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2010 tOSU Offensive Line Discussion

OSU notebook: Offensive linemen look to cap off stellar season
Monday, January 3, 2011
By Tim May

NEW ORLEANS - Ohio State's offensive line will seek a big finish in the Big Easy on Tuesday night.

All five veteran starters not only have been healthy most of the year, but they also are probably the healthiest since the preseason as they prepare to go against Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl. Even right tackle J.B. Shugarts has been moving well in practice after dealing with foot problems throughout the season.

Tuesday's game will be the last time that junior left tackle Mike Adams, senior left guard Justin Boren, junior center Michael Brewster, senior right guard Bryant Browning and Shugarts, a junior, play together. If ever the timing was right for a unit to play its best game, this is it.

"I think this offensive line has played well all season, but we've got to continue that," Boren said. "We're close as a unit, I think we work well together, we know what we're doing and what the other guy is doing. So hopefully, we can put that all together for the last game."

Trying to get in the way will be an Arkansas defense that's been gashed on occasion this year, especially on the ground, but that also led the Southeastern Conference in sacks with just over three a game. It's a defense that tries to make up for a blunder on one play by sending blitzers on the next.

"They give you a lot of different looks and try to confuse you," Brewster said. "It's going to be a big challenge, but we've been preparing hard, so I can't wait."

The offensive line went back to basics in the past week of workouts in the Louisiana Superdome to make sure everyone was getting off on the right foot.

"We've been doing a lot of technique work; it's almost like (preseason) camp all over again," Brewster said. "That's the biggest thing for us, like to make sure we're always moving our feet; just the little things that will make all the difference."

The line launched a 1,000-yard back in Daniel Herron this season while protecting enough to help Terrelle Pryor throw for more than 2,500 yards. Which is the better barometer?

"I think both of those are big," Boren said. "Of course, most offensive linemen take pride in the rushing game, and having 'Boom' rush for 1,000 yards is huge. But having Terrelle back there to pass and giving him time, I think those are both big accomplishments."

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