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2017 College Football Playoffs (and Other Bowl Games)

Freddy Mercury summed it all up for me pretty nicely

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Listening to Mike and Mike this morning and McFarland made a point that is sort of valid but sort of not.

He said it has to be equal for OSU vs Alabama to be compared and OSU with the extra loss makes it not equal which I can't argue with. However, in that case then what about UCF who's undefeated but also has a terrible schedule? If we're going to give Alabama a absolute free pass for a total worthless schedule then dammit they should've done the same for UCF who beat a decent USF team and stomped Maryland in their own house.

There's a reason why people consider Ali the best boxer even though he's lost more fights then Floyd Jr, and its because fight for fight Ali faced a ton of great opponents (amongst other things).

It's simple to me. Do you want to reward overall records or do you want to reward folks for playing a more difficult schedule? They showed last year that they're going to reward the tougher schedule with the better wins even if it means no conference championship, and the fact that Alabama has neither should render this a non discussion.

They have a poor schedule and lost to the only team worth a damn. If they reward that just because of who they are then I say you look at our schedules after 2019 and remove every tough game possible to end any chance of having a non conference loss.
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Listening to Mike and Mike this morning and McFarland made a point that is sort of valid but sort of not.

He said it has to be equal for OSU vs Alabama to be compared and OSU with the extra loss makes it not equal which I can't argue with. However, in that case then what about UCF who's undefeated but also has a terrible schedule? If we're going to give Alabama a absolute free pass for a total worthless schedule then dammit they should've done the same for UCF who beat a decent USF team and stomped Maryland in their own house.

It's easy to rip Bama's OOC schedule because of Mercer, but no one was ripping them for scheduling Florida State. It turned out FSU had a bad year, but losing their QB in the Bama game had something to do with it.

Whether it's Bama or anyone else ahead of us, losing two games - one of them to fucking Iowa by 31 points - is plenty of reason to justify excluding the Buckeyes. We were given the benefit of the doubt last year and look what we did with it.

If we get in, great. If we don't, it's our own fault. Beat Bucky.
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It's easy to rip Bama's OOC schedule because of Mercer, but no one was ripping them for scheduling Florida State. It turned out FSU had a bad year, but losing their QB in the Bama game had something to do with it.

Whether it's Bama or anyone else ahead of us, losing two games - one of them to fucking Iowa by 31 points - is plenty of reason to justify excluding the Buckeyes. We were given the benefit of the doubt last year and looked what we did with it.

If we get in, great. If we don't, it's our own fault. Beat Bucky.
So if we schedule Tennnessee or Texas Tech or UCLA we should be given credit for beating them 24-7 after they go their customary 6-6? Yeah sure they meant well by scheduling FSU but when that team goes 5-7 to end the season and they schedule Mercer as a 2nd OOC opponent you don't get credit for that.

I can live with OSU not getting in but not in replace of Alabama. Just not with that schedule.

At that point then what about Wisconsin who also has beaten no one and will have one loss? Are they to be punished for playing an extra game while Alabama sat at home?

We stayed in the playoffs last year because of being 3-1 against top 10 teams and being ranked 2nd going into championship week. Alabama will start this upcoming week most likely on the outside looking in and will have ZERO top ten wins. So how do they move up?
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So if we schedule Tennnessee or Texas Tech or UCLA we should be given credit for beating them 24-7 after they go their customary 6-6? Yeah sure they meant well by scheduling FSU but when that team goes 5-7 to end the season and they schedule Mercer as a 2nd OOC opponent you don't get credit for that.

I can live with OSU not getting in but not in replace of Alabama. Just not with that schedule.

At that point then what about Wisconsin who also has beaten no one and will have one loss? Are they to be punished for playing an extra game while Alabama sat at home?

We stayed in the playoffs last year because of being 3-1 against top 10 teams and being ranked 2nd going into championship week. Alabama will start this upcoming week most likely on the outside looking in and will have ZERO top ten wins. So how do they move up?

I honestly don't care. I said a few weeks ago I won't feel the least bit screwed if the Buckeyes don't get a CFP bid this year. That perspective didn't change just because Bama shit the bed against Auburn.

We have 2 losses. One was bad, the other was ridiculous. Neither have anything to do with Bama's schedule, or anyone else's for that matter. Beat Bucky.
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I get you and yeah if we take care of business against Iowa as you said this isn't even a Issue. I will be disappointed because you always want your team to get a shot but I think I'll be more disappointed in someone being rewarded for having not earned their wins instead of believing we've earned it.
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Exactly... just not Alabama. Not this year, not with that schedule, not with their injuries, and not with them having a FCS team late in the year.

Alabama is always great but this year they didn't earn it. You don't reward folks based on reputation you do it on results.
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Hate that you fags are rooting for Auburn this weekend. Just when I started to like you.....


Just for the record, I hope UGA beats Auburn by 50. The winner gets in, the loser doesn't, so I can't see any decent reason to root for Auburn.
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