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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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Doesn’t sentencing imply found guilty or at least admission of guilt? And if so, why is there even a second of hesitation to sit him? I guess the same could be said the school became aware of the issue in the first place.

Why is there even a second of hesitation? Occam, I’m sure, has the answer.

"ITS NOT A NCAA ISSUE!" is why there's no suspension according to the geniuses at DFBIA.

"HE WAS UP FRONT AND HONEST TO THE UNIVERSITY THE WHOLE TIME!" - ok that doesnt make the crime go away though.

Players get suspended all the time for way less. But DFBIA sure is excusing this one away.

Hell sit him for a fucking quarter against Indiana after you found out about it, at least it's something. Holy roller scUM can do no wrong though.
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"ITS NOT A NCAA ISSUE!" is why there's no suspension according to the geniuses at DFBIA.

"HE WAS UP FRONT AND HONEST TO THE UNIVERSITY THE WHOLE TIME!" - ok that doesnt make the crime go away though.

Players get suspended all the time for way less. But DFBIA sure is excusing this one away.

Hell sit him for a fucking quarter against Indiana after you found out about it, at least it's something. Holy roller scUM can do no wrong though.
More likely he'll be suspended from the spring game. Even if declares for the NFL draft.
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I like the "He didn't break NCAA rules" explanation to not sit him.
First, I get due process. Innocent until proven guilty. But the courts should have had enough time to get this through to have made their call before the end of December. Pushing it to January 12 or whenever is obvious favoritism. Where's the ESPN outrage?
Second, that whole "NCAA rules" thing is boof. As I said earlier, how about Mewhort and Stoneburner? What NCAA rule did they break? Or someone else brought up Hyde and someone else - I forget who. "Wrong place, wrong time" was their offense. Or... I forget all the guys in the early-90's, maybe mid-90's - it was after Jim Jackson and Chris Jent and Perry Carter and those guys - several basketball players were "suspended indefinitely" (we all know that means they were kicked off the team) for breaking car windows.
I think a lot of companies have rules that say they can fire people for stuff they do outside of work. Did Charlie Sheen break any rules that "Two and a Half Men" had? Probably not. But the guy was being a goober and they wanted to separate themselves from him.
I'm not saying to "ruin his life" (not that kicking him off the team would even ruin his life, anyway). But sheesh - suspend him at least until this all blows over. And this has nothing to do with *ichigan or any other team. It makes you and your university look bad if you let him play. Very bad. That's far from ruining his life.
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I think the guy meant ruin our lives but I digress. I dont think he was all that anyway, we were running right down their throats until we tried to get cute again. Let him play and let us get another shot at them.
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