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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

Even if TP had come back I'd still be concerned about our ability to throw the ball... he never did it for me as a passer. But looking at our schedule I don't see a team we'll need that much offense to beat if our defense and running game live up to their billing. Part of the reason none of four QB's is standing out is the defensive players they're throwing against. Outside of Nebraska and Wisconsin, I don't see another defense even close to ours in the league and those games are far enough down the road for our offense to realize its potential. Translation: I think we'll be fine with whoever Fickell decides on even if it's somewhat by committee.
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Buckeneye;1967432; said:
I have Oregon on line 1 and Mr. Razorback on line 2 for you.

While they're on hold take a memo: You might be the only person on earth even tacitly praising Pryor's passing skills (including TP himself). He was saved time and time again by his athleticism, receivers and just dumb luck. The Oregon and Arkansas games bear that out. The point isn't even worthy of debate.
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duh;1961199; said:
You want to know what Bauserman would look like pop in the Illinois game from last year when Pryor went out and the game was close. Yikes it looked like Rex Grossman and just chucked it up. IMHO new coach, start Braxton at QB and live and die by him. Just make sure the run game is working and hit the TE's Although I'm not Luke Fickle and he is on a trial run however you want to spin it.


Here are some of the highlights of Grossman's college days:

23-8 record as a starter ...Career pass efficiency rating of 146.77 ranks 19th in NCAA history and ranks third in SEC history...55 career touchdown passes is a NCAA Division IA record for most TD passes in a combined freshman-sophomore seasons...Third all-time in the SEC with 77 career touchdown passes...Second in UF history with 77 career touchdown passes...

If Bauserman could put up comparable numbers this year Fickle needs to live and die by him.
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Pheasant;1967490; said:
Here are some of the highlights of Grossman's college days:

23-8 record as a starter ...Career pass efficiency rating of 146.77 ranks 19th in NCAA history and ranks third in SEC history...55 career touchdown passes is a NCAA Division IA record for most TD passes in a combined freshman-sophomore seasons...Third all-time in the SEC with 77 career touchdown passes...Second in UF history with 77 career touchdown passes...

If Bauserman could put up comparable numbers this year Fickle needs to live and die by him.

I suspect he meant NFL Grossman, not college Grossman.
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Buckeneye;1967432; said:
I have Oregon on line 1 and Mr. Razorback on line 2 for you.
2 games don't mean he suddenly became a great passer.

Stats are a great way to analyze things, but the y don't always tell the whole story, and IMO Pryor is the perfect example of that. When you take a look at his stats from 2010, you would see a great QB, although when you actually watch the tapes you don't exactly see that.

I believe he gets overhyped for his performance in the Oregon game, as well as the Arkansas game. He made several nice throws in both of them, but he also had several blunder throws that Dane, Posey, and Ballard all bailed him out on.

TP went 31-4, so he, and the coaching staff were obviously doing something right. But, I don't think he was ever truly comfortable at QB and I'm not sure he ever will be. Once in a generation type of athlete yes, but I agree completely in saying that if he was back I would still be concerned about our ability to throw the football.
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MaxBuck;1967524; said:
Oh, please. :roll2:

Do you have any idea what Pryor's career stats were? Far better than most people realize. Terrelle Pryor Stats Not worthy of debate? What a joke.

Yeah, but he's also playing with a lot of talent on his team going against Prdue, Indiana, Ohio, Eastern Michigan, etc. Every single throw he made made me nervous, and some were so far off it got to be ridiculous. Braxton looks like he can actually put some zip on the ball so that makes me excited.
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OhioState2110;1967559; said:
Yeah, but he's also playing with a lot of talent on his team going against Prdue, Indiana, Ohio, Eastern Michigan, etc. Every single throw he made made me nervous, and some were so far off it got to be ridiculous. Braxton looks like he can actually put some zip on the ball so that makes me excited.

Way to save your post with that winner.:bonk:
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