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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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We may never get to the bottom of this.


"The thing is the media they advertise the fights," Linsley said. "When David Boston and that guy are punching each other; we see Grant Schwartz and Mike Hart getting into that fight in the tunnel. We see it all the time, but we’re a more disciplined team than that and they’re a more disciplined team than that. So on both sides it was disappointing.”
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I hear you on the transitive property. But after watching the scUM-MSU game, one can't help but draw conclusions from how OSU thoroughly dismantled MSU, to how scUM used their ground and pound (predictable)offense to grind out another W. Now scUM still worries me with their line play, but Mel Tucker was interviewed and said emphatically that scUM DBs couldn't keep up with the MSU WRs. The OL couldn't give Thorne time. Makes you think what Stroud can do. But the game will be one in the trenches

scUMs oline s ability to constantly open gaping holes is really the only thing that worries me.

They aren’t beating with us with their passing game.

Their secondary visibly has gaping holes, they just haven’t faced anyone who can expose it constantly yet.

Our oline is good enough at pass blocking to keep their DL at bay IMO. They aren’t nearly as good as last year. They aren’t Terrible but they don’t have a “get a sack now” player like Hutchinson or Ojabo.
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Does anyone have the rushing yards statistic for this rivalry?

Here is my concern…typically if not a high percentage goes to the team that outrushes the other wins. Does anyone feel good about that particular stat here in a few weeks? Granted we are in a new era of dynamic passing across the board. My hope is Day has something cooked up specifically (running wise) for this game and part of it is revealed against Indiana and Maryland (small pieces).
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Maybe parts of it were revealed in the 4th qtr. Take a couple of looks at Henderson's 41 - 10 yd runs, running on a quicker count, running with bigger gaps, going with a TE blocker who in a smaller area so that he could get to the end and the linebacker.

Also finally showed the flair pass with Henderson about 6-7 yards downfield. Stroud had to put the pass a bit higher than he wanted to get it over the LB, but that play could cause the LBs and DEs to think twice before going all out on the rush.
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So issues in the tunnel with PSU and again last night but simple Jim says it's all the other teams fault.....

Much like Juwan Howard blowing up on opposing coaches thinking the whole universe is out to get him..their shit never stinks, it's never their fault. Douchers

TSUN talking way too much nonsense this year. My question would be why was this guy still in the tunnel when Sparty issued? Was he selling woof tickets that he could not redeem? It's not a good look. It shouldn't have happened. There should be punishments, but that should include these TSUN players if they were down in the tunnel stirring crap.

TSUN players instigated a fight inside the tunnel with us last year. Something tells me they are not the victim in these fights like Harbaugh would make you believe... they know what they're doing

That video is completely different than what transpired last night. That's not a fight. That's just woofing and trash talking. Happens in rivalry games. OSU vs Michigan, Texas vs Oklahoma, Auburn vs Alabama, Oregon vs Oregon State, etc. What crosses the line is when you have players actually fighting.
I'm not going to take sides. It looks bad from the MSU side but there were 2 players from Michigan that went into the tunnel when I viewed the video. Number 1 for Michigan and I guess the guy that MSU used as a Swiffer. If those guys ran their mouths surrounded by all of those MSU players, then that's a whole level of retard.

2 incidents in 2 games now at Michigan. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a Michigan player being used as a Swiffer. Please stay tuned for the next game at Ann Arbor for more shenanigans!

1. Michigan puts BOTH dressing rooms on one side of the stadium, with one mutual entrance/exit.
2. They form a funnel with their band and banner through which BOTH teams must run.
3. The conference has done nothing about this from the time the stadium was built.
4. At the very least, rules should be established that require separate times for each team to enter/exit the field from the very beginning of pregame preparation to the end of the game.

Michigan fights in the tunnel as often as possible. This is their like… 50th rodeo, in the tunnel.

But it’s the other teams, right Jim?

MSU can’t be doing that either. But man.. the lack of self-awareness is exactly why everyone hates those douches up north.

Ttun would never pile up on one individual. Just ask Dontre Wilson.

Or Dane Sanzenbacher heading into the tunnel.

I think it was Grant Schwartz. Both were scrappy grinders, deceptively quick, and students of the game.
Fuck these cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, bloodsucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sacks of monkey shit.
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1. Michigan puts BOTH dressing rooms on one side of the stadium, with one mutual entrance/exit.
2. They form a funnel with their band and banner through which BOTH teams must run.
3. The conference has done nothing about this from the time the stadium was built.
4. At the very least, rules should be established that require separate times for each team to enter/exit the field from the very beginning of pregame preparation to the end of the game.
it's the only way anyone gets down there. photographers, chain gang, tv crew, reporters, recruits.

and inside the tunnel, it shrinks about 40% more to get around an obstruction.
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Fuck these cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, bloodsucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sacks of monkey shit.
Hey Clark, you forgot "arrogant" and "assholes". Throw in "wankmaggots" for good measure.
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scUMs oline s ability to constantly open gaping holes is really the only thing that worries me.

They aren’t beating with us with their passing game.

Their secondary visibly has gaping holes, they just haven’t faced anyone who can expose it constantly yet.

Our oline is good enough at pass blocking to keep their DL at bay IMO. They aren’t nearly as good as last year. They aren’t Terrible but they don’t have a “get a sack now” player like Hutchinson or Ojabo.

Obviously I’m a Michigan fan, but I also try to be as objective as possible.

If anything, the one thing that can be exploited are the linebackers in pass coverage. Even the pff agrees. They are solid against the run, but OSU can put them in unfavorable matchups. The secondary hasn’t been tested, but they have held up so far. There are weaknesses that can be exploited on the backend as you have stated. Harrison Jr is going to be a problem. Dline has been good against the run and will get some occasional sacks but there have been times where the QB has had a lot of time to throw.

Michigan has been good with adjustments in the 2nd half throughout the year. Sparty had success throwing in the first half on two drives but didn’t do anything in the second half. They only gained 64 yards on 5 drives in the second half. However, they aren’t a good football team so it’s nothing to brag about.

The passing game has been a mess. JJ has missed some easy throws each game, he has missed on a few bombs where the receiver was behind the defense, and they aren’t throwing the ball on the intermediate routes as much as they should. The good news is that he hasn’t turned the ball over much this year. It doesn’t help that Michigan does not have a stud wide receiver ; Mostly average or slightly above average receivers. It’s disappointing because the few OSU games I have watched, there are weaknesses in your secondary. The linebackers lead by Eichenburg and Chambers have been strong and the dline has looked good. The biggest matchup will be our o-line vs your d-line. If OSU can shut down the run, then the game could get ugly for our side. On the other hand, if Michigan can run the ball and Corum and Edwards get to the 2nd level, then we could have a shot based on ball control and keeping the OSU offense off the field. It also opens up more of the offense if they can connect on a few deep throws. If I was OSU, I would just put 8 in the box and sell out for the run. Try to make JJ win the game. Some teams have done that and Michigan was still able to run the ball at will. Other teams don’t have the athletes though. We shall see.
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