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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

NateG;1620212; said:
Would that take away from the EP rivalries though?


Clearly, if you were a genuine EP, you wouldn't be asking that question!
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Another Michigan fraud, from the Q-Force webpage:


Hunter House? World famous sliders? I don't think so.


The Slyder is a trademark of White Castle hamburgers, America's first hamburger chain, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. (link)

The White Castle hamburger chain is the first American hamburger fast food restaurant chain.[1] They are known for small square burgers, sometimes referred to, and today trademarked as "Slyders".[2] They were priced at five cents until the 1940s, and remained at ten cents for years thereafter while growing smaller. For several years, when the original burgers sold for five cents, White Castle periodically ran promotional ads in local newspapers which contained coupons offering five burgers for ten cents, takeout only. The typical White Castle restaurant architecture features a white exterior with a crenelated tower at one corner to resemble a medieval castle. The Chicago Water Tower, which stands on Michigan Avenue's Magnificent Mile, is said to be the model for the classic building.
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jwinslow;1626305; said:
In case you weren't aware, RR is a hot name on UM boards to replace Meyer, and only those RR-hating UM-fans would fail to recognize how great of a hire he would be.

Let me guess, the absence of RR's name on any UF boards to replace Meyer means they hate him too?
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