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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

I am having a couple/few cocktails tonight and ran across this little trolling gem on MLive. I was :slappy:after reading it.(might be the booze, but hey, I thought I would share.)

322118. Question regarding
by 3and9isfine, 10/13/09 20:39 ET news story I saw on the local news last night. The story said that bags were no longer allowed in Michigan stadium. If so, who will be there to watch the games? Since all Michigan fans are douche bags does that mean they can't go in?
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Scout.com: A Note to Any Potential Defense Recruits Out There!!!!

Nominate | Report Posted: 10/12/2009 7:49 AM
A Note to Any Potential Defense Recruits Out There!!!!

If any of you check out this board, and hopefully a few of you do as current players' parents are members here, i.e. Mr. Roh, there is immediate playing time at Michigan next year and the years to come. Not to knock any of our current players, because they go out and give it everything they have, but some positions are young, some thin, and some basically non-existent. For guys like M-Rob, Paskorz, Wilkins, the Talbotts, etc. you are deeply appreciated for committing to the great University of Michigan. And for those of you who are thinking about committing, guys like CC, Floyd, A.O. Grimes, and the many other, I, and many other UM fans are hoping you join this stellar 2010 class. As RRod has shown, if you come in, work hard, and fill a need he will not be afraid to play you as a True Frosh, and GRob is showing, all-be-it with a very thin defense, he is willing to let guys go out there and make plays, especially in the secondary. If any of you read this, which I hope a few of you, or your family members do, if you come to Michigan and put in the effort to become a Champion there is no greater opportunity to succeed as both a team and individual than Ann Arbor, Michigan. Home of the greatest football program in the country, the University of Michigan Wolverines.
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If I ever see any posts here begging prospective recruits to come to tOSU, I'm leaving. :lol:
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