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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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So issues in the tunnel with PSU and again last night but simple Jim says it's all the other teams fault.....
It reminds me of Taylor Swift whining about how awful guys are after breaking up with her 14th boyfriend. Clearly the issue has nothing to do with the person or people this repeatedly happens to no matter who they are interacting with.
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TSUN talking way too much nonsense this year. My question would be why was this guy still in the tunnel when Sparty issued? Was he selling woof tickets that he could not redeem? It's not a good look. It shouldn't have happened. There should be punishments, but that should include these TSUN players if they were down in the tunnel stirring crap.
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The answer isn't Penn State.....:lol:; it's scUM. They have a cupcake non conference schedule again, possibly an easier B1G schedule (i.e. they have at Corn and Ohio State plays at Cheese), and they get Ohio State at home.

Regardless, Ohio State will still prevail.
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TSUN players instigated a fight inside the tunnel with us last year. Something tells me they are not the victim in these fights like Harbaugh would make you believe... they know what they're doing

That video is completely different than what transpired last night. That's not a fight. That's just woofing and trash talking. Happens in rivalry games. OSU vs Michigan, Texas vs Oklahoma, Auburn vs Alabama, Oregon vs Oregon State, etc. What crosses the line is when you have players actually fighting.
I'm not going to take sides. It looks bad from the MSU side but there were 2 players from Michigan that went into the tunnel when I viewed the video. Number 1 for Michigan and I guess the guy that MSU used as a Swiffer. If those guys ran their mouths surrounded by all of those MSU players, then that's a whole level of retard.

2 incidents in 2 games now at Michigan. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a Michigan player being used as a Swiffer. Please stay tuned for the next game at Ann Arbor for more shenanigans!
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1. Michigan puts BOTH dressing rooms on one side of the stadium, with one mutual entrance/exit.
2. They form a funnel with their band and banner through which BOTH teams must run.
3. The conference has done nothing about this from the time the stadium was built.
4. At the very least, rules should be established that require separate times for each team to enter/exit the field from the very beginning of pregame preparation to the end of the game.
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1. Michigan puts BOTH dressing rooms on one side of the stadium, with one mutual entrance/exit.
2. They form a funnel with their band and banner through which BOTH teams must run.
3. The conference has done nothing about this from the time the stadium was built.
4. At the very least, rules should be established that require separate times for each team to enter/exit the field from the very beginning of pregame preparation to the end of the game.
That would be just to simple.
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