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The Texans will begrudgingly participate Monday, and if anything bad happens they will sue. They know starting this soon is against the CBA, but they don't want to be "that team" that says no.

They will, however, be "that team" who tattles on you if something goes wrong.
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Sheer boredom. No one cares about TO any longer. If the ratings are there, we may hold a second draft.
The Texans will begrudgingly participate Monday, and if anything bad happens they will sue. They know starting this soon is against the CBA, but they don't want to be "that team" that says no.
They will, however, be "that team" who tattles on you if something goes wrong.

Why don't you go injure more linemen in your illegal offseason contact drills?
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The Colts have sent the first round selection to Commissioner Goodell. If everyone gets their lists in to the Commissioner things should move along.
How long do we give a team before we draft for them?
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With the first pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Detroit Lions select....


Matthew Stafford, QB, Georgia

St. Louis is in the clock...
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Matt Stafford is a very polarizing pick. They had little choice to pick otherwise given their dire need, but there are a lot of reasons to be wary of this selection.

His inconsistency can be frustrating, his footwork needs polishing and he must learn to take some heat off his fastball when throwing underneath. But after studying the game tape of the entire 2009 quarterback class, it's clear to us that Stafford is the top dog. His combination of accuracy, arm strength, surprising mobility and experience in a pro-style offense (in the SEC, no less) is second to none.

Here's the catch-22 for the Lions, though: Although they need a franchise quarterback and there isn't enough depth in this year's class to feel good about the chances of finding one 19 picks later, Stafford does not grade out as highly as Matt Ryan did a year ago, and eight of the past 11 underclassman quarterbacks drafted in the first round have either failed to meet expectations or been outright busts. This is the type of franchise-defining decision that could make or break the career of new general manager Martin Mayhew.
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Jim Schwartz, HC here.

Our rationale has changed over the past few years here in Detroit. We needed to make a move to bolster the pass rush because we all know that the front is where games are won. We feel that Julius gives us a legitimate threat and that even if he draws double teams that will allow our young defensive unit more opportunities to make plays. He also can use his veteran savy to help out with our extremely young team as far as leadership and technique goes. We here at Detroit think that this is an amazing start to a long rebuilding process and plan to use the second round pick that we gained to continue on with that process.

In our eyes, the first pick was a no brainer. We do not pass up on franchise quarterbacks here in Detroit (well at least not anymore!). We addressed a serious need and have a player that we believe has all the physical and mental tools to devolop into an All-Pro. Throughout the rest of the draft we will make additions that will help him grow and create and atmosphere here conducive to his success. We are also excited to get someone who has the arm strength and acumen to further feature the talents of Calvin Johnson. If there are any questions for me or my staff please feel free to ask and let's get this show on the road!
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