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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

MaxBuck;1967524; said:
Oh, please. :roll2:

Do you have any idea what Pryor's career stats were? Far better than most people realize. Terrelle Pryor Stats Not worthy of debate? What a joke.
Let's take a look at his games against top-flight competition through the air:
08 Wisconsin: 13/19 (68.4%) 144 yards 1 INT 121.6 rating
08 Penn State: 16/25 (64.0%) 226 yards 1 INT 131.9 rating
08 Texas: 5/13 (38.5) 66 yards 81.1 rating
09 USC: 11/25 (44%) 177 yards 1 INT 95.5 rating
09 Wisconsin: 5/13 (38.5%) 87 yards 1 TD 1 INT 104.7 rating
09 Penn State: 8/17 (47.1%) 125 yards 2 TD 147.6 rating
09 Iowa: 14/17 (82.4%) 93 yards 128.3 rating
09 Oregon: 23/37 (62.2%) 266 yards 2 TD 1 INT 135.0 rating
10 Miami: 12/27 (44.4%) 233 1 TD 129.2 rating
10 Wisconsin: 14/28 (50.0%) 156 yards 1 INT 89.7
10 Penn State: 8/13 (61.5%) 139 yards 2 TD 1 INT 186.7 rating
10 Iowa: 18/33 (54.5) 195 yards 1 TD 2 INT 102.1 rating
10 Arkansas: 14/25 (56.0) 221 yards 2 TD 156.7 rating

In 13 games, his total stats were: 161/292 (55.2%) 2,128 yards 11 TD 9 INT

Like I said though, in TP's case, the stats don't tell the whole story. Film does. And from what I remember, he was an average passer who was very prone to mistakes and bad throws. If Da U's DB core could catch a cold, he would've had 2-3 picks that game, several times he drilled their defenders in the chest.

There's also the lob up to Ballard in the Rose Bowl, Dane somehow catching that poorly thrown ball in the Sugar Bowl as well.

TP made some nice throws throughout his career, but they were evened out by the bad throws he made as well. That's why I call him an average passer. But hey, that's why he's a 6-6 freak of nature, he isn't the OSU all-time QB rushing leader for no reason.

Sorry for taking this thread further off-course.
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QB Battle

From the very first snaps at today?s practice one thing was on everyone?s mind: Who?s going to grab the starting QB spot? All four QBs on Ohio State?s roster were front and center, being analyzed down to the smallest details. Bauserman, Guiton, Graham and Miller each took their reps with no clear front runner to start the day.

For what it?s worth, Bauserman took the majority of the first team snaps. It?s clear Fickell lacks experience when it comes to his choice at QB this season, which is why he?s probably preferring to see a lot of Bauserman, who has the most experience, even if Bauserman only has 47 total snaps since 2008. By the practice?s end, Bauserman had done little to separate himself from others. His passes were usually short throws, preferring to dump it off to his running backs, particularly Jordan Hall. Needless to say the Bauserman for Heisman train has still yet to leave the station. But one thing that is clear is that Bauserman displayed a poised, confident approach when leading the offense. Clearly experience was on his side.

Following Bauserman was Kenny Guiton. Don?t ever get it twisted, Kenny G has a lot of talent, a strong arm, great height, and a terrific attitude, but he clearly lacks accuracy and that word again: experience. Guiton made some nice throws every once and a while, including a long gain to DeVier Posey. Guiton has the tools and is a great teammate. After every series he ran, you could find him complimenting and encouraging teammates, just really trying to be a leader. You could tell Guiton really believes he has a shot to win that starting spot, and I really like the guy, but he still needs to develop his game and refine his skills.

Cont'd ...


Additional info in the link.
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The report that Bauserman is taking a majority of the reps with the first team is wrong. Through a straight line rotation everyone gets their chance and all 4 QBs end up with an equal amount of time with each unit.

It goes something like this (and these are taken straight from my notes on the passing drills this morning, so this is exactly how it went down today):

1st Round
Guiton w/ 1st team
Graham w/ 2nd team
Miller w/ 3rd team

2nd Round
Bauserman w/ 1st team
Guiton w/ 2nd team
Graham w/ 3rd team

3rd Round
Miller w/1st team
Bauserman w/ 2nd team
Guiton w/ 3rd team

4th Round
Graham w/ 1st team
Miller w/ 2nd team
Bauserman w/ 3rd team

This rotation was repeated throughout practice in every drill that involved QBs with one of the offensive units (although a different QB started with the first team in the initial round each time).

I find the whole "Fickell lacks experience with a QB derby" to be quite stupid as well considering 1: His assistant coaches probably have much more to do with the decision on reps than he does and 2: that system that I just described seems like a pretty great way to give everyone an equal opportunity to separate themselves given that it is still early in the camp.

That report from ElevenWarriors seems to be taken after observing a small segment of practice without noticing the rotation I described above.
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Carmen Ohio;1967475; said:
While they're on hold take a memo: You might be the only person on earth even tacitly praising Pryor's passing skills (including TP himself).

Watching him go from his Freshman year to his Junior year, yeah I have no issue praising his improvement in passing.

I will agree, his athletic ability is an attribute... and huge props to his playmakers. But that's also why they're playing offense. Make plays.

Some of the moments of brilliance Terrelle had were great. Solid games. In the biggest though you can't tell me he didn't come through. How many of us feared the worst before facing Oregon? I remember that game clear as day. Compare it to the downright terrible play he had at points in that same season and again - I have no issue praising his passing developments.

edit: Enough with Pryor though. My apologies for carrying on. Back to the 2011 group please.
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MaxBuck;1967524; said:
Oh, please. :roll2:

Do you have any idea what Pryor's career stats were? Far better than most people realize. Terrelle Pryor Stats Not worthy of debate? What a joke.

The joke is your reading ability. I am clearly talking about his PASSING skills that everybody and his mother says need work. Pryor said as much himself in the Quarterback Camp show with Jon Gruden. May I remind you that Dane Sanzenbacher was last year's MVP. I'm not dogging Pryor or discounting what he's done but his passing problems may have been exacerbated without Dane. The debate, if you choose to have one, is whether we would have been that much better off with Pryor but I'm not going to be dragged into some dumb-assed off-point discussion.
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Ohio State football: Fickell?s QB choice could define his tenure
Sunday August 14, 2011
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch

As much as college-football coaches love competition on the practice field, they also prefer that there be no doubt about the most important position on the team: starting quarterback.

Now imagine the challenge for Ohio State coach Luke Fickell.

An NCAA investigation that cost Jim Tressel his job as coach and prompted three-year starting quarterback Terrelle Pryor to leave school early leaves Fickell to make a decision in the next few weeks on a replacement.

His choice could go a long way in determining whether he remains coach beyond this season.

Seemingly unfazed, Fickell said his approach to deciding the winner among senior Joe Bauserman, sophomore Kenny Guiton, redshirt freshman Taylor Graham and freshman Braxton Miller will be simple.

?We?re going to find out who?s best,? he said.


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