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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

jwinslow;1567620; said:
fwiw, Leach is being received (by UM fans) as a hero for these comments, including the carr ones.

The self serving Leach (literally) has taken the anti-RR sentiment and turned it into his chance to get back "in" with the UM faithful after letting them down with his cocaine addiction. A couple of UM insiders have both said they have heard him slam RR mercilously "off the record." Yet, every time he gets in front of a mic, he praises the douchebag up and down.
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First off, Leach is a two faced scumbag simply trying to get back in the good graces of the university he embarrassed.

Second, the fact that scUM fans are all up in arms about Lllllloyd not "standing up" for DickRod is comical. Would they rather he go against his beliefs and lie? There is a mountain of reasons for a "m*ch*g*n man" to be unhappy with the way fraudriguez has handled himself.
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Only Michigan can take a story about their players' GPA's being GOOD...and still make a fiasco out of it. They blame Carr for not supporting RichRod? Are you kidding me? Carr is now no longer a "Michigan Man" because he won't step up and defend someone from West Virginia?
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Yes....I am outraged that Cooper doesn't get out of bed every day and hold a sequence of 10 press conferences discussing the wonder that is Jim Tressel.

I haven't heard a peep out of Zook or Strong about how well Meyer is doing at Florida. I haven't heard Hacket say ONE word about Pete Carroll.

What the hell is wrong with those guys? Don't they know that UM fans expect the previous coach to be a cheerleader? Doesn't EVERY previous coach at every program go on record at least weekly endorsing their replacement?

What....they don't? Really?
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Yes....I am outraged that Cooper doesn't get out of bed every day and hold a sequence of 10 press conferences discussing the wonder that is Jim Tressel.

I haven't heard a peep out of Zook or Strong about how well Meyer is doing at Florida. I haven't heard Hacket say ONE word about Pete Carroll.

What the hell is wrong with those guys? Don't they know that UM fans expect the previous coach to be a cheerleader? Doesn't EVERY previous coach at every program go on record at least weekly endorsing their replacement?

What....they don't? Really?
Well that's not really a fair comparison. At Ohio State, Florida, and USC, the incoming coach was a total douche bag asshole who has brought shame to the school and the football program. You don't expect the old coaches to embrace something like that.

At Michigan, there's no reason at all for Carr to not be the President of the Dick Rod Fan Club.
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BuckeyeNation27;1568261; said:
Well that's not really a fair comparison. At Ohio State, Florida, and USC, the incoming coach was a total douche bag asshole who has brought shame to the school and the football program. You don't expect the old coaches to embrace something like that.

At Michigan, there's no reason at all for Carr to not be the President of the Dick Rod Fan Club.

Surely you jest? :confused:
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BuckeyeNation27;1568261; said:
Well that's not really a fair comparison. At Ohio State, Florida, and USC, the incoming coach was a total douche bag asshole who has brought shame to the school and the football program. You don't expect the old coaches to embrace something like that.

At Michigan, there's no reason at all for Carr to not be the President of the Dick Rod Fan Club.

Get your head out of your ass.
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BuckeyeNation27;1568261; said:
Well that's not really a fair comparison. At Ohio State, Florida, and USC, the incoming coach was a total douche bag asshole who has brought shame to the school and the football program. You don't expect the old coaches to embrace something like that.

At Michigan, there's no reason at all for Carr to not be the President of the Dick Rod Fan Club.

Great Post! I agree!
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HINYG8;1568241; said:
Yes....I am outraged that Cooper doesn't get out of bed every day and hold a sequence of 10 press conferences discussing the wonder that is Jim Tressel.

I haven't heard a peep out of Zook or Strong about how well Meyer is doing at Florida. I haven't heard Hacket say ONE word about Pete Carroll.

What the hell is wrong with those guys? Don't they know that UM fans expect the previous coach to be a cheerleader? Doesn't EVERY previous coach at every program go on record at least weekly endorsing their replacement?

What....they don't? Really?
It's one of four things:

a) Michigan fans know deep down inside that their new head coach is a classless douche bag void of a single shred of integrity, so a vote of confidence from Carr would assuage those doubts.

b) They've lived for 20 years with the shadow of Bo over the program, who remained a visible figure in the football program and a yes-man for Moeller and Carr, so they just don't know any different, which is a shame for Carr if he's going to have to live his retirement against everything Bo did -- it wasn't enough to actually live in his shadow just coaching there.

c) They are genuinely angry with Carr for 1-6 against Tressel, much like most OSU fans are/were with Cooper, and this anger has lead to a delusional belief that Carr is deliberately trying to wreck the U-M program from within. E.g., The rumor of Carr encouraging Boren to leave for OSU.

d) All of the above.
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