
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Lol, I feel obligated to comment but I doubt my answer is gonna be spicy enough for everyone.

I *really* like Juwan Howard as a public figure, and I think he's an alright basketball coach, but I don't know him as a person and from out here it seems like he really just needs to calm the f*ck down. Folks will get upset about throwing a temper tantrum in a close loss, but that's just basketball, our last head coach was a raging maniac too. What I'm freaking out about is losing his stack cause a couple of our players tried to keep him on the sidelines and out of trouble. I don't like screaming at a 20 year old kid in front of the whole world like that, let alone one who is on our team.

More disturbingly tho, it's a pattern. Passionate is fine, but you it's not passion if you're just losing your cool, and the guy has skirted that line multiple times a season since he got here. This story is gonna end with him clotheslining someone in the middle of a game and the fallout is going to be too big to justify for a couple of Sweet 16 appearances. The real problem here is that the guy laid his hands on someone already, so every time he pops his stack, it's going to get magnified; and he's still putting new incidents out there to confirm that assumption. It's gotta stop, whether it's fair or not.

Is it embarrassing? Sure. But being the amoral freak that I am, I'm honestly more embarrassed about 7-4 and a recruiting program that's left us with zero point guard depth after a single injury. If folks want to get mad about how it looks to the adults in the room, I can't blame them. But personally? I'm way more worried about what that looks like to recruits, than how it reflects on Michigan as a university or a basketball program. I don't imagine a lot of top players want to get shown up on national TV by their coach; even if he's got NBA cred backing it up.
Bielein was a hot-head?
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Bielein was a hot-head?

Obviously, one picture isn't going to tell the whole story, but I promise you that if you Google up "Michigan basketball coach John Beilein yelling" you'll find dozens and dozens and dozens more like it. JB's face looked like this for about 60% of every game we played. He also used to like to get as physically close to the ref as possible while screaming at them in a "real tough guy" sorta way that's just kinda sad and funny because well, he's pretty old. Izzo is this same way too, most of the best coaches in the Big 10 or for that matter, the country are; basketball is a different culture and it's been perversely slow to change in the age of student athlete empowerment. The difference being of course that John never put his hands on another coach.

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Ohio State was mugged by NC with the blessing of the refs and without such a display. Dude, if your coach treats players like that in public, something far less is going on behind closed doors.

Well, whatever it is, it sure would be nice if it resulting in more wins, and I'll let Howard know your kids won't be enrolling in the program.

Edit: I'm sorry for being flippant, but I mean I just said the dude has anger issues, is probably going to clothesline someone in the middle of a game, and I hate how it looks for our recruiting. Those are objective facts and they're right in my post. I simply don't care about the yelling at other coaches and refs, nor whether or not Howard is a "leader and the best." Just win basketball games my man.
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Well, whatever it is, it sure would be nice if it resulting in more wins, and I'll let Howard know your kids won't be enrolling in the program.

Edit: I'm sorry for being flippant, but I mean I just said the dude has anger issues, is probably going to clothesline someone in the middle of a game, and I hate how it looks for our recruiting. Those are objective facts and they're right in my post. I simply don't care about the yelling at other coaches and refs, nor whether or not Howard is a "leader and the best." Just win basketball games my man.

until you are around longer you're going to catch flack intended for the arrogant ass portion of your fanbase I think.

I wouldn't read too much more into than that.
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until you are around longer you're going to catch flack intended for the arrogant ass portion of your fanbase I think.

I wouldn't read too much more into than that.

Fair play; the forum I didn't join is currently yelling at people for posting NFL Harbaugh rumors again, so that's where we're at as a fanbase - angry about repeating mainstream news stories on a forum about our teams.

Personally tho? I'd pay Nick Saban infinite money to take us to that Bammer level and my only real problem with the Texas A&M strategy of "buy all the recruits" is that it doesn't appear to work. And honestly? I think most Michigan fans pretend they wouldn't, because then it's okay if we go 9-3. I'd rather win. I'm not a cultist, and I'm not big on it when "just win baby" means people get hurt, but football is football and morals are for church. Winning games is what matters; within reason ofc.
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