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2017 College Football Playoffs (and Other Bowl Games)

Was driving home after a doctor appt. and thought of a totally unlikely er maybe not so unlikely scenario that would drive 'bama fans off the rails! ok, 'bama fans are already off the rails but nonetheless ...

This would easily satisfy all of you who firmly believe, including me, the Buckeyes don't deserve to be in the final four and yet make you happy at the same time.

The B1G championship is an extremely close game from start to finish with neither team giving an inch and the Buckeyes win on a last second field goal. No turnovers/total yardage close, etc. etc. Buckeyes win the B1G championship! :urban2:

So who does the committee pick as the 4th seed knowing Ohio State doesn't deserve the slot based on their overall record? They start comparing 'bama/Wisky and long story short decide Wisky is the better one loss team. And embellishing my dream scenario Wisky goes on to win the CFP and after TCU upsets the Sooners in the Big12 championship Oklahoma loses to Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl. :rofl:

Fuck 'bama !!!

that is all ...
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world beaters

yeah....no, I'm not finding it.

2002 Ohio State played close to a lot of teams because the defense was elite and the offense was told to just not lose games. Every single game, you knew going in what to expect from the O and the D, and you got it. There were limitations at the QB position, and the other team wasn't scoring on us. That's a recipe for success.

2017 Ohio State played close to a lot of teams because they don't know what to do with the ball in their hands, and the D is a liability other than DLine and one CB.....things that can be schemed around. You've got no idea which offense will show up, and it's a team built on offense. That's troubling.
Agreed with a lot but I will say our DB's have been solid all year outside of OU. LB's in coverage? not so much.
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“We could have played 80 more games that year, and I wouldn’t have had a doubt in my mind that we’d win every one of them”


Yep, found it. :lol:

If that doesn’t consist of being world beaters, please enlighten me on your definition of the term.

And at the time, you didn’t know [Mark May] about that team, just like the rest of us. It was heart attack city from game to game. So spare me the nonsense and scarlet colored memories.

This team still has the chance to do something spectacular, despite your ramblings about how they don’t deserve a shot.
A world beater is a team that goes out and beats the shit out of everybody they play. Not a team that has a knack of winning despite obvious limitations on one side of the ball. That's not a back pedal, but congrats on acting like an asshole and accusing ME of having scarlet colored memories while you argue in favor of a team that let Iowa score 55 points despite not having a scoreboard that goes up to 55 because even they couldn't have fathomed scoring that many. Yeah....I'M the one being a homer here.
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Was driving home after a doctor appt. and thought of a totally unlikely er maybe not so unlikely scenario that would drive 'bama fans off the rails! ok, 'bama fans are already off the rails but nonetheless ...

This would easily satisfy all of you who firmly believe, including me, the Buckeyes don't deserve to be in the final four and yet make you happy at the same time.

The B1G championship is an extremely close game from start to finish with neither team giving an inch and the Buckeyes win on a last second field goal. No turnovers/total yardage close, etc. etc. Buckeyes win the B1G championship! :urban2:

So who does the committee pick as the 4th seed knowing Ohio State doesn't deserve the slot based on their overall record? They start comparing 'bama/Wisky and long story short decide Wisky is the better one loss team. And embellishing my dream scenario Wisky goes on to win the CFP and after TCU upsets the Sooners in the Big12 championship Oklahoma loses to Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl. :rofl:

Fuck 'bama !!!

that is all ...

If that were the case and somehow Wisky still goes to the CFP, you're going to get Ohio State/U$C is the Fiesta Bowl....it's too juicy of a matchup...Oklahoma goes to the Cotton Bowl or Orange Bowl (probably the Orange Bowl since they get the first non-champion/non-CFP pick)....
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Re: 2002/2014 Buckeyes and world beaters:

2002/2014 were teams of destiny er divine intervention, especially 2002 and benefited greatly being the underdog in all (3) NC games!

Whereas 1994/1995 Nebraska football teams were the only world beaters er well oiled runaway/unstoppable freight train in my lifetime ...
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A world beater is a team that goes out and beats the [Mark May] out of everybody they play. Not a team that has a knack of winning despite obvious limitations on one side of the ball. That's not a back pedal, but congrats on acting like an asshole and accusing ME of having scarlet colored memories while you argue in favor of a team that let Iowa score 55 points despite not having a scoreboard that goes up to 55 because even they couldn't have fathomed scoring that many. Yeah....I'M the one being a homer here.

You mean like one that would win another 80 straight games and would never be in doubt no matter who they played? Splitting hairs.

At the end of the day, would I take that Iowa loss and a handful of top ten wins over an unproven Bama that got smacked by the only team worth their weight that they played all year long? You’re goddamn right.

Also, the asshole thing is comical considering your childish jabs. CTRL+F me a river. :cheers:
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You mean like one that would win another 80 straight games and would never be in doubt no matter who they played? Splitting hairs.

At the end of the day, would I take that Iowa loss and a handful of top ten wins over an unproven Bama that got smacked by the only team worth their weight that they played all year long? You’re goddamn right.

Also, the asshole thing is comical considering your childish jabs. CTRL+F me a river. :cheers:
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At this point we want Auburn to win out.

Why the fuck would the SEC 2 loss champ get in and the Big 10 2 loss wouldn’t. This totally assumes we beat Wiscy of course. And after today I’m again reminded that is far from certain.

Some will argue that they had 3 wins in 4 weeks vs. top 5 teams. I tend to agree that Auburn gets the nod over OSU in that scenario, especially if they handle UGA comfortably again.
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My thoughts based on these two assumptions:
They’re going to want to involve as many conferences as they reasonably can.
They’re going to have a hard time including a conference championship game loser.

ACC CG winner in, loser out
SEC CG winner in, loser out
OU wins, they’re in; lose they’re out
Wisconsin wins, they’re in; lose, they’re out

To me it comes down to these two scenarios:

If OU and OSU win, is OSU or Alabama in?
If OU loses and OSU wins, then Alabama and OSU are in.

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