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All of the users are spelled using their first and last name with a space between: Roger Goodell, John Harbaugh, etc.

I will get the rules posted after the superbowl party. The basic thing is if you are within the next 16 picks or so, submit your top-5 to Roger Goodell by PM. If you're online for your pick, you can make it, otherwise we use your list so we can keep rolling through. It's how we managed to get through the draft last year.
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Last year Roger was a self centered mama's boy who would act out of spite and take away picks for no reason at all, while his yes man underlings joked and tittered and drank root beer..
Dang Eli tist Prick. :biggrin:
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We need a baltimore... any takers?

If no one steps up, I could take over their organization, trade Flacco away for a first and turn the reins over to their real QB :p
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1) If you see any errors, please point them out. With the rotating picks and trades, it's easy to mix up a spot along the way.

2) If a real-life trade takes place, please post it on here and we'll decide whether to use it for our draft.
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I have some Baltimore roots and would take the draft for the Edgar Allen Poe fowl who is best known for instigating the distress and dissent into madness of one who has lost his true love. But, this year only and nevermore.
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stowfan;1397961; said:
We are all no doubt impressed with your literary acumen, the question is; do you know anything about football?:biggrin:

Sorry for the OT venture into this perverse conflict between a desire to forget and a desire to remember, but can't think of a better way to express the levels of frustration us Brown's fans feel.
BTW, just talked with Phil Savage and he assured me that it is not necessary to know anything about football, the knowledge of several Dead Poets was all the Browns required to participate in the NFL draft. Are you suggesting that BP mock draft has other standards? :biggrin:
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gracelhink;1398074; said:
BTW, just talked with Phil Savage and he assured me that it is not necessary to know anything about football to participate in the NFL draft. :biggrin:

That's a relief. If football knowledge was a pre-requisite to participating, Roger Goodell would be looking for a new BP-GM of the Rams.
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No we didn't... we have a baltimore now so we could get started on monday (unless folks want to start now). Might be easier to get everyone rounded up for the start of the week.
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