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2017 College Football Playoffs (and Other Bowl Games)

I'm actually surprised the playoff picture is this clear heading into championship weekend:

One spot goes to the ACC winner.
One spot goes to the SEC winner.

Oklahoma and Wisconsin both win:

They're both in.

Oklahoma and Wisconsin both lose:

Alabama and Ohio State are in.

Oklahoma loses, Wisconsin wins:

Alabama and Wisconsin are in.

Oklahoma wins, Wisconsin loses:

This is really the only way drama could ensue. You basically come down to the question of which the committee values more:

OSU's conference championship and stronger resume, or
Alabama's only having one loss and being #1 for most of the year (i.e., passing the "eye test" better, as talking heads are apt to say).
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How do you see that game unfolding?

With Hurts not being a good thrower and them being as banged up in the front 7 as they are I would like our odds to establish a run over theirs.
You're talking about the Ohio State team that played Illinois. If you tell me in advance which Ohio State team would be playing Alabama, I may have an answer for you. We know which Alabama team is showing up. It's the one that can beat anybody anywhere any day.
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How do you see that game unfolding?

With Hurts not being a good thrower and them being as banged up in the front 7 as they are I would like our odds to establish a run over theirs.

How do you all see the TCU v Oklahoma game going??

TCU will have revenge on their minds and will also be playing on a neutral field.

I think Oklahoma is quite a bit better than TCU. Stuff happens in rematches, but wouldn't count on them winning.
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More power to you, but that seems crazy to me.

Doesn’t to me. Bama will get killed in the playoff, whereas if the Bucks show up with focus they could beat anyone in the country.

Give me Haskins or JT over Hurts any day of the week.

Does it seem crazy to you that Cardale Jones knocked off 2 Heisman contenders and the Heisman winner for a National Championship? How about 2002, where everyone said Ohio State didn’t belong in the same breath as the mighty Hurricanes?

Sometimes crazy pays off. Those who wouldn’t want a shot are the crazy ones if you ask me, especially judging by the history of this program’s last two NC runs.
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You're talking about the Ohio State team that played Illinois. If you tell me in advance which Ohio State team would be playing Alabama, I may have an answer for you. We know which Alabama team is showing up. It's the one that can beat anybody anywhere any day.

Is that the same one that needed a last ditch effort to mount a comeback against a 4-loss Mississippi State that lost to an unranked Ole Miss this past Saturday?
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the more I listen to the media the more I believe we probably get left out... It's just so unanimous it seems with how much better folks feel Alabama is then our team, and they may or may not be right.

Our schedule is much better and our wins are much better, but I am just not sure folks will be willing to leave a Alabama team out that was #1 for a large portion of the season.
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the more I listen to the media the more I believe we probably get left out... It's just so unanimous it seems with how much better folks feel Alabama is then our team, and they may or may not be right.

Our schedule is much better and our wins are much better, but I am just not sure folks will be willing to leave a Alabama team out that was #1 for a large portion of the season.

Our losses are worse. That's no small thing.
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Doesn’t to me. Bama will get killed in the playoff, whereas if the Bucks show up with focus they could beat anyone in the country.

Give me Haskins or JT over Hurts any day of the week.

Does it seem crazy to you that Cardale Jones knocked off 2 Heisman contenders and the Heisman winner for a National Championship? How about 2002, where everyone said Ohio State didn’t belong in the same breath as the mighty Hurricanes?

Sometimes crazy pays off. Those who wouldn’t want a shot are the crazy ones if you ask me, especially judging by the history of this program’s last two NC runs.
2014 and 2002 have nothing to do with this team....and it's an insult to them to compare them.
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Is that the same one that needed a last ditch effort to mount a comeback against a 4-loss Mississippi State that lost to an unranked Ole Miss this past Saturday?

"Is that the same team that lost by 31 points to five-loss, unranked Iowa?"

See how easy it is for our detractors to play that game?
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True, but again though then why not UCF?

If you're going to punish them for their schedule then you have to punish Alabama.

Listen, I'm coming around to the fact that we are probably not getting in unless we destroy Wisconsin or OU loses but I definitely don't think Alabama deserved to back door it in.
Somebody is back dooring their way into that #4 spot.
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Sometimes crazy pays off. Those who wouldn’t want a shot are the crazy ones if you ask me, especially judging by the history of this program’s last two NC runs.

Oh, I'll definitely take a shot if we're given one. No question about it. I just won't feel slighted if we're passed over this season. As much as we can point to warts on other teams, we have a couple of ugly ones of our own.
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