SoCal, Baby!
James Joyce got nothing on MeanJoe07.MeanJoe07
May 2nd, 2021 at 3:35 AM ^
It was a good draft I guess but it highlights how Michigan doesn't make the most of their talent. I just don't get how we can be so bad despite the talent. It just hurts deep down. Like a paper cut that never heals. Like a tasty cheeseburger you can't eat. Like a stinky turd, but it's hard and you gotta take medicine to soften in up, but you keep pooping massive baseball size chunks of poo and your friends call you Speedy McPoop, bc your turds fly out with the velocity of speeding bullet. It's just amazing that we can't win. I wonder if other fans feel this way or if it's unique to Michigan. I'm just not sure. I think I should buy some more crypto, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I got a new bow and arrow that's 95 lbs to pull back. 60 is about average. You gotta work out to pull that sunnuva bitch. You really gotta yank it. I can pull it back baby!!! Wayyy back. Back to the 60s when I walked to school in the snow uphill both ways. Does anyone use those kettle bells with the monkey heads? I wonder if that's a good workout. It probably is. I wonder how people have time to do stuff. I mean if you have kids the time just flys by. Do people with kids have hobbies. Orange is bad color but a great fruit. We're only living a reality that is only a story your brain tells itself so you can exist in the stimulation matrix of twiddle and I don't know what to do with it especially if you want to come over and watch the movie with me and my friends call me when I get home from school and I will be there in about the same time as a kid in the morning and I don't think I have to be in the mood.
Translation: Part of the fan base has slipped into muttering and lip flipping. Gold, solid gold.