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2017 College Football Playoffs (and Other Bowl Games)

Lol. The committee can’t come out and justify putting Bama in by saying “Well, they are Bama and they are usually really good. We know they have no CCG and 0 wins against top competition, but I mean, they’re Bama.”

They will have to justify their reasoning against the criteria: SoS, CCG, resume, etc.

They can say at the end of the day we felt that Bama, with only losing one game all year to a tough team despite injuries, impressed us more than OSU who got spanked twice, one being to a crappy team. Fair or unfair. They can say, we realize Bama did not win a CCG, however with a Top 10 SOS, only one loss to the SEC winner, we felt they deserved it more than an Ohio State team who was blown out at home by Oklahoma and blown out on the road against a team that finished with 5 losses.

I hope I am wrong, but honestly would not surprise me a bit. If we can beat Wisconsin pretty good by at least 14+, then I would like our odds a lot more.
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The committee's 'bama conundrum: Weak schedule, basically a bye week in week 11 and still lost badly to the only elite team they played all year.

As has been previously discussed this is 2007 retread where no team stands out. Accordingly no way in hell will they put in (2) teams from the same conference in such a year. The backlash would be deafening! Indeed, the more I ponder the situation it may be quite basic: ACC/SEC/Big12/B1G conference champions are the final four. As always no charge for my no muss/no fuss final solution! :biggrin2:

'bama was lucky to beat an 8-4 Mississippi State. A team that lost to GA 31-3 and Auburn 49-10 respectively.

Clemson lost to frickin' 4-8 Syracuse!

Miami got clocked by 5-7 Pitt!

GA got clocked by Auburn!

Buckeyes got clocked by 7-5 Iowa!

Okla/TCU lost to Iowa State.


The one precedent the committee doesn't want to make is putting in a team that lost their final regular season game. Especially if said team had a laughably easy schedule including a Div 1 Subdivision school er cupcake late in the season.

What would make the committee's decision a lot easier is if Wisky beats the Buckeyes. But hopefully the Buckeyes take care of business and make their decision really messy !!!

Yielding back the balance of my time ...
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They can say at the end of the day we felt that Bama, with only losing one game all year to a tough team despite injuries, impressed us more than OSU who got spanked twice, one being to a crappy team. Fair or unfair. They can say, we realize Bama did not win a CCG, however with a Top 10 SOS, only one loss to the SEC winner, we felt they deserved it more than an Ohio State team who was blown out at home by Oklahoma and blown out on the road against a team that finished with 5 losses.

I hope I am wrong, but honestly would not surprise me a bit. If we can beat Wisconsin pretty good by at least 14+, then I would like our odds a lot more.

Except that is not part of the criteria. Impressive wins against top 25 competition and a conference championship will always outweigh losses according to the criteria that is written in stone by the CFP process. Otherwise, why not just schedule Mercer and Kent State all year?

Bottom line is, Bama lost against the only team they couldn’t lose to with the horrible schedule they played. When you stack them up against a potential Ohio State Conference Champ, they do not have anywhere near the horses based on the metrics used to determine the top four.
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I am at peace with whatever happens. If we win in Indy and make the playoff, cool- I hope we have a good showing unlike last year. If we win in Indy and still don't make it? Ok, cool, a lil' disappointing but I won't be too upset. I'll take my B1G Championship and look forward to the bowl game. I feel like a solid case can be made either way, for and against, this Buckeye squad making the playoff.

We'll see how the championship games play out and go from there, but I am content either way.
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Jerry Palm at CBS has us in the Peach Bowl playing UCF.
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Except that is not part of the criteria. Impressive wins against top 25 competition and a conference championship will always outweigh losses according to the criteria that is written in stone by the CFP process. Otherwise, why not just schedule Mercer and Kent State all year?

Bottom line is, Bama lost against the only team they couldn’t lose to with the horrible schedule they played. When you stack them up against a potential Ohio State Conference Champ, they do not have anywhere near the horses based on the metrics used to determine the top four.

I hope you're right, but you seem to have a lot more faith in the committee than I do.
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