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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

Fungo Squiggly;1566864; said:
"He who shall not be named". I don't need any wolves showing up at my door. :paranoid:

Let 'em come, this is why I have this:


It's good out to 500 meters without a scope and it's perfect for punching holes in skunkbear hides :biggrin:
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LordJeffBuck;1566835; said:
Actually, it illustrates an interesting point about the psychology of fandom - fans with inferiority complexes about their teams tend to venerate their players and coaches by giving them nicknames. In a sense, it is a process of mythologization, turning the ordinary man (Richard Rodriguez, Greg Robinson, Will Campbell, Tate Forcier, Denard Robinson) into an extraordinary (if not quite superhuman) character or persona (RichRod, GRob, Bill Will, TForce/4CA, Shoelaces). In the minds of the fans, "Tate Forcier" sounds rather dull and pedestrian, maybe even a little bit wimpy ... while "TForce" sounds unstoppable, all-be-it in a rather cartoonish sort of way. But hey, if your team doesn't have any real superheroes, then I guess that you need to invent some.

Incidentally, I first noticed this phenomenon with the mid-90's Seattle Mariner teams who won a ton of games but couldn't do anything in the playoffs - remember Junior, ARod, The Big Unit, and Mr. Clean? The Mariner fans always had that expansion team inferiority complex, and it got worse when the team started to become respectable in 1995.

They also do this in explanation of their shortcomings. IE:

The Horror (Appy State)
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What follows is a true story:

Last weekend was my oldest son's cub scout "Show and Sell" popcorn sale at a local grocery store here in the Chicago 'burbs.

A guy walks up wearing a tsun sweatshirt. Very nice man. He said that he didn't want any popcorn but wanted to make a donation. He asked my son what he was going to do with the money. I suggested that he'd put it to buy tickets to a football game in AA on Nov 21. But I also added that he'd not be rooting for the "home team."

The nice man looks at my son and laughs. He then says, "College football fan are ya? Why won't you root for M*ch*g*n?"

My son, without hesitation replies, "Because they are the skunk bears."

I was only mildly appalled. Inside I was laughing my ass off.

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sparcboxbuck;1567056; said:
The nice man looks at my son and laughs. He then says, "College football fan are ya? Why won't you root for M*ch*g*n?"

My son, without hesitation replies, "Because they are the skunk bears."

I was only mildly appalled. Inside I was laughing my ass off.


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sparcboxbuck;1567056; said:
What follows is a true story:

Last weekend was my oldest son's cub scout "Show and Sell" popcorn sale at a local grocery store here in the Chicago 'burbs.

A guy walks up wearing a tsun sweatshirt. Very nice man. He said that he didn't want any popcorn but wanted to make a donation. He asked my son what he was going to do with the money. I suggested that he'd put it to buy tickets to a football game in AA on Nov 21. But I also added that he'd not be rooting for the "home team."

The nice man looks at my son and laughs. He then says, "College football fan are ya? Why won't you root for M*ch*g*n?"

My son, without hesitation replies, "Because they are the skunk bears."

I was only mildly appalled. Inside I was laughing my ass off.


:io: Appalled? The boy gets pudding!
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Rick Leach on the Michigan Insider

Sam defends RR on backing off of the GPA comment.

Rick Leach then comes on and says the same thing. He then slams Carr

Rick Leach said he read an article that said Carr was at Iowa game. He wanted Rosenbaugh to investigate whose ticket he was on, whose private box he was sitting in, and whose university staff was with him. He said "our ex-coach <undiscernible> a huge middle finger right in our current coach's face." Don't know if he meant it literally or not. This is in the last quarter of the podcast.

If true, WOW!

edit: I tried finding that article Leach mentioned, but couldn't. If someone does find it, please post it.
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ant80;1567601; said:
Rick Leach on the Michigan Insider

Sam defends RR on backing off of the GPA comment.

Rick Leach then comes on and says the same thing. He then slams Carr

Rick Leach said he read an article that said Carr was at Iowa game. He wanted Rosenbaugh to investigate whose ticket he was on, whose private box he was sitting in, and whose university staff was with him. He said "our ex-coach <undiscernible> a huge middle finger right in our current coach's face." Don't know if he meant it literally or not. This is in the last quarter of the podcast.

If true, WOW!

edit: I tried finding that article Leach mentioned, but couldn't. If someone does find it, please post it.

I give the middle finger to M*ch*g*n EVERY DAY. What's the big deal? :tongue2:
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ant80;1567601; said:
Rick Leach on the Michigan Insider

Sam defends RR on backing off of the GPA comment.

Rick Leach then comes on and says the same thing. He then slams Carr

Rick Leach said he read an article that said Carr was at Iowa game. He wanted Rosenbaugh to investigate whose ticket he was on, whose private box he was sitting in, and whose university staff was with him. He said "our ex-coach <undiscernible> a huge middle finger right in our current coach's face." Don't know if he meant it literally or not. This is in the last quarter of the podcast.

If true, WOW!

edit: I tried finding that article Leach mentioned, but couldn't. If someone does find it, please post it.
fwiw, Leach is being received (by UM fans) as a hero for these comments, including the carr ones.
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