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2010-2011 Men's Basketball (Outright Big Ten & BTT Champs)

When it comes to shitty basketball no one can match the Centenary Gentlemen this year. There are 336 teams playing D1 college hoops. Here are the Gents' rankings:

scoring - 336th
rebounding - 328th
assists - 336th
shooting % - 327th

They are, shockingly, 0-24 this season. Only 4 of those defeats have been by single digits. Somewhere, NBA HOFer Robert Parish is frowning.
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Jake;1869451; said:
When it comes to shitty basketball no one can match the Centenary Gentlemen this year. There are 336 teams playing D1 college hoops. Here are the Gents' rankings:

scoring - 336th
rebounding - 328th
assists - 336th
shooting % - 327th

They are, shockingly, 0-24 this season. Only 4 of those defeats have been by single digits. Somewhere, NBA HOFer Robert Parish is frowning.
True, but Centenary is also a private, methodist 4-year liberal arts college that is moving all the way down to D-III. The board decided to move out of Div-I in 2008 and they immediately became non-competitive (since they stopped giving out athletic scholarships and what-not). The Centenary Ladies are also winless this season (0-18), so the Gentlemen and the Ladies sport a combined 0-42 record this season, which is their last year in D-I.

Tim Brando is also an alum, and he isn't shy to tell people how pissed off he is about the move.
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Dryden;1869463; said:
True, but Centenary is also a private, methodist 4-year liberal arts college that is moving all the way down to D-III. The board decided to move out of Div-I in 2008 and they immediately became non-competitive (since they stopped giving out athletic scholarships and what-not). The Centenary Ladies are also winless this season (0-18), so the Gentlemen and the Ladies sport a combined 0-42 record this season, which is their last year in D-I.

New Orleans is in the process of doing the same thing, voting last summer to move to DIII. Unlike Centenary, the Privateers started scheduling like a DIII team already. They're 12-4, but their wins are over the likes of Pensacola Christian, Carver Bible, Mississippi College (twice), and Huntingdon (twice), and Webber International. At least the Gents are actually playing D1 teams.

The two teams had almost identical records last year (8-22, 3-15 for UNO in the Sun Belt; 8-21, 3-15 for CU in the Summit).
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Jake;1869470; said:
New Orleans is in the process of doing the same thing, voting last summer to move to DIII. Unlike Centenary, the Privateers started scheduling like a DIII team already. They're 12-4, but their wins are over the likes of Pensacola Christian, Carver Bible, Mississippi College (twice), and Huntingdon (twice), and Webber International. At least the Gents are actually playing D1 teams.

The two teams had almost identical records last year (8-22, 3-15 for UNO in the Sun Belt; 8-21, 3-15 for CU in the Summit).

Webber International beats OSU in baseball this past season. :lol:
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College GameDay for the other sport appears to be just as bad as the football is getting. 23-0, #1 in the country and barely elicit an afterthought today. They picked both Texas and Kansas as teams they'd pick to win the title right now over OSU. I hope they continue to disregard the Buckeyes. Maybe our guys will start to play a little harder against all opponents not just the upper echelon teams.
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Bucky Katt;1869476; said:
Webber International beats OSU in baseball this past season. :lol:

Wow, they beat us 9-0 then they lost three straight to Embry Riddle by a combined 35-17. Were our guys hungover that day?
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Bestbuck36;1869515; said:
College GameDay for the other sport appears to be just as bad as the football is getting. 23-0, #1 in the country and barely elicit an afterthought today. They picked both Texas and Kansas as teams they'd pick to win the title right now over OSU. I hope they continue to disregard the Buckeyes. Maybe our guys will start to play a little harder against all opponents not just the upper echelon teams.
Billy Donovan did work in some Ohio State love during the interview with Donovan and Calipari.


Appears at the very end of the interview, when Rece Davis asks them both who was the best team they had played.
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One thing I did appreciate during the discussion of Ohio State was when Jay Bilas said Duke was not a No. 1 seed in the tournament right now. He went against his alma mater but gave a concise argument (unlike some Buckeye alum), referring to Kyrie Irving no longer playing.

But Bilas is an attorney and can structure an argument. He doesn't defend his argument by saying a team will win due too much "Height" (speed/athleticism/conference in football).
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Gatorubet;1869606; said:
Pretty good game between the Cats and the Gators on ESPiN right now. I hate those assholes. Kentucky is the Duke of the SEC.

It's definitely a good game. Although I believe UF is on the verge of breaking this one open with about 12 minutes left. Oh yeah, F Kentucky and that douche Calipari.
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CentralMOBuck;1869613; said:
It's definitely a good game. Although I believe UF is on the verge of breaking this one open with about 12 minutes left. Oh yeah, F Kentucky and that douche Calipari.

And Kentucky goes on a run to cut the lead to 4, before they turn it over and UF nails a 3 in the corner.
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We have a love of drama and overtime games that may kill me before the season is over. :shake: Zip. None. Nada. Killer instinct. :sad:

Parsons misses the front end of the one and one, and the Cats rim a good look three attempt at the buzzer to lose by two. :shake: :lol:

Still, we have some separation in the East now, and some RPI juice, so..... :banger:
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Dryden;1869463; said:
True, but Centenary is also a private, methodist 4-year liberal arts college that is moving all the way down to D-III. The board decided to move out of Div-I in 2008 and they immediately became non-competitive (since they stopped giving out athletic scholarships and what-not). The Centenary Ladies are also winless this season (0-18), so the Gentlemen and the Ladies sport a combined 0-42 record this season, which is their last year in D-I.

Tim Brando is also an alum, and he isn't shy to tell people how [censored]ed off he is about the move.

Here's what Tim Brando said while doing CBS play-by-play during the Ill-NW'ern bball game today, after a NW'ern player made a nice crossover move and then hit a jump shot (paraphrasing from memory):

"You don't usually see such athletes in the Big Ten, compared to the players from the South."

Really, Tim? The SEC football shilling isn't necessary when commenting on Big Ten basketball. So to hell with him, and by extension, Centenery.
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