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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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Never understood the woke up on third base comment. It happens all the time when one coach retires/leaves and another takes over. Same thing for Freeman at ND. Same thing when Earle took over for Woody.

In the end it’s all what you do or don’t do with it. It’s not like he didn’t come to Michigan and take over a program that had some talent. Can’t help he hasn’t done much with it or increased it.

It was Harbaugh thinking he's far more intelligent than he is, as with his ridiculous Solomon analogy for his QB competition. You want born on third base, you should learn about a kid I went to school with. Daddy published the daily newspaper, every advantage in the world, yet never went to any of the elite colleges he constantly said would be his destiny. Went to college somewhere that's currently about a half dozen spots lower than Ohio State. Then, he goes to an absolute bottom-feeder law school, yet--miracle of miracles--he gets a partner track job at the largest law firm back home. Fucks that up and is almost disbarred for ethics and gets shitcanned (Daddy had no more favors to ask, I guess). First time that I ever heard the phrase used was in relation to Bush Senior, and I immediately thought about this guy.
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What were those couple of guys doing in the tunnel with all the Sparty players? Looking at the post-game on the field, almost all of the TTUN team was parading the Paul Bunyan Trophy around in front of their fans in an opposite corner of the Toilet Bowl.
Anybody going into the tunnel at that point was only going to talk shit and cause problems.

Having said that, there’s virtually no excuse for wailing on a guy by swinging your helmet. The guy doing that should be done through at least the end of this season.
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Re: Fight in the scUM tunnel.

Pretty obvious what happened given that it was one UM player, one coach, and the proximity to the visiting locker room door.

Dude started talking shit on the field, carried it up the tunnel but none of his boys had his back and he didn't realize it. And that was the end result.
I don't feel bad for the kid at all, he had that ass beating coming.
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I don't think anything justifies felonious assault, and Sparty should pay for that. That being said, I think it's also become pretty obvious that those two vulvarines were running their mouths. This isn't the first time these smug clowns have run their mouths before, during and after a game. Thankful that dude's cranium didn't get cracked, but tsun needs to take a long look in the mirror at the trash talking culture that Simple Jim has created in that program. They won't. They never will in a thousand years, but they should.
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I don't think anything justifies felonious assault, and Sparty should pay for that. That being said, I think it's also become pretty obvious that those two vulvarines were running their mouths. This isn't the first time these smug clowns have run their mouths before, during and after a game. Thankful that dude's cranium didn't get cracked, but tsun needs to take a long look in the mirror at the trash talking culture that Simple Jim has created in that program. They won't. They never will in a thousand years, but they should.

I agree. Punish a bunch of those Michigan State players. There's no excuse for what they did.
*ichigan fans and players walk around like their shit doesn't stink. They think they can shit anywhere and other people will clean it up.
What do you do to a dog that shits on the floor? Well, I've heard you really shouldn't shove its nose in it. But that's what we need to do with *ichigan. Shove their nose in the shit they left on the floor.
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Your DFBIA hot take of the day


October 31st, 2022 at 10:00 PM ^

This might be a hot take but JT Tuimoloau's performance was one the flukiest things I've ever seen. A batted pass that luckily ended up in a teammates hands, a poorly thrown pass when he was in coverage ended up in his hands, the strip was legit, and then another poorly thrown pass thrown right at his outstretched arms near the opposing endzone. He had 2 sacks on the season. This was more of a fluke than coming out party
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I don't think anything justifies felonious assault, and Sparty should pay for that. That being said, I think it's also become pretty obvious that those two vulvarines were running their mouths. This isn't the first time these smug clowns have run their mouths before, during and after a game. Thankful that dude's cranium didn't get cracked, but tsun needs to take a long look in the mirror at the trash talking culture that Simple Jim has created in that program. They won't. They never will in a thousand years, but they should.

They are taking the pompous high and mighty route of course.

Harbaugh leading the way

It's like the little ratty brat kid in school who pokes the big kid until he finally snaps and wallops him, then cries foul.
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