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2010-2011 Men's Basketball (Outright Big Ten & BTT Champs)

LitlBuck;1861724; said:
but for Williams to say that now when Ohio State is undefeated is nonsense and I agree with DZ on this no matter how good Pittsburgh is right now they are not undefeated so until the Buckeyes lose one Pittsburgh should be ranked below them.

So you have OSU #1 and San Diego St. #2?
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LitlBuck;1862140; said:
the discussion was about Ohio State and Pittsburgh. You brought in the Aztecs. They are not in the same league as Ohio State and Pitt just because they are undefeated.

Likewise, Ohio State is not clearly better than Pitt just because they are undefeated. I personally would rank them ahead of Pitt, but to call seeing Pitt as the best team in the country "nonsense" simply because OSU is undefeated is nonsense.
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Sullinger, Craft find friendship after rivalry
By Ben Axelrod
[email protected]
Published: Monday, January 24, 2011

At a Jan. 18 press conference, Ohio State freshman point guard Aaron Craft was asked if he ever had a "Welcome to Ohio State" moment during summer scrimmages with former OSU players. His teammate, freshman forward Jared Sullinger, took the liberty of answering the question for him.

"(Former OSU guard) Scoonie Penn calls him ?Cheese,' 'cause his last name is Craft," Sullinger said. "So that was a ?Welcome to Ohio State' moment right there. He won't tell you all, but I will."

As reporters roared with laughter, Craft took the moment to thank Sullinger sarcastically for sharing the formerly private information with the media.

"And now that is outside the team." Craft said. "Thank you, Jared."

Whether they're joking around in a press conference or connecting on the court, it's easy to see Craft and Sullinger have had chemistry ? both on and off the court ? since the moment they met. Sullinger, however, said his and Craft's friendship was born out of a rivalry that dates to middle school AAU basketball.

"What's funny is, me and Craft was enemies in the eighth grade," Sullinger said. "I didn't like Craft 'cause he played for All-Ohio Red and I played for Columbus Jaguars, and they constantly beat our butt until nationals."

The following season, Sullinger left the Jaguars to join Craft's All-Ohio Red team. Craft said he vividly remembers the moment he found out he would be teaming up with his former rival.

"The first AAU practice we had in ninth grade, Jared wasn't with us at the time, and after practice, our coach told us that he was going to play with us, and I'm not going to lie, I got pretty excited," Craft said. "I knew who he was; I knew what he could do; and once I finally met him, we definitely kind of just formed a bond."


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Buckskin86;1862482; said:
"He played on a team full of black guys. You know how there's that one guy, they classify him as a shooter? So every time Aaron got into the game they were like, ?Watch the shooter; watch the shooter.' And the next thing you know, he blows by you," Sullinger said. "He's always been the underdog, and he's always embraced it, and so being with him for the past four years and just watching how everybody attacks him just because of the way he looks, the way he carries himself, it's pretty funny."
this comment from sully reminds me of a post i made in craft's thread almost a year ago:

OSU_Buckguy;1653611; said:
craft repeatedly proved naysayers wrong during his aau seasons. unfortunately, many made conclusions about aaron based on his appearance without having seen him play. many thought that he couldn't flourish in an up-tempo game. each tournament, however, he showed that he adapts to different styles. he punished those teams that didn't think that he could push the ball or guard water bugs.
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BigJim;1862233; said:
Likewise, Ohio State is not clearly better than Pitt just because they are undefeated. I personally would rank them ahead of Pitt, but to call seeing Pitt as the best team in the country "nonsense" simply because OSU is undefeated is nonsense.

You are not doing your job as a pollster when you vote a team with one loss in their hometown against an unranked team #1 when there's another team out there that's unbeaten in a BCS conference at this stage of the season. Apparently Jay Williams doesn't have a vote in the AP poll, or else if he did, he didn't vote Pitt #1. There was only one pollster in America who voted Pitt #1 this week, Jon Wilner, who apparently bases his rankings primarily on schedule strength and feels that OSU has not played a strong enough schedule, and has had OSU lower than any other voter all season long.

Again, the question was about rankings - it wasn't a question about who's the best team in the country, it was "who should be ranked #2"? And if you accept the fact that there's a way that rankings work, there are only two teams you could fairly vote #1 within that framework, OSU and SDSU. If Jay Williams doesn't accept that the polls have a structured way of moving teams up and down based on wins and losses, he needs to explain why he doesn't adhere to the norms of ranking teams. He did not do that.

If you're a professional sportswriter filling out a poll, you're going to have OSU ranked #1 this week ... if you're an ESPN talking head, maybe you don't. There were only two AP voters in America who didn't vote OSU #1 this week, and both of the "other" choices for #1 were poor and a slight to the established rankings process. Kentucky was a unanimous #1 at this time last year because they were the only undefeated BCS team. Voting Duke or Pitt #1 at this point in the season when OSU is still undefeated and both of those other teams lost is like insubordination.
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NFBuck;1862437; said:
Pitt is Shit...they'll have a very good regular season, win a couple tournament games, then pee down their legs as they reach the Elite-8.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-2Nm-TrivA"]YouTube - Backyard Brawl Sweet Caroline WVU version (EAT SHIT PITT)[/ame]
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DZ83CK;1863027; said:
You are not doing your job as a pollster when you vote a team with one loss in their hometown against an unranked team #1 when there's another team out there that's unbeaten in a BCS conference at this stage of the season. Apparently Jay Williams doesn't have a vote in the AP poll, or else if he did, he didn't vote Pitt #1. There was only one pollster in America who voted Pitt #1 this week, Jon Wilner, who apparently bases his rankings primarily on schedule strength and feels that OSU has not played a strong enough schedule, and has had OSU lower than any other voter all season long.

Again, the question was about rankings - it wasn't a question about who's the best team in the country, it was "who should be ranked #2"? And if you accept the fact that there's a way that rankings work, there are only two teams you could fairly vote #1 within that framework, OSU and SDSU. If Jay Williams doesn't accept that the polls have a structured way of moving teams up and down based on wins and losses, he needs to explain why he doesn't adhere to the norms of ranking teams. He did not do that.

If you're a professional sportswriter filling out a poll, you're going to have OSU ranked #1 this week ... if you're an ESPN talking head, maybe you don't. There were only two AP voters in America who didn't vote OSU #1 this week, and both of the "other" choices for #1 were poor and a slight to the established rankings process. Kentucky was a unanimous #1 at this time last year because they were the only undefeated BCS team. Voting Duke or Pitt #1 at this point in the season when OSU is still undefeated and both of those other teams lost is like insubordination.

he said he would still vote them ahead of Pitt...
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