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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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Look no further than the twitter comments. It's DFBIA complaining about the poster of the tweet "campaigning" against Mazi and other deflections. Attacks the messenger, ignore the message, and continue on like they are holier than thou. Classic DFBIA.

"Delays happen all the time in the court!" is the common defense. Maybe true, but this is a comically specifically convenient delay. Not a good look.
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Look no further than the twitter comments. It's DFBIA complaining about the poster of the tweet "campaigning" against Mazi and other deflections. Attacks the messenger, ignore the message, and continue on like they are holier than thou. Classic DFBIA.

"Delays happen all the time in the court!" is the common defense. Maybe true, but this is a comically specifically convenient delay. Not a good look.

Wait... they're talking like he might play in the playoff game, and potentially the championship game? Ha!
Ohio State suspends a couple of players - Stoneburner and Mewhort - for public urination, but *ichigan doesn't suspend a player for carrying a loaded weapon without a permit?

"Stop trying to arrest the rapists, and go after that guy who turned left without using his turn signal!"
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Wait... they're talking like he might play in the playoff game, and potentially the championship game? Ha!
Ohio State suspends a couple of players - Stoneburner and Mewhort - for public urination, but *ichigan doesn't suspend a player for carrying a loaded weapon without a permit?

"Stop trying to arrest the rapists, and go after that guy who turned left without using his turn signal!"

They would be screaming and crying for all kinds of investigations into the court and university for meddling if this were a Ohio State player waiting chargers for a felony of such and was allowed to just go play in playoff games and not even have to worry about court until that's all over.

But of course since it's a scUM player. "ANYONE AGAINST THIS IS JUST WHINING AND ON A PERSONAL CRUSADE AGAINST MAZI AND WANTS TO SMEAR HIM!" while they continue to pretend to he high and mighty.

Fucking clown shoes DFBIA is.
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Even though the conviction probably is going to of course be nothing big. This just shows blatant special treatment for Michigan football players in Ann Arbor. No one should ever claim that Michigan football players are "held to a higher standard!' ever again. But of course they will continue to do so.
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Even after video exonerated both of them, Robie and Hyde did 5 games for "putting themselves in the wrong place." It cost Hyde a trip to NYC. Not to memtion that we whacked two Hall of Fame coaches at the height of their popularity and winning for off-field stuff. But we're the out of control foosball factory.

It's amazing what the tsun can rationalize when the foundation of their psychological self-image is based on the belief that they are pure as the driven snow. I also like how posters on mgo who might be liberal or progressive in normal life have turned themselves into Ted Nugent regarding the felony he was charged with.
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Even after video exonerated both of them, Robie and Hyde did 5 games for "putting themselves in the wrong place." It cost Hyde a trip to NYC. Not to memtion that we whacked two Hall of Fame coaches at the height of their popularity and winning for off-field stuff. But we're the out of control foosball factory.

It's amazing what the tsun can rationalize when the foundation of their psychological self-image is based on the belief that they are pure as the driven snow.

Well, this shows a blatant culture of special treatment for scUM players in Ann Arbor. So no wonder they are always able to sweep things like this under the rug so fast, push it aside, and continue their choir boy charade. Things are kept relatively quiet by design until they get pushed out of the news cycle and then you get a whisper about it.

That would/could never happen with Ohio State, but it sure seems to happen a lot with scUM.
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Just imagine if Day knew that JTT committed a weapons felony like this, did nothing, and kept it a secret until it finally came out after the regular season was over.

How would DFBIA react? lol.

They'd probably be calling for Day to be punished too and for the player to be at minimum suspended indefinitely until all court matters were handled.

They seriously almost act like MAZI IS A VICTIM here. Anyone who want's him punished in any way is "TRYING TO RUIN A YOUNG MANS LIFE!"

Literally nobody is calling for him to do prison time, but what's happening is a total joke and absolute special treatment.
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Just imagine if Day knew that JTT committed a weapons felony like this, did nothing, and kept it a secret until it finally came out after the regular season was over.

They'd probably be calling for Day to be punished too and for the player to be at minimum suspended indefinitely until all court matters were handled.

They seriously almost act like MAZI IS A VICTIM here. Anyone who want's him punished in any way is "TRYING TO RUIN A YOUNG MANS LIFE!"

Literally nobody is calling for him to do prison time, but what's happening is a total joke and absolute special treatment.
Did the kid get a free tattoo? If not, then just get over it and move on. Nothing to see here....
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Hell. Just go back to 2019 and their righteous indignation about Chase Young not being punished enough for buying a ticket for his girlfriend.
But you're missing the point. Chase Young broke an NCAA rule. No one is accusing Mazi of breaking an NCAA rule so there should be no loss of playing time. Did he commit a felony? Yes, but as long as he didn't cross the NCAA line (which is so blurry it may as well not exist) there should be no consequences so far as team activities.
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But you're missing the point. Chase Young broke an NCAA rule. No one is accusing Mazi of breaking an NCAA rule so there should be no loss of playing time. Did he commit a felony? Yes, but as long as he didn't cross the NCAA line (which is so blurry it may as well not exist) there should be no consequences so far as team activities.

Yea scUM players don't break NCAA rules! They just commit real world felonies! It's different!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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But you're missing the point. Chase Young broke an NCAA rule. No one is accusing Mazi of breaking an NCAA rule so there should be no loss of playing time. Did he commit a felony? Yes, but as long as he didn't cross the NCAA line (which is so blurry it may as well not exist) there should be no consequences so far as team activities.
And as far as that goes, let’s not forget the uncomfortable truth about Woodson signing with/taking benefits from an agent prior to the ‘97 season.

You hardly hear them mention that one.
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Seriously, is there a bigger sham in the college football world than the false arrogance of Michigan man and the continued pretending that Michigan DOESNT PUT FOOTBALL FIRST LIKE ALL THOSE OTHER SCHOOLS!

They've used it as a excuse for the better part of the last 30 years as to "why they can't win the big one". Now they just switch it up to that they are winning despite being "handicapped by the university because of their honor!" fucking lol.
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