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Merih;1403263; said:
Wow...they must not be big on Sanchez...or really big on Thigpen lol. Either way they can now officially kiss Gonzalez goodbye!
Hey - as Spags is waiting in the wings (or abusing puppies) let me let you all in on a secret.

Pioli is really the brains behind this - any good, and all the bad from this years picks belongs entirely to him. He owns it, you hear me, he owns it.

Anyway as for why no Sanchez - let me remind you that I just spent a couple of years watching that beach-bum Leinart waste his chances to see the field. (And that was a guy who got a vote of confidence from PC, Sanchez did not). Give me a calm skilled veteran behind a solid O-line any day!

(By the way anybody got a nice, cheap, lightly used, calm skilled veteran QB - cheap too? Oh, and a decent pair of O-line upgrades would come in handy!)

Anyway onto Curry, it's all about Defense. See, this is a continuing tradition - franchise hires Offensive oriented coach, team goes strong on Defense - seen that movie before? Sure you have (Ravens). This is what will happen in KC. D, all D all the time.

And in that light Curry is a great get. Nice OLB fits 4-3 and 3-4 schemes, can pass rush, run block you name it. Plus we really like the way Grobe and the Wake Forest staff teaches up their players. Makes our life easy.
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Tyler Thigpen might not be the long-term answer at quarterback for the Chiefs, but it would have been surprising to see new GM Scott Pioli veering from the "Patriot way" he learned during his time in New England. Some felt DE, DT or OL were a possibility here, but the Chiefs spent a pair of first-round picks on those spots last year, and Pioli hit a home run with the first-round pick of linebacker Jerod Mayo in New England last season. Plus, Curry has the versatility Pioli looks for, and he fits an area of need.

Looks like I nailed another one :biggrin:
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Todd McShay;1403255; said:
The Rams desperately needed to upgrade their offensive front, and Jason Smith, Andre Smith and Eugene Monroe all would work here. Personally I felt Jason Smith was the best option, as he had the best feet out of the group, but it's hard to go wrong with any of these names. Solid first move.

Exactly right. Pace is aging, Barron is...eh. Desperately needed help up front. Any of the top 3 or 4 tackles, including Oher with the Smiths (not the Morrissey Smiths) and Monroe, would have fit the bill. We liked Monroe the most, so he was the pick.
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Round 1
  1. Detroit - Matthew Stafford, QB, Georgia
  2. St. Louis - Eugene Monroe, OT, Virginia
  3. Kansas City - Aaron Curry, LB, Wake Forest
  4. Seattle - TGfan06
  5. Cleveland - Smooth Olaf
  6. Cincinnati - DaytonBuck; Mothra
  7. Oakland - Brutus1
  8. Jacksonville - BigWoof31
  9. Green Bay (6-10) - brodybuck21
  10. San Francisco - stxbuck
  11. Buffalo - korchiki
  12. Denver - redbenn
  13. Washington - jwinslow
  14. New Orleans - Reagdog
  15. Houston - BuckeyeNation27
  16. San Diego - Piney
  17. New York Jets - mross34
  18. Chicago - BuckeyeDynasty
  19. Tampa Bay - IronBuckI
  20. Carolina (from Detroit from Dallas) - BuckeyeMafia
  21. Philadelphia - buckeyefool
  22. Minnesota - BB73
  23. New England - sears3820
  24. Atlanta - The Man
  25. Miami - ahiacitian
  26. Baltimore - gracelhink
  27. Indianapolis - stowfan, alpo
  28. Philadelphia (from Car) - buckeyefool
  29. New York Giants - harrydangler
  30. Tennessee - buckeyesforever
  31. Arizona - starBUCKS
  32. Pittsburgh - h0bb3s
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With the 4th pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Seattle Seahawks select...


Michael Crabtree, WR, Texas Tech

Cleveland is on the clock...
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Michael Crabtree was everyone else's obvious selection for a Seahawks team in desperate need of a playmaker at wide receiver, and it came to fruition. I felt Seattle needed a difference maker along the DL, but it's hard to go wrong with a gamebreaker like this.
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