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2010 tOSU Offensive Line Discussion

2010 Best Units: Offensive Linemen - AthlonSports.com
3. Ohio State
The Buckeyes were inconsistent up front last season, but it should be a team strength in 2010. Guard Justin Boren is the anchor and is joined by promising center Mike Brewster, Bryant Browning and J.B. Shugarts. A new starter must be found at left tackle, but the Buckeyes have quality candidates.
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MililaniBuckeye;1730979; said:
Not sure if the OL is the 3rd best unit in the entire country. If they play even like a top-30 OL consistently all season, we'll be dangerous...play like a top-10 OL all year and look the [censored] out.

I tend to agree here. I feel like the second half of 09 was huge for our line, especially in run blocking. A team that couldn't convert 3rd and one against Navy was running for more than 200 against PSU, Iowa, and Michigan. I'm hoping that the "gelling" stage is over and these guys can really show out, particularly the 08 class. Adams, Shugarts, and Brew could and should be 1st-4th round draft picks with their NFL bodies. Boren could easily be one of the first guards taken in the draft, and who knows with Bryant. Bottom line is, everyone outside of Buckeye Nation is expecting big things out of this unit and those close to the situation are cautiously optimistic about what we're working with.
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stowfan;1730986; said:
Wisconsin is #1 on the list, and according to the depth chart on Scout, my guy Bill Nagy from Hudson High School is starting at left guard. :biggrin:

And Wisconsin was absolutely blown up by the Ohio State defensive line last year. It was a comedy. And they are #1? They did good with Miami, but I have a hard time believing their squad is #1 in the country. I have a hard time believing Ohio State is #3, but maybe Jim Bollman and Co will prove me wrong.
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Last year was a strange one for the offensive line as first the flu and then injuries hit mostly the offensive line contributing to the Purdue fiasco and some poor play. The end of the season people got healthy and it showed what they are really capable of. If someone comes through at left tackle this will be a very good offensive line. Solid play by both lines will make this team very tough. :oh:
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Taosman;1731120; said:
Last year was a strange one for the offensive line as first the flu and then injuries hit mostly the offensive line contributing to the Purdue fiasco and some poor play. The end of the season people got healthy and it showed what they are really capable of. If someone comes through at left tackle this will be a very good offensive line. Solid play by both lines will make this team very tough. :oh:

Really capable in terms of run blocking. Pass blocking was still an issue. I'm cautiously optimistic. I hope the line 'gels', like you hear so often. These guys have played a lot together and it should show from the get go. The experiment with Bollman in charge of the middle and Peterson in charge of the TEs and tackles should start to pay dividends, and if it doesn't, maybe Ohio State just isn't meant to have effective play at the tackle position. Some kind of evil destiny or something. Can't wait to find out.
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How bout this staged photo? Everyone knows Bollman doesn't use blocking sleds.
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Ohio State Buckeyes' offensive line has a lot riding on it from the start
Published: Friday, August 13, 2010
Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer

Center Mike Brewster (50) and his linemates know they will have to be good early to protect QB Terrelle Pryor (2) and get the Ohio State running game going.

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? This isn't the year when Ohio State's offensive line can take a few weeks to figure itself out.

But with 93 career starts among the top six linemen, there's no reason the Buckeyes can't come firing off the line from the first whistle this September

Off to a good start

There's no reason for the Ohio State offensive line to take a month to find itself this season, not with 93 career starts among the top six players on the line:

Left tackle: Mike Adams, junior, 4 starts; Andrew Miller, senior, 3 starts

Left guard: Justin Boren, senior, 26 starts

Center: Mike Brewster, junior, 23 starts

Right guard: Bryant Browning, senior, 27 starts

Right tackle: J.B. Shugarts, junior, 10 starts

Ohio State Buckeyes' offensive line has a lot riding on it from the start | cleveland.com
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