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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

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How many of us fans understand that "perception is reality"? How many of us fans realize that Michigan is a "brand"? How many fans realize "differentiation" is the key to making something attractive?

There have been many threads started about the condition of the Michigan Football program. First of all, the perception of Michigan Football includes our program being one of a family atmosphere. I truly believe this having read about Coach Rod, and watching his actions over the last 2+ years. But the more this perception grows, the more it becomes a reality to others who may not have as extensive of knowledge of our program. This is a good thing. Especially when we are recruiting kids from Florida, Texas, California and other states where leaving home/family is a factor. These recruits need to know they are leaving home, but they are joining a new family. Credit Coach Rod for his family atmosphere, and be thankful this plays well into our position as a national recruiting powerhouse. "Perception is reality".

Michigan Football is one of the strongest name brands in college football. I could write a paragraph a mile long as to why, including being the winningest program, our uniforms, our Big Ten Championships, our education, our facilities, our coaching, our rivalry games, conditioning program and the list goes on. Our brand is something that has been built over decades by thousands of players, fans, coaches, wins and games on National Television. Programs like Michigan State Football couldn't build this brand over the next 20 years if they tried. It is important that fans uphold this unique brand by supporting the program, and realizing that college football has awakened a SLEEPING GIANT. Ironic those words were used to describe the United States when we were bombed by Japan, and today is D-Day. When the core of the program, the players, are as united as they are and determined as they are, good things are coming. Lets uphold our brand by being passionate, supportive and crazy fans. I have a T-Shirt that says "any team, any time anywhere... Michigan Football". There was a point this year where I felt I could say that OFFENSIVELY. I want to wear that shirt anyday and anywhere. We are heading in the right direction, and have the brand to continue this momentum.

The key to marketing Michigan football (which doesn't require much) is differentiation. Our uniforms are different, our helmets are different, our offense is different, our conditioning staff/program is different, our family atmosphere is different (certainly different than a certain school in the Big 12), our stadium is different, our fan base should be positively different, our facilities are different and the list goes on. I challenge our fans to come up with new ideas to leverage our fan base and post new ideas. Just my thoughts. Go BLUE!
Holy. Fucking. Shit.

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How many of us fans understand that "perception is reality"? How many of us fans realize that Michigan is a "brand"? How many fans realize "differentiation" is the key to making something attractive?

There have been many threads started about the condition of the Michigan Football program. First of all, the perception of Michigan Football includes our program being one of a family atmosphere. I truly believe this having read about Coach Rod, and watching his actions over the last 2+ years. But the more this perception grows, the more it becomes a reality to others who may not have as extensive of knowledge of our program. This is a good thing. Especially when we are recruiting kids from Florida, Texas, California and other states where leaving home/family is a factor. These recruits need to know they are leaving home, but they are joining a new family. Credit Coach Rod for his family atmosphere, and be thankful this plays well into our position as a national recruiting powerhouse. "Perception is reality".

Michigan Football is one of the strongest name brands in college football. I could write a paragraph a mile long as to why, including being the winningest program, our uniforms, our Big Ten Championships, our education, our facilities, our coaching, our rivalry games, conditioning program and the list goes on. Our brand is something that has been built over decades by thousands of players, fans, coaches, wins and games on National Television. Programs like Michigan State Football couldn't build this brand over the next 20 years if they tried. It is important that fans uphold this unique brand by supporting the program, and realizing that college football has awakened a SLEEPING GIANT. Ironic those words were used to describe the United States when we were bombed by Japan, and today is D-Day. When the core of the program, the players, are as united as they are and determined as they are, good things are coming. Lets uphold our brand by being passionate, supportive and crazy fans. I have a T-Shirt that says "any team, any time anywhere... Michigan Football". There was a point this year where I felt I could say that OFFENSIVELY. I want to wear that shirt anyday and anywhere. We are heading in the right direction, and have the brand to continue this momentum.

The key to marketing Michigan football (which doesn't require much) is differentiation. Our uniforms are different, our helmets are different, our offense is different, our conditioning staff/program is different, our family atmosphere is different (certainly different than a certain school in the Big 12), our stadium is different, our fan base should be positively different, our facilities are different and the list goes on. I challenge our fans to come up with new ideas to leverage our fan base and post new ideas. Just my thoughts. Go BLUE!

Huh? Was this post written on June 6th? Or....is the author saying that this is D-Day for Michigan football? Or(and most likely)....did the Harvard of the mid-west teach him that Dec 7th is/was D-Day? Doesn't really matter. The entire thing was such fabulous fiction that a little detail like that can't spoil it. :slappy:
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buckeyefan_1;1615990; said:
Huh? Was this post written on June 6th? Or....is the author saying that this is D-Day for Michigan football? Or(and most likely)....did the Harvard of the mid-west teach him that Dec 7th is/was D-Day? Doesn't really matter. The entire thing was such fabulous fiction that a little detail like that can't spoil it. :slappy:
I thought that today was the day that the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, or something....

I have a T-Shirt that says "any team, any time anywhere... Michigan Football".
Appalachian State. September 1, 2007. The Big House.
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