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2010 tOSU Offensive Line Discussion

cincibuck;1686215; said:
No, it means you have three more guys who can play right tackle and/or center if the need arises, unlike having four right tackles. Oh and at least one who can become a tight end for The Game, helping to extend The Streak.
I dunno. Until I see/hear that we've got 1 LT, I'm not convinced otherwise based upon our experience last year.
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If you have 4 left tackles, doesn't that mean you have "none"?
Well they haven't exactly gotten to see this kids play in pads since last season. I think looking at 4 LT's is a good thing.

We need to find the right guy. After splitting up the time between 2 guys last season and still not finding the right guy we can't just sit on our hands and hope that one of the 2 step up. Are one or both of Adams and Miller going to start to stand out? Hopefully they are; but no one knows until they see them perform, not even the coaches.

If they didn't stand out last year, there is no reason to just assume that they will this year. They have to show it on the field and I would most definitely be looking at all of my options if I were the coaches.

If our coaches had named our LT already before looking at more options than just Adams and Miller nor using the opportunity to see the improvement and then I would have to be puzzled as to what made them come to that conclusion. It's a shame that we didn't have a standout LT emerge last year and come into this year as the clear cut guy. That's the way it is though, and giving 4 guys their shot will sort things out. I don't think it necessarily says anything about whether we will have a very good LT this upcoming season.

If we go into the season with 2 or 3 guys playing the spot, then I think it's safe to say that having "4 LT's means you have none." But right now, that's quite premature.

After last season, I would honestly hope that we don't have 1 LT yet because no one has proved anything yet and the coaches haven't had a chance to see anyone perform on the field so far.

For the Buckeyes right now 4 LT's definitely does not mean that we have "none."


That is all.
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pnuts34;1687110; said:
You don't think that Norwell will be redshirting this year?
And isn't the TE job Stoneburners?

I would love to see Stoneburner at TE, but what worries me is that I didn't see him playing last year. I know JT talked about playing him the Rose Bowl, but I didn't see him. Has he shown he can block? Hopefully we will see alot of him in the Spring Game.

Anyway, I would love to see Jake have 8 catches a game. I would also love to see Zack Boren have 4 catches a game.

Maybe Norwell will redshirt because that could well mean none of the starting 5 got injuired.
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maximumblitz;1687571; said:
I would love to see Stoneburner at TE, but what worries me is that I didn't see him playing last year. I know JT talked about playing him the Rose Bowl, but I didn't see him. Has he shown he can block? Hopefully we will see alot of him in the Spring Game.

Anyway, I would love to see Jake have 8 catches a game. I would also love to see Zack Boren have 4 catches a game.

Maybe Norwell will redshirt because that could well mean none of the starting 5 got injuired.

I agree about Stoney, but doesn't that almost happen annually across CFB, that kids step up who weren't starting the year before? I doubt he and Boren see 12 catches between them, thats taking the ball out some of our more speedy players. I'd be fine if Boren got a catch or 2 but I'd rather see Saine or our RBs catching the ball more. Stoney getting 8 catches in mismatches with LBs would be great, but a little far fetched. Hopefully he learns how to block better and helps our offense become more efficient next season.
And I hope Norwell isn't needed too much other than playing in garbage time, unless he redshirts. The O line is looking good, but just need that LT to step up. Im hoping its Adams, that man looks like a mountain of a man
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ShakerBuck;1687665; said:
especially since last year TP averaged 12.8 completions per game in total, and our running game will arguably as deep as it has ever been in 2010.

12.8? That is sobering.

In that case, I am depending on a strong Oline to help increase that number because of TP having all day to pass. And maybe a strong running game will set up more passes?
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maximumblitz;1688047; said:
12.8? That is sobering.

In that case, I am depending on a strong Oline to help increase that number because of TP having all day to pass. And maybe a strong running game will set up more passes?

Play action with a strong line and deep RB corps will be our best friend this season...
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Left tackle tango

Junior Mike Adams and senior Andrew Miller continue to share time at offensive left tackle with the first team, a dance that left guard Justin Boren doesn't see ending anytime soon.

"It's probably going to be a battle that's going to go into the fall," Boren said. "I don't think we're going to know anything by the end of the spring, because they're both doing good."

Ohio State football notebook: Hard-working Simon has big day | BuckeyeXtra
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Buckeyes expect O-line triad to turn corner
April, 26, 2010
By Adam Rittenberg

Before the Rose Bowl, Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor and head coach Jim Tressel met and discussed how the game marked the halfway point of Pryor's career.

And Pryor aced it.

But Pryor isn't the only member of Ohio State's decorated 2008 recruiting class to reach halftime in Columbus.

As Pryor delayed his college decision on national signing day in 2008, much of the buzz at Ohio State swirled around three decorated offensive line prospects: Michael Brewster, Mike Adams and J.B. Shugarts. All three players were ESPNU 150 selections. ESPN recruiting ranked Brewster and Shugarts as the nation's No. 2 and No. 3 offensive tackle prospects, while Adams ranked No. 8.

All three are now preparing for their junior seasons at Ohio State.

"They're at the midpoint of their careers, not unlike Terrelle," head coach Jim Tressel said. "You'd like to think that they can be real good leaders and good veterans."

Pryor's development in the second half of his career likely will determine whether Ohio State wins a national title for the first time since 2002, but equally as important, if not more so, is the progression of his classmates on the offensive line.

"Adams, Brewster and Shugarts have now all gotten their feet more than wet now for a couple years," offensive coordinator/offensive line coach Jim Bollman said. "Going into their third year, now it's time for them to really start kicking it in."

Buckeyes expect O-line triad to turn corner - Big Ten Blog - ESPN
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I can't wait to see the Brew Crew crush Dlinemen next year! There was a good quote a parent had at the spring game, pretty much stating that Adams has the LT locked down. I really hope he has it all together and becomes the dominant force we know he can be. Shugarts and Brewster, its just another day at the office, put in work and become All Big 10 OL
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