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2010 tOSU Offensive Line Discussion

Brandon Castel looks at the OG position, where seniors Bryant Browning and Justin Boren return as starters.


Spring Back: Senior Guards Strengthen Veteran Offensive Line
By Brandon Castel

COLUMBUS - With all the talk about the offensive tackles, the real strength of the Ohio State offensive line was largely overlooked this spring. Because the only real competition taking place up front was for the open left tackle spot, there wasn?t a lot of attention paid to the interior offensive linemen.

But with all three starters back from a year ago, including guards Justin Boren and Bryant Browning, that's exactly where offensive coordinator Jim Bollman would place his focus when it comes to the offensive line.

"It's always a luxury when you have the same three guys back who played a lot of games last year. I think Justin missed one game and I think Mike (Brewster) and B.B. (Bryant Browning) were in there every other game," Bollman said.

"Knowledge wise, experience wise, knowing each other, helping the tackles. It's a lot easier to switch guys around like that (at tackle) when the guys inside of them are pretty good knowledge wise as to what's going on and can help."

Cont'd ...
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You go, BB! I thought Browning had one great (quiet) year, and seemed to improve as the year went on. He doesn't do interviews, doesn't get a lot of love... you just don't hear much about the guy. I'm not a coach and I haven't gone back and watched him on every play, but I thought he looked pretty good.

Of course, when some 4.5 DE knocks over the QB, it's usually the tackle or TE who looks bad.

If you're TP, you gotta feel good lining up behind Boren, Brewster and Brown. Holy shizzle, that's a ton of experienced linemen shoulder to shoulder right in front of you.
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Taosman;1707984; said:
I don't know if this could be called a "great" offensive line, but (barring injury/sickness) they probably will be good enough/solid.

Why do you think they're only good enough? I think we'll have a very good line barring injuries of course. Pretty much all the starters are back(except LT, still our weakness) from a good line last year. And we have some serious depth at almost all positions
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Count me as one who is cautiously optimistic about the line. I'm looking for big things from JB Shugarts this year. If BBB (Boren, Brewster, and Browning) can stay healthy, our interior line should be as good as ever. It's time for Big Mike Adams to shine, and Shugarts to take the next step forward. If they can both put themselves on the map, our line will be very good.
I like our depth. Andy Miller, Marcus Hall, Mewhort, etc. Good competition in practices and not a huge drop off if there are injuries.
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tOSU is probably one the of the best groups in the country as far as G-C-G. I would think that those three stack up to just about any other group in the country. The big question is does Mike Adams stay healthy and start living up to lofty expectations and does JB stay healthy and continue to prove that he is good player too. Thankfully Hall and Miller both have experience at the tackle spots. In the end the tackles will more than likely decide if this group is just good or great.
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I believe we have a very good starting oline especially G-C-G. I still feel like we are very questionable if we have an injury or two. It was nice having Cordle last year who could play all over the place. Who is the backup center? I hope we stay healthy if so this could be one of JT`s best olines. Go Bucks
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cbrian815;1708232; said:
I believe we have a very good starting oline especially G-C-G. I still feel like we are very questionable if we have an injury or two. It was nice having Cordle last year who could play all over the place. Who is the backup center? I hope we stay healthy if so this could be one of JT`s best olines. Go Bucks

I think Jack Mewhort is the backup Center.
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cbrian815;1708232; said:
I believe we have a very good starting oline especially G-C-G. I still feel like we are very questionable if we have an injury or two. It was nice having Cordle last year who could play all over the place. Who is the backup center? I hope we stay healthy if so this could be one of JT`s best olines. Go Bucks

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