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bcsnutz;1389071; said:
I got to study for my CCNA exam (Ya I'm a IT GUY, but I am a jock FIRST!!!!!) ....I can't devote my time to both....sorry for backing out.

Go Bucks!!!:oh:
I'd much rather have the Bucs than the Ravens. It just doesn't feel right having a Browns fan as the GM of the Ravens. I don't care what kind of precedent Ozzie Newsome has set...it just isn't right.
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LitlBuck;1389204; said:
Smooth:! should be fired as the Browns GM for picking Mike Hart:( last year. Plus, the Browns coach might do all the drafting since they might not hire a GM.

The Browns scored zero offensive touchdowns in their last six games. Jamal Lewis averaged what, half a yard per carry? If healthy, Hart would have helped. It's not like that UNLV linebacker lit up opposing offenses.
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Smooth Olaf;1393877; said:
The Browns scored zero offensive touchdowns in their last six games. Jamal Lewis averaged what, half a yard per carry? If healthy, Hart would have helped. It's not like that UNLV linebacker lit up opposing offenses.

It's funny you say that, because all the mock draft I've seen have the Browns
passing on Beanie and taking a defensive player.:crazy:

Also, could someone refresh me on who we PM with our picks?
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Send a private message to Roger Goodell with your pick. If I'm not online to run the show, often sandgk or 27 will step in and help. Also send in an explanation in case you aren't online around the time of the pick, that way we can give it for you.

Also, I'm creating aliases for all of the new head coaches (any suggestions for who to use for the browns? Braylon? :lol:), so everyone can log in and give their feedback/rationale for their pick.
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reagdog;1396305; said:
I don't want to F anything up, so who do I send my picks to? When do I need them sent in by? What time on Monday is this going down?

jwins directions are pretty straightforward Roger Goodell is the first stop.

If you want to cover your base CC to BN27 and me (that isn't a requirement, but it can help) - that way we can keep things rolling when josh is off doing other things - you know, like earning money :)
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sandgk;1396333; said:
jwins directions are pretty straightforward Roger Goodell is the first stop.

If you want to cover your base CC to BN27 and me (that isn't a requirement, but it can help) - that way we can keep things rolling when josh is off doing other things - you know, like earning money :)

Am I supposed to know who Roger Goodell is?
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