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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

duh;1961244; said:
Sorry it's hard to proof read with the boss man right behind you. I hope everyone got the just of it. :osu:

I'll make a stab at what you were trying to say:


You want to know what Bauserman would look like?
Pop in the Illinois game from last year when Pryor went out and the game was close.
He looked like Rex Grossman and he just chucked it up.
IMHO the new coach should start Braxton at QB and live and die by him.
Just make sure the run game is working and hit the TE's.
Although, I'm not Luke Fickle and he is on a trial run, however you want to spin it.



1. Sending in the back-up always made Tressel very nervous. He called more conservative offensive plays than normal, which is saying a lot.
2. I doubt that Bauserman was ready, mentally, to be thrown into that situation. At least, he didn't appear to be ready to me. But I wasn't even in that stadium, much less talking to him, so I can't say for sure.
3. Perhaps the Illinois defense "smelled blood" and went in for the kill. Get #1 and #2 sorted out, and perhaps the defense would have been burned for some big plays.

I think you make a valid point about Fickle being on a trial run. (I know the "interim" tag is removed, but he is still on a 1-year deal, if I remember correctly.) He may want to play this very conservatively. He might give the ball to the guy who he feels will make the fewest mistakes. If he's around for the long haul, he may feel that Miller or another young guy will be the man - let him spend a year or two to get some in-game experience and be a total stud by his junior year. I don't know the answer, but I'm interested to see how this comes out.
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I know what you're saying with the Rex Grossman example, but as a college QB a case can be made that he should have won the Heisman trophy as a sophomore in 2001.


Crouch had the advantage of a signature play when he caught the TD pass in the Neb-Okla game, and back in 2001 there was more of an anti-sophomore bias, since no soph had ever won the award up until then.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR1E2EPaT8I"]‪Husker's Crouch Game Winning Catch‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Nebraska fans, I only said that a case can be made, I didn't say Grossman should have won.
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I feel like Kenny G is the dark horse in this competition, but I feel if we were only able to start one QB all season, the QB who would give us the most wins would be KG. Now im a Huge Braxton fan, but I think he needs a few games to mature, and to be eased into the fold of things.
Joe is a good game manager, but if we are in a situation where we need our QB to go out and win the game, I don't think he would be able to do that as well as Kenny.
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Buckin Crazy;1966850; said:
I feel like Kenny G is the dark horse in this competition, but I feel if we were only able to start one QB all season, the QB who would give us the most wins would be KG. Now im a Huge Braxton fan, but I think he needs a few games to mature, and to be eased into the fold of things.
Joe is a good game manager, but if we are in a situation where we need our QB to go out and win the game, I don't think he would be able to do that as well as Kenny.

Why would you say that?
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Buckin Crazy;1966850; said:
I feel like Kenny G is the dark horse in this competition, but I feel if we were only able to start one QB all season, the QB who would give us the most wins would be KG. Now im a Huge Braxton fan, but I think he needs a few games to mature, and to be eased into the fold of things.
Joe is a good game manager, but if we are in a situation where we need our QB to go out and win the game, I don't think he would be able to do that as well as Kenny.

I want to think that, but I might disagree. Kenny didn't impress that much in the spring game and he has played very little in games. I think he may take the route of Mr. Henton and leave, because Imo Miller will and bauserman will split reps and Miller will eventually take over,a la pryors 1st year. Graham will be a very solid backup when needed though.
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I think our biggest problem position as a team this season is QB. And the reason is that we haven't found a "safe" choice for the position.

At least in 2008 Todd Boeckmann was a safe choice; TP became QB because the team needed a spark rather than because Todd was throwing picks all over the field. None of the 2011 Buckeye QBs, including Bauserman, has established the ability to sustain a drive against reasonable competition without getting careless with the ball in one way or another.

Offensively, this could be a bit of a difficult season IMO. We should still win our division, though.
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MaxBuck;1966973; said:
None of the 2011 Buckeye QBs, including Bauserman, has established the ability to sustain a drive against reasonable competition without getting careless with the ball in one way or another.

3 out of 4 of the quarterbacks haven't even had a chance to establish their ability to sustain drives against reasonable competition.
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MaxBuck;1966973; said:
I think our biggest problem position as a team this season is QB. And the reason is that we haven't found a "safe" choice for the position.

At least in 2008 Todd Boeckmann was a safe choice; TP became QB because the team needed a spark rather than because Todd was throwing picks all over the field. None of the 2011 Buckeye QBs, including Bauserman, has established the ability to sustain a drive against reasonable competition without getting careless with the ball in one way or another.

Offensively, this could be a bit of a difficult season IMO. We should still win our division, though.

Yes, the 2007 All Big Ten QB appeared to be a safe choice. When, in the Ohio U game (if not sooner) it became painfully obvious that the O-Line was...

I'm just going to do a self-transorbital lobotomy now. It would be less painful than reliving that.
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MaxBuck;1966973; said:
I think our biggest problem position as a team this season is QB. And the reason is that we haven't found a "safe" choice for the position.

At least in 2008 Todd Boeckmann was a safe choice; TP became QB because the team needed a spark rather than because Todd was throwing picks all over the field. None of the 2011 Buckeye QBs, including Bauserman, has established the ability to sustain a drive against reasonable competition without getting careless with the ball in one way or another.

Offensively, this could be a bit of a difficult season IMO. We should still win our division, though.

Buckeye86;1966974; said:
3 out of 4 of the quarterbacks haven't even had a chance to establish their ability to sustain drives against reasonable competition.

I'm kind of in the middle. Sometimes, I have hope because none of the young guys have had a chance to prove themselves.

Other times I get really scared when I think about the fact we have had snap shots over the years of where Bauserman is as a rough benchmark and none of the young guys can separate themselves from that even in practice.
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I would go with Graham and package miller....let them duke it out

Graham is the kid that some may be afraid is really good because then we could have a real QB controvercy....from what im reading he has it...the arm....and the leadership...i want to see it on the field and I wan to see Miller on the Field...make a decision by week four and throw the deep ball alot
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Jaxbuck;1967000; said:
I'm kind of in the middle. Sometimes, I have hope because none of the young guys have had a chance to prove themselves.

Other times I get really scared when I think about the fact we have had snap shots over the years of where Bauserman is as a rough benchmark and none of the young guys can separate themselves from that even in practice.

I think through athletic ability, effort, and accuracy pretty much all of the young QBs have separated themselves.

The problem is that all four QBs hold onto the ball way too long and take off running or force throws on a lot of plays.

Bauserman does this just as much as the young guys if not more and he is the worst scrambler outside of maybe Graham. And like I said earlier this morning in Bauserman's thread, he doesn't seem to put much effort into his scrambles, which is the least that he could do in my opinion.

At least the young QBs run hard when they leave the pocket.
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Buckeye86;1967005; said:
I think through athletic ability, effort, and accuracy pretty much all of the young QBs have separated themselves.

The problem is that all four QBs hold onto the ball way too long and take off running or force throws on a lot of plays.

Bauserman does this just as much as the young guys if not more and he is the worst scrambler outside of maybe Graham. And like I said earlier this morning in Bauserman's thread, he doesn't seem to put much effort into his scrambles, which is the least that he could do in my opinion.

At least the young QBs run hard when they leave the pocket.


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