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Round 1
  1. Detroit - Matthew Stafford, QB, Georgia
  2. St. Louis - Bucky Katt
  3. Kansas City - sandgk
  4. Seattle - TGfan06
  5. Cleveland - Smooth Olaf
  6. Cincinnati - DaytonBuck; Mothra
  7. Oakland - Brutus1
  8. Jacksonville - BigWoof31
  9. Green Bay (6-10) - brodybuck21
  10. San Francisco - stxbuck
  11. Buffalo - korchiki
  12. Denver - redbenn25
  13. Washington - jwinslow
  14. New Orleans - Reagdog
  15. Houston - BuckeyeNation27
  16. San Diego - Piney
  17. New York Jets - mross34
  18. Chicago - BuckeyeDynasty
  19. Tampa Bay - IronBuckI
  20. Carolina (from Detroit from Dallas) - BuckeyeMafia
  21. Philadelphia - buckeyefool
  22. Minnesota - BB73
  23. New England - sears3820
  24. Atlanta - The Man
  25. Miami - ahiacitian
  26. Baltimore - gracelhink
  27. Indianapolis - stowfan, alpo
  28. Philadelphia (from Car) - buckeyefool
  29. New York Giants - harrydangler
  30. Tennessee - buckeyesforever
  31. Arizona - starBUCKS
  32. Pittsburgh - h0bb3s
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Word from Carolina is that the Panthers may franchise Peppers, therefore we would rather recieve him and a pick rather than it costing us the average of the top three DE's salary's in the league. This way we can negotiate a custom contract with Peppers and have him on our terms rather than the terms designed by a franchise tag and/or unrestricted free agency.
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With the 2nd pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the St. Louis Rams select...


Eugene Monroe, OT, Virginia

Kansas City is on the clock...
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The Rams desperately needed to upgrade their offensive front, and Jason Smith, Andre Smith and Eugene Monroe all would work here. Personally I felt Jason Smith was the best option, as he had the best feet out of the group, but it's hard to go wrong with any of these names. Solid first move.
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Word from Carolina is that the Panthers may franchise Peppers, therefore we would rather recieve him and a pick rather than it costing us the average of the top three DE's salary's in the league. This way we can negotiate a custom contract with Peppers and have him on our terms rather than the terms designed by a franchise tag and/or unrestricted free agency.
Then why wouldn't Carolina franchise him and get this:
If the Panthers franchised Peppers, another team could sign him only by giving Carolina two first-round draft picks in return.
Defensive end Julius Peppers ready to leave Carolina Panthers - ESPN
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