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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

The University of Michigan is one of the world's best universities. It is recognized internationally for excellence in a number of disciplines. I have friends who teach at that University. I refrain from calling it scUM for that reason and because a team often is defined by its rivals. By casting aspersions on TSUN, I do not wish to cast aspersions on the most august rivalry in college football.

That has nothing to do with whether I would send my son to play football for TSUN. Even if I had not grown up waiting every year for Woody to have a chance to kick their arses. Even if I was not an Ohio State fan. Even if I was a TSUN fan or former player.

Right now, TSUN is coached by a man whom I do not respect. Not for the way he treats his players. Not for his ethics. Not for the values that his behavior portrays.

I am in no position to judge RichRod or anyone else but that doesn't mean I would entrust him with my son's development.
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mbama1;1616797; said:
Right. It's only natural for parents to hate a university that most publications have rated either as the best or second best public university in the country.

I can understand his parents not being a fan of the football team, but for them to not like Michigan or not want their son to go there just because they are Buckeye fans...well that's very stupid.

Bottom line, it's a very good school.

Michigan has differentiated its brand from the other fine academic institutions in the Big Ten (which really is all of them) by sucking at football. If educational reputation is really a critical factor, perhaps he'll end up at Northwestern, where he can get an even more highly rated education at a school that is able to compete at football at the Big Ten level.
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Jagdaddy;1617849; said:
Michigan has differentiated its brand from the other fine academic institutions in the Big Ten (which really is all of them) by sucking at football. If educational reputation is really a critical factor, perhaps he'll end up at Northwestern, where he can get an even more highly rated education at a school that is able to compete at football at the Big Ten level.

Never in my life did I think I would see someone make this statement and it be true.

It Sucks.....to be.......a M*ch*g*n Wolverine!!!
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GBW cover jinx:

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Classic SumpofHormel douchiness...

Poster not drinking the koolaid:

Nominate | Report Posted: Today 1:21 PM
Re: Michigan wins B10 in 2011

This sounds hauntingly familiar to all the "this team will win 7 games at the MINIMUM in 2009" posts that permeated most Michigan football discussion boards on the 'Net. We don't know if Gibbons will be a good kicker and I would hardly list our placekicking this year as a major issue in going 5-7. We also don't know if Turner, Christian, and Floyd will make up a good secondary or not. I would add that our LB recruiting still sucks and I highly doubt we will have top tier LBs in 2011 which IMO are an integral part of any defense. Not much competition in the Big Ten? Really? What have you been watching the last two years? I'd say there are zero guaranteed wins in the Big Ten, unlike the 80's when NW and WIsconsin were gimmes. Pryor has a better than 50/50 chance of still being at OSU in 2011 and likely will be much better than what we've seen to this point.

I will give you that we'll be faster and more experienced by then, but RR's apparent disdain for defense will be a perpetual concern for me as a Michigan football fan. Offense is nice and fun to watch, but defense wins championships. Our QB play should be good by 2011 by whoever emerges, but to me fixing our defense should be PRIORITY #1. I won't be happy until we build a defense as good as Ohio State's defense. There is no worse feeling in the world than not being confident that Michigan can get off the field on defense. The volume of 3rd and 10+ that we have allowed to be converted in recent years is nothing short of disgusting. I don't enjoy watching games where I'm not confident that we can get off the field on third and 13. I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid any longer until RR decides to take the defensive side of the ball seriously. RR might whip up a good batch of snake oil, but his Kool-Aid tastes like paint thinner to this point.

Leads to douchebag...


Nominate | Report Posted: Today 1:27 PM
Re: Michigan wins B10 in 2011

OK...I'll bite..

So...what was your former username? I have to admit that I'm almost ALWAYS money on these things when it comes to figuring out who former poster are when they reincarnate themselves...either ones who were banned...or ones who were basically given "the scarlet letter" and left, made new usernames, and came back to nobody would recognize them.

I give...I can't figure it out..

Help us out...

But this time, poster fights back and calls him on his bullshit...

Nominate | Report Posted: Today 2:30 PM
Re: Michigan wins B10 in 2011

Son of Jorel,

I know you get off on figuring out who posters are and if they were previously banned. I have never before posted on this site until the past few weeks, and during that time I have had one user name: TormentedWolverine. I chose that name because it describes exactly how I feel the past two years as a diehard fan of Michigan football. My two passions in life are Michigan football and basketball. I am pretty ornery right now because I don't enjoy seeing my teams getting punked on the field/court on a consistent basis. I post negative things because I see big problems that are preventing those two teams from becoming as successful as I would like them to be.

Just because I don't eat the warm cornbread being served on this site (i.e. propoganda) with a big smile and ask for more does not make me a formerly banned poster. Why are so concerned about "outing" everyone around here anyhow? Every time someone has a dissenting opinion you just can't stand it and go into "attack" mode.

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muffler dragon;1619442; said:
I've gotta ask, "Does this SonofJorel have a vested interested in GBW or in Michigian in any way?" From all parties, I've never read or seen a positive reference in regards to him. Why does he have so much power on that site?
He posts a lot and slurps on Beaver's gonads.
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Just reading that thread on the scUM scout board - SonofDouchebag's response...

Why do you go into "attack mode" in regards to Michigan?

Let's see, because he's a concerned fan that doesn't like what's he's seen in the past 2 years because its essentially been the worst time to the a M*chigan fan and the best time to be a Bucks fan.

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