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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

NFBuck;1566620; said:
Scout.com: A Note to Any Potential Defense Recruits Out There!!!!


If I ever see any posts here begging prospective recruits to come to tOSU, I'm leaving. :lol:

Such posts are also against the rules of BP's recruiting forum, for good reason. So if you see such posts, they should be reported.

6) Do not try to contact or influence a recruit on this board. While it is acceptable to relate the strengths of the Ohio State University in a general way, please do not cross the line and start begging, pleading, cajoling, etc. recruits to become Buckeyes. Not only is such conduct often counterproductive (the school and the football program should be able to "sell" themselves, and the coaching staff doesn't really need your help), it could also be a violation of NCAA recruiting rules. All "open letters" to recruits will be deleted.
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BuckeyeNation27;1566717; said:
that's a penn state thing, too. that, and referring to players by only their first name.

some guy a few rows back from me refers to players by their first names and gives them advice constantly during the game

"C'mon Brian (Rolle)! you gotta make that hit!"

it's pretty fucking annoying
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Buckeye86;1566759; said:
some guy a few rows back from me refers to players by their first names and gives them advice constantly during the game

"C'mon Brian (Rolle)! you gotta make that hit!"

it's pretty [censored]ing annoying

Find out his first name (e.g., Bill) and, every time he does that say, "Hey, way to coach 'em up Bill!" and laugh.

Or, you could ask him, after he lets on rip, "Hey, do you know the name of that hot dog guy? Can you call him for me?"

The annoying behavior will stop pretty soon.
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ginn421;1566695; said:
If I ever refer to our coaches like they do (RRod, GRob) someone please shoot me. For my part, if I ever hear anyone calling our coaches JTress, JBoll, or LFick I will punch them in the scrotum. Thanks in advance.
Actually, it illustrates an interesting point about the psychology of fandom - fans with inferiority complexes about their teams tend to venerate their players and coaches by giving them nicknames. In a sense, it is a process of mythologization, turning the ordinary man (Richard Rodriguez, Greg Robinson, Will Campbell, Tate Forcier, Denard Robinson) into an extraordinary (if not quite superhuman) character or persona (RichRod, GRob, Bill Will, TForce/4CA, Shoelaces). In the minds of the fans, "Tate Forcier" sounds rather dull and pedestrian, maybe even a little bit wimpy ... while "TForce" sounds unstoppable, all-be-it in a rather cartoonish sort of way. But hey, if your team doesn't have any real superheroes, then I guess that you need to invent some.

Incidentally, I first noticed this phenomenon with the mid-90's Seattle Mariner teams who won a ton of games but couldn't do anything in the playoffs - remember Junior, ARod, The Big Unit, and Mr. Clean? The Mariner fans always had that expansion team inferiority complex, and it got worse when the team started to become respectable in 1995.
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LordJeffBuck;1566835; said:
Actually, it illustrates an interesting point about the psychology of fandom - fans with inferiority complexes about their teams tend to venerate their players and coaches by giving them nicknames. In a sense, it is a process of mythologization, turning the ordinary man (Richard Rodriguez, Greg Robinson, Will Campbell, Tate Forcier, Denard Robinson) into an extraordinary (if not quite superhuman) character or persona (RichRod, GRob, Bill Will, TForce/4CA, Shoelaces). In the minds of the fans, "Tate Forcier" sounds rather dull and pedestrian, maybe even a little bit wimpy ... while "TForce" sounds unstoppable, all-be-it in a rather cartoonish sort of way. But hey, if your team doesn't have any real superheroes, then I guess that you need to invent some.

Incidentally, I first noticed this phenomenon with the mid-90's Seattle Mariner teams who won a ton of games but couldn't do anything in the playoffs - remember Junior, ARod, The Big Unit, and Mr. Clean? The Mariner fans always had that expansion team inferiority complex, and it got worse when the team started to become respectable in 1995.

Where does Wappa Goo fit into this?
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50% Off, by the end of the season they will have to be paying scUM fans to wear one.

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LordJeffBuck;1566835; said:
Actually, it illustrates an interesting point about the psychology of fandom - fans with inferiority complexes about their teams tend to venerate their players and coaches by giving them nicknames. In a sense, it is a process of mythologization, turning the ordinary man (Richard Rodriguez, Greg Robinson, Will Campbell, Tate Forcier, Denard Robinson) into an extraordinary (if not quite superhuman) character or persona (RichRod, GRob, Bill Will, TForce/4CA, Shoelaces). In the minds of the fans, "Tate Forcier" sounds rather dull and pedestrian, maybe even a little bit wimpy ... while "TForce" sounds unstoppable, all-be-it in a rather cartoonish sort of way. But hey, if your team doesn't have any real superheroes, then I guess that you need to invent some.

Incidentally, I first noticed this phenomenon with the mid-90's Seattle Mariner teams who won a ton of games but couldn't do anything in the playoffs - remember Junior, ARod, The Big Unit, and Mr. Clean? The Mariner fans always had that expansion team inferiority complex, and it got worse when the team started to become respectable in 1995.

Our nicknames for them are much, much better. DickRod, :slappy:, Tater Tot, Taint, :rofl:, Shoelace!!!11!
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LordJeffBuck;1566835; said:
Actually, it illustrates an interesting point about the psychology of fandom - fans with inferiority complexes about their teams tend to venerate their players and coaches by giving them nicknames. In a sense, it is a process of mythologization, turning the ordinary man (Richard Rodriguez, Greg Robinson, Will Campbell, Tate Forcier, Denard Robinson) into an extraordinary (if not quite superhuman) character or persona (RichRod, GRob, Bill Will, TForce/4CA, Shoelaces). In the minds of the fans, "Tate Forcier" sounds rather dull and pedestrian, maybe even a little bit wimpy ... while "TForce" sounds unstoppable, all-be-it in a rather cartoonish sort of way. But hey, if your team doesn't have any real superheroes, then I guess that you need to invent some.

Incidentally, I first noticed this phenomenon with the mid-90's Seattle Mariner teams who won a ton of games but couldn't do anything in the playoffs - remember Junior, ARod, The Big Unit, and Mr. Clean? The Mariner fans always had that expansion team inferiority complex, and it got worse when the team started to become respectable in 1995.
+1, LJeff.
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