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2017 College Football Playoffs (and Other Bowl Games)

Somebody is back dooring their way into that #4 spot.
Yeah if we win then most definitely... just shouldn't be Alabama.

We've accomplished more but we've also shit the bed twice too... Exactly how our season has been really if you think about it. We can be amazing or we can look really bad, and you just don't know which team will show up.

Overall our highs have been much higher then Alabama but our lows have definitely been lower. I guess if I had to pick being a non buckeye I'd want the more consistent team.
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True, but again though then why not UCF?

If you're going to punish them for their schedule then you have to punish Alabama.

You're operating under a misgiving that Bama's schedule more closely relates to UCF's than it does to ours. No source I can find agrees with you - teamrankings, espn, sagarin, pick any one you want. Not only is Bama's SOS comparable to OSU's, it comes out better depending on where you look. You may not believe that but I'll bet the people in the committee room are looking at those numbers, and most of them aren't Buckeye fans.
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You're operating under a misgiving that Bama's schedule more closely relates to UCF's than it does to ours. No source I can find agrees with you - teamrankings, espn, sagarin, pick any one you want. Not only is Bama's SOS comparable to OSU's, it comes out better depending on where you look. You may not believe that but I'll bet the people in the committee room are looking at those numbers, and most of them aren't Buckeye fans.
Alabama's schedule was chalk full of teams in that 7-5 or 6-6 range that's why. Teams like Vandy, Colorado State, Fresno State, Ole Miss, and Texas AM (even could put MSU who finished 8-4 in there too) littered their schedule giving them a false reality. I understand what you're saying but there's not one elite team in their schedule outside of Auburn and we know how that went.

OSU while we played more top end teams certainly had more games against 2-4 win opponents.

The message for me if we get left out is we better go and schedule some easier wins non conference because we can't afford two losses anymore. Both OSU/Bama lost one conference game and yes we lost more convincingly but a loss is a loss.

However, our non conference opponent turned out to be legit and unfortunately for Alabama FSU went down the tubes. IMO, no matter how good our buckeyes will ever be you can count on 1 loss per season in the big ten. So in saying that if your objective is to not make the playoffs then you shouldn't schedule these big profile OOC games.

That's not how I'd want it but if you're going to be punished for losing twice then you have to protect yourself somehow.
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It’s an insult? Did you actually watch the games from those seasons? Ohio State didn’t exactly thump everyone on their way to those national titles.

I think your outlook is an insult to this team.
No it's not an insult man and I'm sort of fighting the point that OSU is just as deserving as Alabama... I think the OSU fans who are pointing out our short comings are just pointing out that if we wanted to get in the playoffs we should've beat Iowa.
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No it's not an insult man and I'm sort of fighting the point that OSU is just as deserving as Alabama... I think the OSU fans who are pointing out our short comings are just pointing out that if we wanted to get in the playoffs we should've beat Iowa.

I think some of these cats are sipping the SEC kool-aid, because just going by the records, Ohio State would be much more deserving with multiple top 10/15 wins and a conference championship. It’s not even close.

Bama got roasted by a two loss team and one of their best wins is against a team that lost to Troy. Bama was getting the benefit of the doubt and Whisky wasn’t. All the talk about Wisconsin’s schedule while Bama coasted based on past seasons, only to get thumped by the only team they faced with a pulse.
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It’s an insult? Did you actually watch the games from those seasons? Ohio State didn’t exactly thump everyone on their way to those national titles.

I think your outlook is an insult to this team.
You're assuming my argument for me, and you're wrong about it. I don't need teams to win every game by 50 points. In 2002, we could have played 80 more games that year, and I wouldn't have had a doubt in my mind that we'd win every one of them. That team was a bunch of winners that worked as a solid unit. 2014 was running teams over left and right. Even with the mistakes against Bama and Oregon, we kicked the shit out of both of them. The talent on that roster is insane.

This team goes long stretches without knowing who the fuck they are or what the fuck they're doing...coaching staff included. 2002 Ohio State would take this team apart Dave by Dave......2014 Ohio State would run right over it. If you could pit those teams against each other 10 times, 2002 wins 10 out of 10, and 2014 wins 8 out of 10. Maybe the Michigan State version of 2017 shows up for one of those games. 2002 OSU still wins....toss up against 2014. Maybe the Iowa version does. None of us know......and that's the problem. For anybody to say we'd hang with Alabama is silly. You don't even know what Ohio State team you're getting from week to week.
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I think some of these cats are sipping the SEC kool-aid, because just going by the records, Ohio State would be much more deserving with multiple top 10/15 wins and a conference championship. It’s not even close.

Bama got roasted by a two loss team and one of their best wins is against a team that lost to Troy. Bama was getting the benefit of the doubt and Whisky wasn’t. All the talk about Wisconsin’s schedule while Bama coasted based on past seasons, only to get thumped by the only team they faced with a pulse.
I agree with you but as they've pointed out having two losses is certainly the mark against us...

We're more deserving I feel but sometimes that's not enough.
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You're assuming my argument for me, and you're wrong about it. I don't need teams to win every game by 50 points. In 2002, we could have played 80 more games that year, and I wouldn't have had a doubt in my mind that we'd win every one of them. That team was a bunch of winners that worked as a solid unit. 2014 was running teams over left and right. Even with the mistakes against Bama and Oregon, we kicked the [Mark May] out of both of them. The talent on that roster is insane.

This team goes long stretches without knowing who the fuck they are or what the fuck they're doing...coaching staff included. 2002 Ohio State would take this team apart Dave by Dave......2014 Ohio State would run right over it. If you could pit those teams against each other 10 times, 2002 wins 10 out of 10, and 2014 wins 8 out of 10. Maybe the Michigan State version of 2017 shows up for one of those games. 2002 OSU still wins....toss up against 2014. Maybe the Iowa version does. None of us know......and that's the problem. For anybody to say we'd hang with Alabama is silly. You don't even know what Ohio State team you're getting from week to week.
Well you said it though BN27... If the right OSU team shows up there's no doubt we can and probably would beat bama, but which team will show up is always the question.
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You're assuming my argument for me, and you're wrong about it. I don't need teams to win every game by 50 points. In 2002, we could have played 80 more games that year, and I wouldn't have had a doubt in my mind that we'd win every one of them. That team was a bunch of winners that worked as a solid unit. 2014 was running teams over left and right. Even with the mistakes against Bama and Oregon, we kicked the [Mark May] out of both of them. The talent on that roster is insane.

This team goes long stretches without knowing who the fuck they are or what the fuck they're doing...coaching staff included. 2002 Ohio State would take this team apart Dave by Dave......2014 Ohio State would run right over it. If you could pit those teams against each other 10 times, 2002 wins 10 out of 10, and 2014 wins 8 out of 10. Maybe the Michigan State version of 2017 shows up for one of those games. 2002 OSU still wins....toss up against 2014. Maybe the Iowa version does. None of us know......and that's the problem. For anybody to say we'd hang with Alabama is silly. You don't even know what Ohio State team you're getting from week to week.

The team that went to the last seconds of the game against Cincinnati, Purdue, and TSUN were world beaters? You’re looking at a completely different season if any of those plays go the other way.

I don’t buy it and I love that team.
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ohio state narrowly beats wisconsin. committee weighs the situation and puts bama in the playoff, leaving osu out. in fact, osu is ranked 6th, which indicates that the buckeyes weren't actually in the running. immediately afterward, gene smith tweets this:

"the playoff committee called to say that we were probably going to be named a playoff contender for '17, like last year, but we would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. we said probably is no good and took a pass. thanks anyway!"
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The team that went to the last seconds of the game against Cincinnati, Purdue, and TSUN were world beaters? You’re looking at a completely different season if any of those plays go the other way.

I don’t buy it and I love that team.
world beaters

yeah....no, I'm not finding it.

2002 Ohio State played close to a lot of teams because the defense was elite and the offense was told to just not lose games. Every single game, you knew going in what to expect from the O and the D, and you got it. There were limitations at the QB position, and the other team wasn't scoring on us. That's a recipe for success.

2017 Ohio State played close to a lot of teams because they don't know what to do with the ball in their hands, and the D is a liability other than DLine and one CB.....things that can be schemed around. You've got no idea which offense will show up, and it's a team built on offense. That's troubling.
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You're assuming my argument for me, and you're wrong about it. I don't need teams to win every game by 50 points. In 2002, we could have played 80 more games that year, and I wouldn't have had a doubt in my mind that we'd win every one of them. That team was a bunch of winners that worked as a solid unit. 2014 was running teams over left and right. Even with the mistakes against Bama and Oregon, we kicked the [Mark May] out of both of them. The talent on that roster is insane.

This team goes long stretches without knowing who the fuck they are or what the fuck they're doing...coaching staff included. 2002 Ohio State would take this team apart Dave by Dave......2014 Ohio State would run right over it. If you could pit those teams against each other 10 times, 2002 wins 10 out of 10, and 2014 wins 8 out of 10. Maybe the Michigan State version of 2017 shows up for one of those games. 2002 OSU still wins....toss up against 2014. Maybe the Iowa version does. None of us know......and that's the problem. For anybody to say we'd hang with Alabama is silly. You don't even know what Ohio State team you're getting from week to week.
This is mostly hindsight talking though when comparing 2014 to 2017. The Iowa loss is the, admittedly awful, differentiator between 2014 and 2017 up to this point. The Iowa loss is clouding the fact that 2017 has handled everyone on its schedule in arguably more dominating fashion than 2014 did. I mean let's not forget that a 7-6 Penn State team took the 2014 squad to 2OTs. They struggled awhile vs Minnesota though mostly because Jalen Marshall couldn't stop turning the ball over. 2014 struggled with a 5-7 Michigan team that didn't even go to a bowl game WELL into the 4th quarter at home until we pulled away late. This was with Brady Hoke as coach. 2017 Michigan would probably beat the 2014 version by 3 or 4 TDs and we beat them at their house by 11.
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world beaters

yeah....no, I'm not finding it.

2002 Ohio State played close to a lot of teams because the defense was elite and the offense was told to just not lose games. Every single game, you knew going in what to expect from the O and the D, and you got it. There were limitations at the QB position, and the other team wasn't scoring on us. That's a recipe for success.

2017 Ohio State played close to a lot of teams because they don't know what to do with the ball in their hands, and the D is a liability other than DLine and one CB.....things that can be schemed around. You've got no idea which offense will show up, and it's a team built on offense. That's troubling.

“We could have played 80 more games that year, and I wouldn’t have had a doubt in my mind that we’d win every one of them”


Yep, found it. :lol:

If that doesn’t consist of being world beaters, please enlighten me on your definition of the term.

And at the time, you didn’t know shit about that team, just like the rest of us. It was heart attack city from game to game. So spare me the nonsense and scarlet colored memories.

This team still has the chance to do something spectacular, despite your ramblings about how they don’t deserve a shot.
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Hate that you fags are rooting for Auburn this weekend. Just when I started to like you.....


Not sure I follow that thinking. In a beauty contest between OSU and Alabama, on the margin it helps us a little more if Alabama's loss was to a three-loss, non-conference champ Auburn, not to a two-loss, conference champ Auburn. It probably is such an incremental difference that it'd never matter. But I still think it's in OSU's best interest for Georgia to win.
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