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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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I hope our struggles against PSU gets them all puffed up and talking.

Overconfidence coming into the Shoe always works so well for them.

Some people never learn that comparing games never works

2018 scUM spanked Ped State. We beat them by 1. We whooped scUM

Last year scUM lost to Sparty. We whooped Sparty. scUM beat us

Just 2 examples of a many of the transitive property not working with sports.
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Some people never learn that comparing games never works

2018 scUM spanked Ped State. We beat them by 1. We whooped scUM

Last year scUM lost to Sparty. We whooped Sparty. scUM beat us

Just 2 examples of a many of the transitive property not working with sports.
I hear you on the transitive property. But after watching the scUM-MSU game, one can't help but draw conclusions from how OSU thoroughly dismantled MSU, to how scUM used their ground and pound (predictable)offense to grind out another W. Now scUM still worries me with their line play, but Mel Tucker was interviewed and said emphatically that scUM DBs couldn't keep up with the MSU WRs. The OL couldn't give Thorne time. Makes you think what Stroud can do. But the game will be one in the trenches
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Yeah not a good look especially the jump his ass.

But I can't tell if UM player started it and then sparty just went bitch 10-1 or if they dragged him into it from that.

Some people are ending up suspended if for sure though
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