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2010-2011 Men's Basketball (Outright Big Ten & BTT Champs)

Did I miss some comedy of errors in this game? Texas won by 20 on the road, in a rivalry game, at a building where they hadn't won a game in seven years. They have now beat A&M, Missouri, Okie St, Kansas, and A&M again, all by double digits, over the past 12 days. That's impressive.
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Butler has been a flop this year, not that they were expected to repeat what they did last year....but they are 14-9 overall and 6-5 in the Horizon League after losing to Youngstown State tonight (who is 8-14 and 2-10 in Horizon play)
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Oregon St is among the five worst major-conference teams in the nation (kenpom has only DePaul, LSU, and Auburn ranked lower from BCS conferences). Despite the lack of game, the Beavers beat Washington last night, handing Arizona sole possession of the lead in the Pac-10 conference.

Oregon St has now managed to knock off both Washington and Arizona, yet has lost to teams like Utah Valley, Seattle, and Texas Southern.
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Dryden;1868978; said:
Oregon St is among the five worst major-conference teams in the nation (kenpom has only DePaul, LSU, and Auburn ranked lower from BCS conferences). Despite the lack of game, the Beavers beat Washington last night, handing Arizona sole possession of the lead in the Pac-10 conference.

Oregon St has now managed to knock off both Washington and Arizona, yet has lost to teams like Utah Valley, Seattle, and Texas Southern.

Such is the luck of Obama's brother-in-law.
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Larry Drew II leaving UNC. Stunner ...


Source: Larry Drew II leaves UNC

In a jarring February development, North Carolina point guard Larry Drew II has left the Tar Heels team and will transfer, according to a source close to the situation.

The source did not cite a reason for Drew's decision to transfer but did say the junior left campus Thursday, roughly 48 hours after recording nine assists in 19 minutes in North Carolina's 106-74 victory over Boston College. The source also said Carolina's coaches were aware of Drew's decision.

Cont'd ...
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Dryden;1868978; said:
Oregon St is among the five worst major-conference teams in the nation (kenpom has only DePaul, LSU, and Auburn ranked lower from BCS conferences). Despite the lack of game, the Beavers beat Washington last night, handing Arizona sole possession of the lead in the Pac-10 conference.

Oregon St has now managed to knock off both Washington and Arizona, yet has lost to teams like Utah Valley, Seattle, and Texas Southern.
1. You missed the bottom-feeder of all BCS bottom-feeders, Wake Forest. Man, has that team fallen off the face of the earth since Skip Prosser's departure (RIP).

B. Utah Valley, dreadful as they are, will likely be Dancing as they lead the Great West Conference, whose other members include Chicago State, North and South Dakota (separate schools, BTW) and that well-known power New Jersey Institute of Technology, once known as the Newark College of Engineering, alma mater of my grandpa. The west-coast city of Newark is renowned for its fine Pacific seafood. (OK, it IS on the west coast - of the Hudson River.)

iii. You have to wonder about NJIT's travel budget. :so:
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buckeyemania11;1868910; said:
Butler has been a flop this year, not that they were expected to repeat what they did last year....but they are 14-9 overall and 6-5 in the Horizon League after losing to Youngstown State tonight (who is 8-14 and 2-10 in Horizon play)

Two days later, Butler beats Cleveland State (21-4, 10-3) for the second time this season. Go figure.
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