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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

split from latwan

cjs100;1616618; said:
Scout $ - Does Anderson Have Renewed Michigan Interest?

By Christopher Smith
Posted Dec 8, 2009

Considering an official visit to AA with his parents (who he's quoted as saying "don't like Michigan" but would support his choice even if it's scUM)... Lists West Virginia, Ohio State, and Cincinnati as his leaders (in that order)... He may commit at the Army game but really doesn't have a timetable in mind.

Are his parents die-hard Ohio State fans or something?

Because I have a hard time picturing parents not liking Michigan. The academics are top-notch, the academic center for athletes that was built 3-4 years ago is absolutely incredible, and so are the new facilities and the stadium.

I don't think well land Anderson or anything like that, but I just found that quote about his parents not liking Michigan a little odd.
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mbama1;1616788; said:
Are his parents die-hard Ohio State fans or something?

Because I have a hard time picturing parents not liking Michigan. The academics are top-notch, the academic center for athletes that was built 3-4 years ago is absolutely incredible, and so are the new facilities and the stadium.

I don't think well land Anderson or anything like that, but I just found that quote about his parents not liking Michigan a little odd.

I'm glad to see the optimism.:)
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mbama1;1616788; said:
Are his parents die-hard Ohio State fans or something?

Because I have a hard time picturing parents not liking Michigan. The academics are top-notch, the academic center for athletes that was built 3-4 years ago is absolutely incredible, and so are the new facilities and the stadium.

I don't think well land Anderson or anything like that, but I just found that quote about his parents not liking Michigan a little odd.

His parents live in Ohio right? Why the would they like tsun?
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Bucks21;1616794; said:
His parents live in Ohio right? Why the would they like tsun?

Right. It's only natural for parents to hate a university that most publications have rated either as the best or second best public university in the country.

I can understand his parents not being a fan of the football team, but for them to not like Michigan or not want their son to go there just because they are Buckeye fans...well that's very stupid.

Bottom line, it's a very good school.
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mbama1;1616797; said:
Right. It's only natural for parents to hate a university that most publications have rated either as the best or second best public university in the country.

I can understand his parents not being a fan of the football team, but for them to not like Michigan or not want their son to go there just because they are Buckeye fans...well that's very stupid.

Bottom line, it's a very good school.

I think it probably has something to do with Rodriguez's reputation as a not so classy individual. Other than that, you're right, scUM's a great school.
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mbama1;1616797; said:
Right. It's only natural for parents to hate a university that most publications have rated either as the best or second best public university in the country.

I can understand his parents not being a fan of the football team, but for them to not like Michigan or not want their son to go there just because they are Buckeye fans...well that's very stupid.

Bottom line, it's a very good school.

Agreed that UM is a very good school and a very good education is available there (just like most other schools), but....

I really think you are over-thinking this one. For one thing, there's no context to the excerpted quotes. Second, they said they would support his decision no matter what it is....it's not like they told Scout that they would disown him if he chose Michigan. Not a big deal here.
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cjs100;1616618; said:
Considering an official visit to AA with his parents

When I was about his age, my parents took me there. I haven't had a drink since.

mbama1;1616788; said:
Are his parents die-hard Ohio State fans or something?

Because I have a hard time picturing parents not liking Michigan. The academics are top-notch, the academic center for athletes that was built 3-4 years ago is absolutely incredible, and so are the new facilities and the stadium.

Michigan can offer a really good education. However, Michigan is not the best school in every area of study. Perhaps LaTwan knows what he wants to learn and can find a more suitable school elsewhere---one that happens to have a better football program, too.
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mbama1;1616788; said:
...I have a hard time picturing parents not liking Michigan. The academics are top-notch, the academic center for athletes that was built 3-4 years ago is absolutely incredible, and so are the new facilities and the stadium.
And the coach is such a well-read, erudite gentleman. :shake:

I'll just tell you, regardless of what excellent academic programs may exist at UM, my daughter would have matriculated in Ann Arbor over my cold, lifeless corpse. I sure didn't insist on her attending Ohio State (and in fact I never even suggested it, given her career and athletic objectives), but Michigan could never be in the frame.
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mbama1;1616797; said:
Right. It's only natural for parents to hate a university that most publications have rated either as the best or second best public university in the country.

I can understand his parents not being a fan of the football team, but for them to not like Michigan or not want their son to go there just because they are Buckeye fans...well that's very stupid.

Bottom line, it's a very good school.

Michigan as a university is great, but the people involved with the football program no longer are- You win with People.
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